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Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3608

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News, 4 footages, Duration: 0:10:50 to collection F 6/18/2013

USSR-Flight of the Soyuz-12 spacecraft.

Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3609

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News, 14 footages, Duration: 0:26:53 to collection F 6/18/2013

The border of Syria and Egypt - Members mass march Libyans - the advocates of immediate union with Egypt, Libya cross the Egyptian border.


Egypt - Celebrating the 21 th anniversary of the 1952 Revolution.

Speech by Sadat.

Algeria - The agrarian revolution in the country: the ceremony of awarding mandates peasants to own land (1972), the construction of a new model village, work in the fields, harvesting (1973).

Japan - A fight in parliament during the discussion on the increase of Japanese "defense forces".

Dubai (United Arab Emirates) - The armed terrorists to hijack a Japanese plane, demand and receive the conditioned air in the plane.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3610

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News, 18 footages, Duration: 0:26:34 to collection F 6/18/2013

Argentina-General Peron denounces extremism and violence during a visit to the General Labour Conference.

Chile - A strike of truck owners, queues for fuel, interruptions in the work of urban transport.

Belgium-Negotiations between representatives of the EEC countries and 43 developing countries in Brussels.

Italy-Police surround Rome's Regina Celi prison during an uprising of 500 prisoners.

England, Northern Ireland-British troops are taking strict security measures in Belfast on the first anniversary of "bloody Friday".

England, Northern Ireland-Troops disperse demonstrators and a rally of the Catholic People's Democratic Organization in Belfast.

Greece - A report from Athens before the referendum.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3611

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:27:21 to collection F 6/18/2013

Cambodia - Phnom Penh movement of troops in the town of Samrong-Jong, beleaguered forces of the Liberation.

Cambodia - Phnom Penh troops are fighting in the suburbs of Phnom Penh.

Cambodia - Phnom Penh Fierce fighting troops in the area of ​​Phnom Penh.

Cambodia - Phnom Penh army soldiers fired from a new rocket launcher across the river Bossak.

China - The first shot of the Beijing Metro.

Israel - Demonstration of a new air-to-air missiles made in Israel.

Israel - New gunboats built in Israel, the maneuvers.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3612

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News, 21 footages, Duration: 0:25:17 to collection F 6/18/2013

Libya-A burning Japanese plane was blown up by hijacked terrorists at the Benghazi airport.

Chile-Salvador Allende at the funeral of his aide-de-camp, Captain Arturo Araya.

USA-Testing of the first orbital space station "Skylab" , training of astronauts.

USA-Transportation of the space station "Skylab" to the launch pad.

USA-Tests of the Cheyenne helicopter for military purposes.

USA, Oklahoma-The uprising in the prison of the city of McAlester (McAlester), a burning prison.

USA-The largest rock music festival attracts up to 600 thousand fans.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3614

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News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:28:00 to collection F 6/18/2013

Syria-Israeli aircraft takes out an oil processing plant and a power plant, but suffers losses from missiles.

Cambodia-The resumption of fighting on road No. 1, the actions of US bombers, refugees, the Prime Minister of the Phnom Penh regime In Tam.

Japan - the 28th anniversary of the explosion of a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima.

Iran-Newsreel 1971-1972: training troops to protect the Canadian contingent of the ceasefire Commission in South Vietnam, the Shah takes a parade of troops.

Nepal-A large group of Japanese climbers is preparing to climb Mount Everest.

Chile-Unrest in Santiago due to a strike by truck owners, President Allende.

Argentina-The Congress of the Peronist Party elects Peron as a candidate for the post of president.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3616

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News, 13 footages, Duration: 0:17:51 to collection F 6/18/2013

USA-A rehearsal of the countdown on the Saturn rocket, which is supposed to put the Skylab space station into orbit.

USA-The Saturn-5 rocket on the launch pad, an interview with cosmonaut Joseph Kerwin about the delay in departure and the shortening of the flight time of the Skylab crew.

USA-Scientists release natural gas by exploding a nuclear device underground.

USA - A new hydroplane with a jet engine.

England and the Atlantic Ocean-A British warship and tugs are assisting a British trawler damaged during a shelling from an Icelandic gunboat, Douglas-Hume interview.

Turkey - Meeting of the NATO Nuclear Planning Group in Ankara.

CHINA-Newsreel 1966: the test of a nuclear device of the People's Republic of China (to the report on the test of a large nuclear device in the People's Republic of China in June 1973).


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3617

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News, 12 footages, Duration: 0:18:23 to collection F 6/18/2013

Australia - an Australian warship leaves Sydney for the French nuclear test area.

Different countries - Nuclear tests and protests against them, newsreel 1968-1973 for the upcoming tests of France in the area of Mururoa Atoll.

Cambodia - troops of the Phnom Penh regime are using new large-caliber guns and F-III fighter - bombers in the battle for the strategically important village of Phnom BaseT.

Israel - parade of the Israeli air force with the participation of graduates of flight schools.

Malagasy Republic - French troops are preparing to leave 13 years after Madagascar declared independence.

Mozambique - newsreel 1970 - the advance of Portuguese troops in the border areas near Tanzania and Zambia, to the report of the mass murder of residents of the Mozambican village of Viriyamu by Portuguese soldiers.

USA - Skylab astronauts prepare for the second "space walk" and demonstrate the alarm system.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3618

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News, 20 footages, Duration: 0:24:46 to collection F 6/18/2013

Greece - Athens airport returns to normal operations after a terrorist attack.

England, Northern Ireland, Belfast - A battle between British soldiers and young people during a protest against internment.

England, Northern Ireland, Belfast - A car bomb explosion after a police chase.

England - The disaster of a tanker that ran aground off the coast of Wales.

England is a demonstration flight of the first super train in England, developing a speed of 217 km/h.

Denmark - Demonstration and protest rally at the court building in Hadsund, where the trial of nine strikers begins.

Germany - Negotiations of the FRELIMO delegation with representatives of the German government in Bonn.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3622

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:04 to collection F 6/18/2013

Yugoslavia - Special edition chronicles devoted to the visit of Gustav Husak (CSSR) in Yugoslavia.