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Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3059

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:40 to collection F 4/27/2013


Berlin - In printing printed Olympic brand.

Germany - Olympic fashion - Demonstration fashion in Munich.

Germany - Transport problems in Munich (Preparing for the Olympic Games).

Germany - Football match teams of Germany and the Soviet Union at the new Munich stadium.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3062

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News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection F 4/27/2013

Poland - The visit of U.S. President Richard Nixon sheet no) Poland - Nixon in Warsaw.


Berlin - The signing of the Final Protocol quadripartite agreement on West Berlin (AA Gromyko, etc.).

Germany - AA Meeting Gromyko and Willy Brandt and Walter Scheel.

USSR, Poland, Germany, Zap.

Berlin - Nixon's visit to Moscow and Warsaw.

Ratification of treaties of Germany and the USSR and Poland.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3067

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:12:01 to collection F 4/27/2013

GDR - Report from Berlin/

Polsha - Meeting of the asset in Warsaw.

Acts E.Gerek

Poland - Young people in the dance hall (modern rhythms)

Poland - Meeting of the inhabitants of the border towns of William Peak-Stadt (Gubin) - GDR and Gubin (Poland).

Holiday, various competitions.

Youth, children on holiday.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3068

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News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:11:31 to collection F 4/27/2013

Romania, Yugoslavia - the Grand opening of the hydrotechnical complex Iron gates on the Danube.

Romania - Construction plant spectacula in Tylosine.

Yugoslavia - New car factory "Zastava", Kragujevac; cooperation with Poland, USSR, Hungary.

Czechoslovakia - East Slovak ironworks in Kosice, new shop welding of pipes for the Soviet Union.

Czechoslovakia - Construction of the dam on the river Vah in Marawila-Mar.

Czechoslovakia Gustav Husak opens the first barrage on Zelivka.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3070

Title image

News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:10:17 to collection F 4/27/2013

Poland - International Book Fair in Warsaw (the International Year of the book) Poland - Book Bazaar in Warsaw

Poland - Marc Chagall exhibition charts in Warsaw

England - The exhibition of treasures from the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun in London.

Hungary - Hungarian (Budapeshskaya) V International Fair 1972.

Exposure of Hungary, the USSR and other countries.

Netherlands - Soviet industrial exhibition in Amsterdam.

Italy - Broken Michelangelo "Pieta" in the Vatican.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3071

Title image

News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:07:55 to collection F 4/27/2013

Poland - Speech by the English Ballet Rambert in Lodz (Modernist Ballet).

USA - Awarding an Oscar prize to Ch.

Chaplin in Los Angeles.

Czechoslovakia - Music Festival "Prague Spring" - Performance of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by D. Oistrakh.

Czechoslovakia - Performance of violinists G. Shering and J. Sun at the festival "Prague Spring".

France - Cannes Film Festival.

Filming with Belmondo.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3078

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News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:26:15 to collection F 4/27/2013

South Vietnam-The city of Hue, newsreel 1968-1972, fighting, refugees, destruction, puppet troops are preparing for new battles.

South Vietnam - The "Vietnamization" of the War, newsreel 1968-1972.

South Vietnam-Fighting for the besieged city of Anlok.

South Vietnam-The movement of Saigon troops on the highway, refugees on the road.

South Vietnam-The" Rangers " of the puppet army withdraw to the perimeter of Kontum in anticipation of an attack by the liberation forces.

South Vietnam-The fire of the new market in Hue, the flow of refugees to the south continues.

South Vietnam-Puppet troops prepare to defend the city of Hue, President Thieu in Hue.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3080

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:21 to collection F 4/27/2013

USA - Angela Davis celebrates his defense.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3085

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:06:56 to collection F 4/27/2013

Bulgaria - International Conference "Georgi Dimitrov and combining the revolutionary and democratic forces for peace, democracy and socialism."

Bulgaria - The opening of a new exhibition in the Museum of Dimitrov.

Bulgaria, USSR - A fragment of a new documentary film "Call", dedicated to the life and work of Dimitrov.

Bulgaria - Dimitrov working day in Sofia.

Bulgaria - Installation of transmission lines USSR - Bulgaria.

Bulgaria - The harvest in the fields of cooperative agro-industrial complex of them. G. Dimitrov in Pleven District.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3088

Title image

News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:41 to collection F 4/27/2013

East Germany and the Soviet Union - Special edition dedicated to the Festival of friendship between youth of the GDR and the USSR in Leningrad.