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Лев Николаевич Толстой. (1909 - 1910)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:51 to collection G 4/3/2022

Проезжает тележный обоз, в одной из телег сидит Л.Н. Толстой.

Жена Толстого Софья Андреевна у конного экипажа перед отъездом в Москву.

Встреча Толстого на вокзале в Москве в сентябре 1909 года.

Толстой с супругой выходит из здания вокзала в Брянске.

Толстой и члены его семьи на привокзальной площади.

Конные экипажи въезжают в ворота дома в Хамовниках, в первом экипаже - Толстой с супругой.

Толстой и его супруга выходят из экипажа.


Парад в Берлине в честь 50-летия Гитлера. (1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:02 to collection G 4/3/2022

Асфальт Унтер-ден-Линден, усеянный цветами, Гитлер из автомобиля отвечает на приветствия жителей Берлина.

Штурмовики машут флажками со свастикой.

Гитлер, стоя в автомобиле, проезжает по Унтер-ден-Линден во время празднования своего 50-летия.

Жители Берлина на улицах приветствуют Гитлера, бегут к его автомобилю.

Вид части Унтер-ден-Линден во время проезда кортежа Гитлера (сверху).

Объезд Гитлером войск, выстроенных для парада (сверху).

Гитлер, стоя в автомобиле, объезжает войска.


Foreign newsreels 1964 № 1017

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:04:17 to collection F 4/1/2022

США. Лаборатория для тренировки космонавтов.

Foreign newsreels 1962 № 899

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News, 14 footages, Duration: 0:12:56 to collection F 4/1/2022

Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3729

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News, 18 footages, Duration: 0:27:44 to collection F 3/29/2022

England - The transfer of 750,000 British workers to a three-day job (temporary dismissal) in order to save energy.

England - An old steam tractor drives a factory.

Holland - A demonstration of motorcyclists in The Hague in protest against the government's decision on fuel rationing.

Sweden - Motorists save gasoline and use public transport before the introduction of fuel rationing.

Norway - The beginning of the trial of six people on charges of murdering an Arab waiter and spying for Israel.

Holland, Belgium, England, Italy, France - Armed guards and tanks patrol international airports to prevent guerrilla attacks.

India - Visit of the Soviet delegation headed by the Minister of Oil Industry V.D. Shashin, meeting with I. Gandhi.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 4076

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News, 21 footages, Duration: 0:30:50 to collection F 3/23/2022

USA - The victory of Republican Javits over Democrat Clark in the fight for a Senate seat from New York.

USA - The Middle American city of Peoria is a kind of "barometer" of the attitude of Americans to President Ford.

Italy - Kissinger in Rome, a protest demonstration against Kissinger's visit, a bomb explosion in the editorial office of an American newspaper.

Italy - Kissinger's speech at the opening of the World Food Conference in Rome.

England - Farmers clash with police during a protest against cattle imports and falling prices.

England - International Exhibition of trailers and camping in London.

Zambia - All-Africa Communication Workshop in Lusaka.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5830

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News, 1 part to collection F 3/21/2022

Rhodesia - Black soldiers sing, flag, soldiers shoot.

France - Street toilets for dogs in Paris.

Venezuela - Presidential elections, review 1974-1978.

Japan - Japanese Yamashita wins the international judo tournament.

Austria - Tennis.

USA, Washington - President Carter receives Tunisian Prime Minister Hedy Nouir at the White House.

Spain - A referendum on a new democratic constitution.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4212

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News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:26:34 to collection F 3/15/2022

Monaco - Preparation for the Grand Prix car race.

Thailand - Arrival of foreign journalists and diplomats from South Vietnam.

Jamaica - The arrival of the leaders of the African National Council for talks, a press conference, Muzareva and Bit Nou talk to journalists.

England is a new occupation of one of the "great train robbers" - selling flowers.

Germany - Newsreel 1956-1975, the main political and economic events.

Germany, Bonn - State elections in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Argentina - Conference of Cardinals, Bishops, Priests of Different Countries on Civil Rights.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 1942

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:24:44 to collection F 2/15/2022

Italy - XII Congress of the Italian Communist Party.

Constitutional crisis (coup). (1993)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 1:13:09 to collection R 1/27/2022

Pass the military on the street.

Appeal A.Makashova the White House.

Interview troops defected to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

Press conference for journalists R.I.Hasbulatova.

People cook outside on a fire outside the White House.

Slogans against the policies of Boris Yeltsin.

The Commission, in a building hit by fire, Parliamentary Library, in Conference Room of the White House.
