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Year of production from 1940 till 1945

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844 documents,

Battle for berlin. (1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:12:14 to collection G 7/16/2020

Soviet armored vehicles on the outskirts of Berlin.

Views of the sights and historic buildings of Berlin, damaged as a result of artillery shelling, aerial bombardment and street fighting.

View of the Brandenburg Gate, in front of them - burning ruins.

Gunners load rocket-propelled mortar shells with the inscription " On the Reichstag!".

Night bombardment of Berlin neighborhoods by Soviet rocket-propelled mortars.

Night street battles in the city, burning buildings, fires in city blocks.

Civilians on a burning street escape from the shelling.


Fascism in Europe. (1936 - 1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:53 to collection G 7/16/2020

Spanish falangists march through the city streets.

A crawler tractor with an anti-aircraft gun passes by.

The faces of the demonstrators in support of Franco.

Seeing off the phalangists at the train station.

Phalanx units march through the city streets.

The faces of women greeting falangists.

The parade of the Italian military unit, descending to Spain.


Stories about Stalin. (1930 - 1941)

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Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:29:49 to collection A 6/26/2020

Сталин И.В. и руководители партии и государства принимают подарки от депутатов в перерыве заседания 2-й сессии ВЦИК в феврале 1936 года.

Молотов В.М. выступает с речью, аплодирует.

Молотов В.М., Ворошилов К.Е., Каганович Л.М. и Сталин И.В. рассматривают один из подарков.

Вручение подарков одной из ударниц производства, за столом стоят Ворошилов, Сталин, Орджоникидзе Г.К., Микоян А.И. Каганович, Ворошилов и Молотов поздравляют ударницу.

Очередная ударница производства принимает поздравления руководителей партии и государства.

Вручение подарков депутатам-передовикам производства.

Микоян слушает одного из депутатов во время осмотра очередного подарка.


A visit to the people's Commissar Kuznetsov of the Northern fleet.The transfer of American cruisers of the Soviet Union. (1944)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:10:38 to collection A 6/25/2020

The Northern fleet, April, 1944.

Admiral Kuznetsov and his entourage on one of the ships of the Northern fleet.

Sea trials of the cruiser "Milox".

Statement by the commander of the Northern fleet, Admiral AG Golovko.

Weapons of the Caucasian front. (1943)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:27 to collection A 6/25/2020

American light tank "Stuart" on the training ranges are tested before sending to the front: tanks make complex turns and regroup.

Overcome obstacles, shoot.

Tankers rest in between exercises.

The commander of the turret T.

Vasiliev playing the harmonica, sitting on the armor of the tank, sitting next to his comrades.

One of the tankers was dancing on the armor.

The commanders of the tank units of the 191st tank brigade on the training ranges before exercise.


Maikop and Grozny. (1942)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:01 to collection A 6/25/2020

Ivan, 1942 Oil fields near Grozny.

Installation of anti-tank obstacles on the streets.

View homes with barricaded Windows.

The construction of fortifications on the streets and residents of the city.

Soviet tanks in the streets.

A fire at an oil refinery as a result of German air RAID on the city.

Maikop, 1942, the Liquidation of oil rigs and explosions of oil wells so that the German invaders were unable to use oil.

The crossing of the Soviet soldiers through the swamp. (1944)

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Footage, 4 footages, Duration: 0:01:49 to collection A 6/25/2020

2nd Baltic front, September 1944.

Soviet soldiers make the transition through the swamp.

Soldiers erect from the cloak-tents rafts and putting machine guns on them, carry them on a belt in water.

District Vastineet.

The command of the Central front. (1943)

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Footage, 11 footages, Duration: 0:03:02 to collection A 6/22/2020

Central front, July 1943. The members of the Military Council of the Central front at the observation point, the card, watching the progress of hostilities, attend the concert in the artillery division.

Among the members of the Military Council: General of the army K. K. Rokossovsky, the generals: M. D. Malinin, and V. I. Kazakov, S. I. Rudenko and others.

Infantry attack. (1944)

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Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:02:09 to collection A 6/22/2020

2nd Baltic front in July, 1944

The attack of infantry and tanks.

Medical operations in wartime conditions. (1943)

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Footage, 5 footages, Duration: 0:01:47 to collection A 6/22/2020

North-Caucasian front, the lower reaches of the Kuban in the area of the village

Urma, 11-12 June 1943, location 472 th medical battalion 389 th infantry division, 37 army of the North Caucasus front for the seriously wounded.

The interior and exterior of the tent-operating on the river.

The medic 2nd grade surgeon, candidate of medical Sciences Valentin V. Tomashevich, medic 3rd rank Avani Mamedovich Diasamidze, the senior surgical nurse Tatyana Pavlovna Kaplunova and voenfeldsher Nadezhda Konstantinovna Bondarenko operate Rossellini, Peter N. Morgunova.

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