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Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2003

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:07:22 to collection F 9/21/2013

France - Artist Mario Prassinos (abstract artist, graphic artist, etc.).

England - The parade of NATO warships in Southampton.

Present royal family. (In the tie with the 20th anniversary of NATO).

England - Testing a new fire extinguisher (simulated fire at the airport).

OAR - Completion Tour Heyrdala papyrus boat "Ra".

Italy - Religious Feast of St.

Ubaldo in Gubbio.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2004

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:33 to collection F 9/21/2013

Tunisia - The Soviet pavilion at the XIV International Fair in Tunisia.

Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2008

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News, 9 footages, Duration: 0:11:35 to collection F 9/21/2013

Austria - the Signing of an agreement on cultural exchange between the USSR and Austria.

Yugoslavia - the Visit of Minister of foreign Affairs of Italy Pietro Kenny, meeting with Tito, etc.

GDR - the second Congress of women GDR.

GDR - Citizens of Germany on trips to Berlin, the views of the city.

GDR - Reception in honor of participants of the World peace Council in the State Council of the GDR.

GDR - Day of solidarity with Vietnam in the city of Aschersleben.

North Korea - a Rally in Pyongyang in support of the Provisional revolutionary government of the Republic of South Vietnam.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2009

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:11:38 to collection F 9/21/2013

Bulgaria - Second of June - Day of Remembrance of the fighters against the Ottoman yoke of capitalism and fascism.

GDR - Reception at the Embassy of the USSR on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Friendship, mutual aid.

Hungary - "It was 50 years ago" - Annalistic material in 1919.

Hungary - "It was 50 years ago" - Annalistic material in 1919.

Czechoslovakia - The constituent meeting of the Union of Czech writers.

Romania - Visit Nicolae Ceausescu in Bucharest and other markets.

Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2013

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News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:11:05 to collection F 9/21/2013

Germany - Arrival in düsseldorf the plane with a seriously wounded Vietnamese children.

Germany - Rally revanchists (the Sudeten Germans) in Nuremberg.

Germany - "Operation Red point", the protest movement against rising prices on public transportation in Heidelberg.

Thailand - Technical and financial assistance of Germany to Thailand.

GDR - a Celebration of young people in Karl-Marx-Stadt.

GDR - Report from the ancient city of Pirna.

Romania - the Story to the children's Day 1st June.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2014

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:08:08 to collection F 9/21/2013

Germany and France - 25th anniversary of the landing of British and American troops in Normandy.

Switzerland - Pope Paul VI in Geneva.

Germany - Minister Strauss was present at the demonstration of a new form for flight attendants.

Germany - the Congress party HSU in Munich.

Germany - the Congress and exhibition of posters in Munich.

Germany - the Congress party FDP (free democratic party) in nürnberg.

Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2015

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News, 9 footages, Duration: 0:07:46 to collection F 9/21/2013

England - demonstration of a new means for fighting fires at the airport.

USA - launching of the ship-hunter submarines, named in honor of the deceased Prime Minister of Australia G. Holt.

France - international air show in Le Bourget.

Germany - Military parade in Nuremberg in honor of the 20th anniversary of NATO.

Holland Parade of military orchestras of different countries in Arnhem in honor of the 20th anniversary of NATO.

England - Prince Charles on parade, the Royal regiment of Wales.

USA - preparing for the flight to the moon.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2016

Title image

News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:07:55 to collection F 9/21/2013

Czechoslovakia-Ene Fock's visit to Prague.

Poland-Meeting of G. Husak with V. Gomulka in Warsaw.

Czechoslovakia-Departure of the delegation of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia headed by G. Gusak to Moscow.

Launch of a space rocket.


Czechoslovakia-Fashion show.

Australia-Competitions" on water skiing " barefoot.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2017

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News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:25:40 to collection F 9/21/2013

DRV-may day rally in Hanoi.

South Vietnam - Heavy fighting near the Cambodian border.

South Vietnam, Saigon-Destruction from a rocket explosion.

Zambia-Conference of heads of 14 African States in Lusaka.

Congo, Brazzaville-presentation of diplomas by the Ambassador of the USSR.

Of the Congo, Kinshasa - the Visit of President Mobutu in the Central province.

USA, Kettering-Destruction in the state of Ohio as a result of a tornado.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2020

Title image

News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:22:20 to collection F 9/21/2013

DRV-The DRV Air Force remains on alert despite the suspension of American bombing operations.

South Vietnam - USS New Jersey during operations in the Gulf of Tonkin.

USA - Correction of the course of the space station "Mariner-7".

USA-Joining the Apollo 11 spacecraft to the Saturn rocket.

USA-Chronicle material about the commander of the Apollo 10 spacecraft Thomas Stafford (before the Apollo 10 flight).

USA-Training of the crew of the Apollo 10 spacecraft.

USA-Student unrest at Harvard and Kent Universities.
