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Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2757

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News, 9 footages, Duration: 0:10:29 to collection F 9/21/2013

Bulgaria - New civil airport in Burgas.

France - Aerial acrobatics on an aircraft carrier In Le Bourget.

France - Construction of a new Parisian airfield in Roissy (Charles de Gaulle).

Bulgaria - Soviet Tu-144 plane in Sofia.

Meeting AN Tupolev.

Hungary - Training of soldiers of the Hungarian People's Army in mountainous conditions.

Australia - Transport of new cars with helicopters.


Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2758

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:09:48 to collection F 9/21/2013

England, Berkeley, the European championship in equestrian eventing, the winner in the individual competition Princess Anna.

West Berlin - trotting races, 76th international Derby.

Germany - the Traditional competition of shepherds and their children, running for 300 meters barefoot on a mown field.

France - the ending of superiority of the ancient knightly tournaments in Givori near Lyon, the fights are held on boats.

Germany - Olympic ceremonial centre in Kiel-Schilksee.

Germany - international exhibition of plastic, "houses of the future".

Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2759

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:11:38 to collection F 9/21/2013

DRV - Chronicle article to the 26th anniversary of the DRV.

Czechoslovakia - the Presentation of awards to the figures of the Czech and Slovak culture in the House of Soviet culture in Prague.

Czechoslovakia - Reception of Sergei Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva and demonstration of the film "Waterloo".

Czechoslovakia - Exhibition in Prague in honor of the 27th anniversary of the Slovak national uprising.

Czechoslovakia - 2nd national youth meeting in Soragna, speech by Gustav Husak.

Czechoslovakia - a Delegation of the National Assembly of the DRV in Bratislava and Prague.

Hungary - Leonid Brezhnev in Budapest.


Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2760

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:11:55 to collection F 9/21/2013

Bulgaria-Chronicle material for the 25th anniversary of the NRB.

Poland - The anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.

Japan-Prime Minister Sato at the ceremony of remembrance of the victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, student unrest during the ceremony.

GDR, USSR-The City of Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz), preparatory work on the square where the monument to Karl Marx by L. Kerbel will be installed; casting of the monument at the Leningrad Art Casting Plant.

Czechoslovakia - The 125000th anniversary Skoda car, made by order of the GDR.

Romania-Nicolae Ceausescu meets with a delegation of the Communist Party of Japan.

Romania-Nicolae Ceausescu receives a military delegation of the People's Republic of China.


Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2763

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:11:53 to collection F 9/21/2013

GDR - Special issue of the journal "Shop", dedicated to the Baltic Sea Week in Rostagno. (Russian version.

EDL not).

Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2767

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:16:57 to collection F 9/21/2013

DRV - Visit NV Podgorny (EDL in the Vietnamese language, without translation).

Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2770

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:10:15 to collection F 9/21/2013

South Vietnam, Saigon - A report during the election campaign for the lower house, whose main problems are war and corruption.

South Vietnam - Vice President Nguyen Cao Ki attends the funeral of a war veteran who committed suicide in protest against the exclusion of Ki's candidacy for the presidential election.

South Vietnam - Measures to protect President Thieu during a meeting with his election campaign commissioner.

South Vietnam, Saigon - Dispersal of an anti-government election rally and arrest of a candidate.

South Vietnam - Catholic students burn ballot papers and posters of the puppet president Thieu.

South Vietnam - Police battle with protesters against Thieu's re-election for a new presidential term.

South Vietnam - A demonstration of war veterans around bonfires in protest against the presidential election with one candidate.

Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2771

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:26:52 to collection F 9/21/2013

England, Northern Ireland - Unrest, clashes between residents and troops after a military truck crushed a boy.

England, London - Meeting of finance ministers of the Group of Ten (International Monetary Fund) during the global currency crisis.

France is the third exhibition of military equipment and weapons, a demonstration of equipment in action.

Venezuela - An international military parade in Carabobo in honor of the 159th anniversary of the battle that ended Spanish rule in Venezuela.

USA - Statement by White House Press Secretary Ziegler on Nixon's lifting of trade restrictions with China.

PRC - Interview with Prince Norodom Sihanouk, forecast of the course of events in Cambodia.

South Vietnam - American and Saigon troops in the area of the demilitarized zone near Da Nang.


Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2772

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News, 15 footages, Duration: 0:22:02 to collection F 9/21/2013

USA - An FBI representative interrogates Congressman McCloskey about secret Pentagon documents.

USA, Boston - Director Ellsberg, who handed over secret Pentagon documents to the American press, arrives at the federal courthouse to surrender, gives an interview, a demonstration outside the courthouse.

USA is a flying command center for the US President in case of a national emergency.

The United States is testing an unmanned aircraft for military use in the Middle East.

Japan - Joint US-Japanese maneuvers in the Sea of Japan.

Antarctica - Whale hunting with a harpoon "Whale Song".

England - Rescue of three sailors from a sunken submarine.


Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2773

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News, 11 footages, Duration: 0:14:34 to collection F 9/21/2013

West Berlin - The Ambassadors of the USSR, the USA, England and France continue negotiations.

China - Meetings of Zhou Enlai with the French parliamentary delegation and with a group of American students.

Japan - Police battle with students and peasants protesting against the construction of the second Tokyo International Airport in Narvit.

South Vietnam is the election campaign of the puppet Vice President Nguyen Cao Ki.

Israel, Jordan - Palestinian guerrillas surrender to the Israelis.

Jordan - Palestinian guerrillas captured by Jordanian troops in the Jaraha area.

UAR - A representative of the Palestinian guerrillas speaks at a press conference in Cairo.
