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Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2907

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:21:30 to collection F 9/21/2013

England, Northern Ireland - Bomb blasts in Belfast, victims.

England, Northern Ireland - Funeral of 15 victims of the shooting in Londonderry.

DRV - Chronicle material about the US air raids on DRV, destruction, wounded (1967 and September 1971).

Africa - An overview of the events of 1971 in different countries.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2908

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:07:45 to collection F 9/21/2013

Bangladesh - A report from the liberated areas.

Traces of fighting.

Muhti-Bahini with weapons.

The introduction of the civil administration.

Bangladesh - Sheikh M. Rahman Returns to his homeland, a solemn meeting in Dhaka.

Meeting M. Rahman and his family.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2909

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:10:42 to collection F 9/21/2013

Poland - the Plenary of the Committee of the national front for the unity of the people, devoted to the beginning of campaign for elections to the Sejm PNRM.

GDR - Report with an open border between the GDR and Poland, tourists etc.

Hungary - visit the party and government delegation of the GDR led by Erich Honecker.

Hungary - the story of the production of the famous Tokaj wine.

DRV - Visit of the Hungarian party and government delegation headed by Jeno Fock, report on Hanoi.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2910

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:10:44 to collection F 9/21/2013

North Korea - Arrive in Pyongyang two South Korean miners who were sold to West Germany as immigrants and their press conference.

Hungary - 15th anniversary of the national teams - Newsreel about the creation of the first teams.

Top vigilantes.



Cuba - Reporting on the country.

GDR - Soldiers of the National People's Army of the GDR are deployed on the western border.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2912

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:11:20 to collection F 9/21/2013

Germany - Annalistic material about the former Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard (his 75th birthday). [German] - "Headlines of the week" - headlines and photographs in the newspapers - Japanese sergeant, 28 years hiding in the jungles of Guam.

President Nixon proposed a peace plan "of Vietnam.

The growth in gasoline prices in Germany.

Niger and Chad - The visit of French President Georges Pompidou.

Azores - Meeting with Richard Nixon Georges Pompidou.

Germany - The opening of the route Moscow-Frankfurt-on-Main. .

India - Tractor factory near Delhi, built by Polish specialists. .


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2913

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:11:38 to collection F 9/21/2013

Czechoslovakia - Meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty in Prague.

Czechoslovakia - Departure from Prague delegations of the USSR and other countries of the Warsaw Treaty. .

Romania - Reception of Nicolae Ceausescu and JG Maurer Marshal of the Soviet Union II Jakubowski.

Romania - Nicolae Ceausescu in hunting with the heads of diplomatic missions.

Syria - The construction of the housing complex.

Bulgarian specialists on site.

Egypt - T. Zhivkov's visit to Cairo.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2915

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News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:24:58 to collection F 9/21/2013

Greece - The traditional religious ceremony of blessing water, where members of the junta cabinet are present, is accompanied by strict security measures.

Malta - La Valletta Bay, people on the beach, Lord Carrington's interview about England's intention to withdraw its troops from Malta.

Malta - The headquarters of the British troops, interviews of Maltese in connection with the upcoming withdrawal of British troops.

Malta - British servicemen and their families are preparing to leave, planes at the airfield, warships in the bay.

Malta, England - A demonstration in La Valletta in support of Prime Minister Mintoff's demand for the complete withdrawal of British troops by January 15, 1972, in England, a military unit is preparing to fly to Malta to assist in evacuation.

Malta - Joint actions of the British and Maltese air and naval forces to rescue the crew of a British helicopter, the families of British servicemen are preparing to leave.

Malta - The beginning of the evacuation of two thousand families of British servicemen.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2918

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:09:55 to collection F 9/21/2013

France - Fighting the flu. [France]

Italy - A mass demonstration in Rome against the attempts of revival of fascism.

Czechoslovakia - The oil pipeline "Druzhba". (The 10th anniversary of the pipeline).

USSR - Chronicle article about the Czechoslovak Corps in the USSR. (The 30th anniversary of the building).

Czechoslovakia - The streets of Bratislava.

Projects Monument to the Heroes of the Slovak National Uprising.

Czechoslovakia - Plenum of the Union of Socialist Youth.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2920

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:15:59 to collection F 9/21/2013

USA - plans for the UN building in new York.

The meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Belgium - the headquarters of NATO in Brussels.

The delegation of the GDR in Brussels to explore the city, lays a wreath at the monument to the heroes of the Belgian resistance.

Belgium - Preparatory meeting for the summit on European security issues.

Speeches of representatives of the USSR, East Germany etc.

Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, USSR, Poland, West Berlin, GDR - a Meeting of the Political consultative Committee of the countries members of the Warsaw Pact in Prague and the most important event of the year in European international politics

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2921

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News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:26:49 to collection F 9/21/2013

USA - Arrival of Japanese Prime Minister Sato, R. Nixon's statement on the negotiations.

USA - The end of Nixon's meeting with Sato, R. Nixon's statement on the negotiations.

Spain - The police battle with students during the unrest at the University of Madrid.

England - Interview with Lord Carrington about the possibility of an agreement with the Prime Minister of Malta Mintoff.

Switzerland - Negotiations of representatives of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries with Western oil companies.

Ivory Coast - Ghana's border is closed after a military coup in Ghana.

Southern Rhodesia, Salisbury - The arrival of the British Commission of Lord Pierce and the demonstration of Africans, chronicle material 1964-1969 about the African leaders Sitole and Nkomo.
