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Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3735

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News, 18 footages, Duration: 0:33:42 to collection F 6/18/2013

Switzerland-The opening of the second stage of the meeting on European Security and Cooperation in Geneva.

USA ( UN) - Opening of the XXVIII session of the UN General Assembly, the admission of the GDR, Germany and the Bahamas to the UN.

Chile-Reporting from Santiago during the coup.

Chile-A report from Santiago a few days after the coup.

Chile-The release of a group of prisoners from a prison camp at a football stadium in Santiago, two Englishmen talk about the mistreatment of prisoners.

USA-The Anglo-French supersonic airliner "Concorde" lands in the United States for the first time.

Ghana-A military parade in Accra on the second anniversary of the coup of Colonel Acheampong.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3736

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News, 15 footages, Duration: 0:24:07 to collection F 6/18/2013

Cambodia - Actions of the Lonnolov troops on road No. 4.

China is a table tennis tournament of three continents in Beijing.

Japan - A Japanese court declares Japanese self-defense units illegal.

USA - The oath of the new CIA chief Colby.

Chile - Funeral of a driver shot dead by police during a truck drivers' strike (before the coup).

Chile - Report from Santiago before the coup.

Brazil - Construction of a new bridge between Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3738

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:12:14 to collection F 6/18/2013

Czechoslovakia - The visit of the President of the State Council PNRM. G. Jablonski in Prague.

Czechoslovakia - G. Jablonski in Bratislava.

Czechoslovakia - Soviet film premiere of "Hot Snow" in Prague.

Czechoslovakia - Willy Brandt and Walter Scheel in Prague.

The signing of the agreement between Czechoslovakia and Germany.

Yugoslavia - The visit of Gaddafi.

Meeting with Tito.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3740

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:12:59 to collection F 6/18/2013

Czechoslovakia - D. Biedicha visit to Prague.

Czechoslovakia - the 15th anniversary of the journal "Problems of Peace and Socialism."

Czechoslovakia - Inaugural Meeting of the 56th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Bulgaria - Demonstration in Sofia in honor of the 56th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Prince's material about the Soviet-Bulgarian friendship.

Yugoslavia - Meetings chaired by Bryony Tito.

Tito presenting awards.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3741

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:10:52 to collection F 6/18/2013

Yugoslavia - The visit of Emperor Haile Selassie.

Meeting with President of Yugoslavia I.B.Tito.

Seeing at the airport.

Bulgaria - The 46th meeting of the Commission of CMEA on Transport in Sofia.

Central dispatch service Sophia rail passenger management, created by Soviet specialists.

Sofia Airport.

The Tu-134 of airline "Aeroflot" on the airfield.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3742

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:10:56 to collection F 6/18/2013

Denmark, Belgium - The Conference of Heads of State and Government of the EEC and Copenhagen.

The meeting of foreign ministers of NATO in Brussels.

Kuwait - The plane hijacked by terrorists from Rome, at the airport.

The victims of the terrorists.

Austria - The response to the terrorist seizure of hostages - five Jewish emigrants from the Soviet Union and the two customs officers.

Austria - The visit of Soviet parliamentary delegation - Visiting Parliament.

Austria - G.Meir talks in Vienna.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3744

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:46 to collection F 6/18/2013

Japan - Oil crisis - Small businesses facing the threat of bankruptcy.

Taxi drivers are without work.

Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3746

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:08:40 to collection F 6/18/2013

Spain - The trial of 16 Basque partisans in Burgas.

Spain - Police make arrests in Bilbao, fearing possible Basque demonstrations.

Spain - The clash of students of the University of Madrid with the police.

Spain - Bullfighting in Madrid (to a possible strike of bullfighters because of the tax system).

Spain - Police clash with demonstrators in Madrid and arrests of demonstrators.

Spain - A gathering of Karmists in Estella in protest against the candidacy of Prince Juan Carlos.

Spain - The oath of Admiral Carrero Blanco upon assuming the post of Prime Minister, Franco at the ceremony.

Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3749

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:27:53 to collection F 6/18/2013

Argentina - Peron's victory in the presidential election.

Brazil-President Medici opens a new dam on the Paraná River.

USA - A. A. Gromyko's speech at the session of the UN General Assembly with a proposal to reduce the military expenditures of the five great powers by 10%.

USA-Speech by the representative of Bahrain at the UN General Assembly session on the situation in the Middle East.

USA-President Nixon announces the separation of Arab and Israeli troops in the Middle East.

USA-The House Judiciary Committee continues to investigate the possibility of indicting President Nixon.

Iceland-An incident at sea, the collision of a British frigate with an Icelandic gunboat.


Mission Control Center station "Mir". (1994 - 1998)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:18:58 to collection R 6/17/2013

Experts and representatives of ESA and the guests at MCC orbital space station "Mir" on the screens of monitors watching the docking of the American space shuttle "Shuttle," the station "Mir".

Conversation with the astronauts.