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Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4324

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News, 18 footages, Duration: 0:26:26 to collection F 4/27/2013

England - Meeting of the Transport Workers' Union.

Ivory Coast - International Year of Women.

Belgium - Negotiations of NATO Defense Ministers.

Lebanon - Consultation of Prime Minister Karami with leaders of political groups on the formation of a new cabinet.

Portugal, Lisbon - A demonstration of socialists about the closure of the newspaper.

Italy - Tests of the current model of a new method of flood control in Venice.

Cameroon - Unity Day Parade in Yaounde.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4325

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News, 11 footages, Duration: 0:18:59 to collection F 4/27/2013

Lebanon, UN - Victims of a clash in the village of Anta Al-Shaab, a kilometer from the Israeli border.

Argentina - President Maria Estela Peron hosts a military parade on Independence Day.

France - Demonstration at the Paris Air Show in Le Bourget of Mirage F-1E (France) and F-16 (USA).

USA, New York - Meeting of the UN Security Council on the prohibition of arms supplies to South Africa.

Portugal, Lisbon - Opening of the First Constituent Assembly of Portugal, President K. Gomes speaks.

France - Testing of a new car with an engine on water and alcohol obtained from beetroot.

South Vietnam - Youth patrols on the streets of liberated Saigon.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4326

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:25:29 to collection F 4/27/2013

Senegal - The 4th Planning Conference.

Portugal, Lisbon - Prime Minister Vasco Goncalves returns from the NATO Heads of State conference.

China - The Romanian delegation visits Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in the hospital.

Yugoslavia - World Chess Champion A. Karpov, match with Portosh.

Laos - Evacuation of Americans and American equipment.

Thailand, Bangkok - Funeral and cremation of soldiers killed in battle.

Ethiopia is a story about drought and famine, nomads in a settled life.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4327

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News, 12 footages, Duration: 0:21:46 to collection F 4/27/2013

Malaysia-The arrival of Englishman Joe Bagner in Malaysia to prepare for the match with Muhammad Ali.

USSR-Press conference of Soviet and foreign journalists in the Star City before the flight of the Soyuz and Apollo.

Pakistan - Construction of the Tarbela Dam, surrounding villages.

France-Air show in Bourges, demonstration flights of various aircraft.

Italy, Milan-Demonstration and parade in memory of student Alberto Brizili and the anniversary of the anti-fascist demonstration.

Lebanon, Beirut-Press conference of the leader of the Falangist movement Pierre Gemayel.

Lebanon, Beirut-An exhibition for the press of Israeli weapons found on the territory of Lebanon.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4328

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:25:10 to collection F 4/27/2013

UN - UN Security Council meeting on June YUAR.3.

Greece - Arrival of President Sadat of Egypt to Greece.

Negotiations with Karmanlisom.

June 3, 1975

Lebanon - Security measures for the prevention of collisions political rivals.

Ivory Coast - West African transport ministers are discussing the creation of an integrated transport system.

Mauritania - Arrivals Kim Il Sung of Korea (DPRK) to Mauritania for talks.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4330

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News, 3 footages, Duration: 0:06:41 to collection F 4/27/2013

Austria - Arrival of U.S. President Ford and Egyptian President Sadat in Salzburg AG for negotiations.

France - Newsreels in Dyunkerne in connection with the 35th anniversary of the event.

DRV - Personnel 30-year war.

Recovery of Hanoi.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4333

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:51 to collection F 4/27/2013

GDR - the issue is devoted to the issue of housing GDR.

Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4349

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:09:37 to collection F 4/27/2013

Australia - Zoological and botanical gardens in Sydney and Melbourne.

Germany, Poland - Zoos of Cologne and Warsaw in the spring.

Holland - The construction of propeller blades for ship engines.

Austria - Vienna auction of art.

The plot of the dogs.

Racing of old cars.

Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4353

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News, 15 footages, Duration: 0:17:58 to collection F 4/27/2013

Portugal, Lisbon-The visit of the leader of Guinea-Bissau, Aristides Pereira, to Portugal as the leader of the former Portuguese African colony.

Portugal, Lisbon-The clash of "left" demonstrators with Catholics after the occupation of the radio station.

Portugal, Lisbon-The question of the future of the Socialist newspaper "Republic" remains open.

Portugal, Lisbon-Portugal's Supreme Revolutionary Council restricts the Constitutional Assembly and lashes out at" leftist " extremists.

Portugal, Lisbon-Mass rally of Socialists in support of multi-party democracy.

Portugal, Lisbon-The economy is on the verge of disaster.

Portugal, Lisbon-A demonstration of Maoists demanding the release of members of the organization from Cahias prison.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4358

Title image

News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:25:07 to collection F 4/27/2013

England - The first edition of the guide to the cemeteries of the country.

Egypt-Interview with President Sadat.

Germany, Bonn-Negotiations of the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Novikov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Genscher on trade development.

Spain, Madrid-Arrival of the UN Secretary-General K. Waldheim to discuss the problems of the Spanish Sahara.

Algeria-Arrival of the UN Secretary-General K. Waldheim to discuss the problems of the Spanish Sahara.

Morocco-Arrival of the UN Secretary-General K. Waldheim and negotiations with King Hassan to discuss the problems of the Spanish Sahara.

Gabon, Libreville-Opening of the OPEC Conference on Raw materials.
