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Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3364

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News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:25:41 to collection F 6/18/2013

England, Northern Ireland - A bomb explosion at a hotel in the center of Belfast, an English soldier manages to escape.

China - Mobutu inspects the Great Wall of China and the tombs of the Ming Dynasty, signing an agreement on trade and cooperation.

Japan - A demonstration in Tokyo against the Vietnam War, in connection with Nixon's accession to the post of US president for a second term.

France - Speeches by Chan Van Lam and Nguyen Thi Binh to the press about the terms of the peace agreement in Vietnam.

South Vietnam - Report from Saigon before the signing of the agreement to end the Vietnam War.

South Vietnam - The reaction in Saigon to the announcement of the upcoming signing of the agreement.

South Vietnam - A report from Saigon at the hour of the entry into force of the agreement on the cessation of war.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3365

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News, 14 footages, Duration: 0:18:31 to collection F 6/18/2013

Laos-Arrival of the military delegations of the DRV and the VRPRUV in Vietnam on the way from Paris to Saigon.

DRV-Life in Hanoi is normalized after the cessation of US air raids.

South Vietnam-The puppet President Thieu instructs the police to prepare for a political war after the end of the Vietnam War.

US and France-Press conference of Kissinger and Le Duc Tho after the talks in Paris.

France-Press conference of Le Duc Tho and Chan Van Lam in Paris.

France-Arrival of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DRV Nguyen Duy Chinh in Paris for the signing of the agreement.

France-The heads of the delegations of the DRV and the GRPRUV give a joint reception in Paris after the signing of the agreement.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3366

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:12:01 to collection F 6/18/2013

Iceland-The eruption of a volcano and its consequences.

England-Falling prices on the London Stock Exchange.

Belgium - The fifth day of the strike of oil industry workers.

Italy-A strike (demonstration) of students of the University of Rome in connection with the unrest at the University of Milan, during which one student was killed.

Tanzania-A protest rally in connection with the murder of Amilkar Cabral.

Chile-Mass pre-election demonstration and rally of supporters of the opposition ("right") The National Party in Santiago.

Chile-A rally of thousands, ending the campaign campaign of the Popular Unity Front.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3373

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:11:25 to collection F 6/18/2013

Hungary - the History of Chain bridge over the Danube in Budapest.

Repair of bridge and tunnel.

Hungary - March 8 - Exhibition (female).

Yugoslavia - the Opening of a memorial, exhibition and monument to the writer-partisan V. Nagor in Zagreb.

Yugoslavia - Meeting of the Executive Bureau of the UCC on Brijuni.

Yugoslavia - Tito receives a delegation of the popular movement for the liberation of Angola led by Agostinho Neto.

Yugoslavia - 400-anniversary of the uprising of the peasants in Croatia and Slovenia: an exhibition in Zagreb.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3379

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:11:51 to collection F 6/18/2013

Germany, England - visit Heath in Bonn.

Meeting with Brandt.

Tourists in London.

India - Delhi parade on Independence Day.

India - Ancient temples in the rocks and caves of Ajanta.

The cult of the cow.

India - The early completion of the output operation of Indian troops from Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3382

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:10:37 to collection F 6/18/2013

France - Elections to the Parliament.

France - The problem of the construction of the motorway on the left bank of the Seine and the preservation of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.

Interview a number of people.

Young people on the banks of the Seine.

Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3392

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:12:38 to collection F 6/18/2013

India - Republic Day.

India - Visit of Chairman of the Executive Council of Yugoslavia D.Biedicha.

Meeting with Indira Gandhi and others

Sri Lanka - Visit D.Biedicha.

Meetings with S.Bandaranaike etc.

The city of Colombo.

Lebanon - Beirut - a city of contrasts.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3398

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:12:12 to collection F 6/18/2013

England - the Strike on the Railways.

Italy - Demonstration of labor unions.

Yugoslavia - The Visit Of Brandt.

Arrival in Belgrade.

The laying of wreaths.

West Berlin - the harsh living conditions of foreign workers.

Fight the landlord with the operator during the filming.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3405

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:06:14 to collection F 6/18/2013

Israel - The plot dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the State of Israel. - Annalistic material.

Military parade.

Germany - The plot of the series "Criminal Police 'Choice - About Child Abuse.

Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3409

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News, 21 footages, Duration: 0:26:28 to collection F 6/18/2013

USA - Army tests new "transition paths" made of plastic to go through a minefield. .

India - A military parade in honor of the 23rd anniversary of the proclamation of the republic. .

Lebanon - Army demonstrates the firepower of the newly purchased tanks. .

England - The RAF get a new "house of peace" to reduce noise when testing jet engines. .

England (North

Ireland) - New explosions of bombs in Belfast.

Italy - Thousands "noisy" demonstration of workers - metal, requiring a new labor contract, in Rome.
