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Dutch tulips in Moscow. (1996 - 1997)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:55 to collection R 5/14/2013

Moscow region, village Klyazma.

Dutch tulips are blooming in the yard.

Tulips are large, and many varieties of frames.

Florist is on the court with a bouquet of tulips.

Vyacheslav Hondyrev, head of the farm, Florist -

the secrets of breeding tulips (synchronously).

Beautiful tulips in large, panoramic.


ASEAN and Russia. (1997)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:25:01 to collection R 5/14/2013

Study, interviews.

Grigory B. Karasin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation -

the interests of Russia in Asia, about the states of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN);

recent visit to Russia, President of the Philippines Fidel Ramos Valdosa;

on scientific and economic cooperation (synchronous).

Study, interviews.

Prokhorovich Alexander Losyukov, Director of the 2nd Department of Asian Affairs of Russia,


Anthropologist Galina Lebedinskaya in workshop. (1995 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:22:29 to collection R 5/14/2013


The skull on the table, big.

On the shelves of sculpted heads of people, a lot of frames.

GV Lebedinskaya makes image reconstruction materials

Excavations of A. Wexler on Manezh Square.

Galina V. Lebedinskaya, Ph.D.,

researcher at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS - about their work;


Rewarding employees of internal affairs. (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:18:15 to collection R 5/14/2013

Participants in the ceremony in the hall.

The chairman of the Department for Relations with the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies, Bishop Savva of Krasnogorsk.

Presenting on behalf of Patriarch Alexy II of internal affairs of diplomas and awards for the prevention and detection of crimes against the church property.

Law enforcement officials send priests icon.

Shoot photographers.

Awarded law enforcement officers in the room.

Choir sings, the portrait of Patriarch Alexy II on the wall.


Debts CIS Russia. (1995 - 1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:10:05 to collection R 5/14/2013

Vadim V. Kissin, Deputy Minister

Cooperation with the CIS states, -

the debts of CIS countries Russia and the different categories of debts;

history of technical credits;

the relationship of the creditor country with debtor countries;

the risks and responsibilities of the state to businesses (synchronously).

Paper on the table large.

VIII Congress of People's Deputies. (1993)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:43 to collection R 5/14/2013

Grand Kremlin Palace.

VIII Congress of People's Deputies.

Preparing for IX (Extraordinary) Congress of People's Deputies.

Ruslan Khasbulatov, the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation -

Blunders of Yeltsin, president of the return to the constitutional field (synchronous).


MPs walk around the room, gather groups, make noise.


Vegetables, spices. (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:20 to collection R 5/14/2013

At such large products.

Olives, green tea, spices, nuts, onions, garlic.

Production Association "Colossus". (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:38 to collection R 5/14/2013


On the shelves of samples of JSC "Colossus."

The employee union of crisp with different flavors;

of frozen potato products, on food additives (synchronously).

Package "Soup holiday" large.

Shop "Colossus", the addressing plan and signs.

Shelves with goods.


Fitness equipment. (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:18:12 to collection R 5/14/2013


The girl in sportswear is engaged in various simulators.

Machine is a lot of shots.

Man in top form shakes the leg muscles.

The girl shakes her hand.

Specialists of the Institute of the invention of the magnetic fluid in the simulator (with the Institute of steel);

of the magnetic coupling, the benefits of the simulator (synchronously).

Interview with a member of circuit racing trucks. (1990 - 1999)

Title image

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:22:38 to collection R 5/14/2013


Corporate flag on the wall of the American company «CAT»

(The production of diesel engines.)

Interview with an amateur rider Andrey Kravtsov,

party circuit race on trucks

marketing manager of the company "Novotrak» (Novotruck).

It's about racing trucks to survival; passage of the route;
