of footages and news

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Year of production from 1940 till 1945

By types: News | Footages

844 documents,

G. K. Zhukov and K. K. Rokossovsky in Warsaw. (1945)

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Footage, 11 footages, Duration: 0:02:56 to collection A 5/21/2020

The guerrillas. (1942)

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Footage, 158 footages, Duration: 1:03:32 to collection A 5/21/2020

A detachment of partisans is walking through the forest on skis.

Guerrillas in camouflage suits cross the river on skis.

Materials on the film "the Berlin conference". (1945)

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Footage, 5 parts, Duration: 0:43:13 to collection A 4/6/2020

Гостиная во дворце Цецилиенхоф в дни проведения Потсдамской конференции.

Молотов В.М. госсекретарь США Бирнс Д., Трумэн Г., Сталин И.В. стоят на ступенях дворца Цецилиенхоф.

Лица Трумэна, Сталина, Бирнса и Молотова (панорама).

Newsreel of Nazi Germany. (1933 - 1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:14:38 to collection G 4/5/2020

Goebbels bypasses the formation of soldiers of the Hitler youth, the face of one of the boys.

Hitler during the last exit from the bunker in April 1945 congratulates Gard distinguished storm troopers, the Hitler youth, patted them on the shoulders.

Hitler talks with the admirals during the meeting at GHQ.

The face of a soldier of the SS division.

The attack is with a personal standard of Hitler.

Stormtroopers with standard.

SS officers with his hand in a Nazi salute during a parade.


The atrocities of the Hitlerites in the occupied territories. (1941 - 1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:46 to collection G 4/2/2020

German soldiers searched the children returning in the Warsaw ghetto, confiscated they found vegetables and products.

Police ghetto taking children and teenagers in cars for shipment to concentration camps.

Jews give birth to a special prison.

Sign a special prison in Warsaw for the detention of Jews in German and Polish.

The Jewish prisoners in jail

The face of one of the emaciated prisoners.

Comrades take the prisoner under the arms and lift from the floor to the bench.


Blitzkrieg 1941. (1941)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:08 to collection G 4/2/2020

Passing a column of German motorcyclists.

The item type of an artillery battery of the Wehrmacht, leading to the fire.

German motorcyclists during a stop on the road.

Broken Soviet howitzer on the road, next to burns crawler tractor.

Past the burning truck passing motorcyclists.

The two girls greeted the soldiers of the Wehrmacht with flowers.

A German convoy moves through the streets of the captured city.


The attack on the Kursk bulge. (1943)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:05 to collection G 4/1/2020

Soviet tanks during the offensive of the troops of the Steppe front at Kursk.

Duel of Soviet and German tanks.

Soviet and German tanks go into a frontal attack.

German self-propelled gun firing.

German tanker inspecting the area with binoculars, leaning out of the hatch.

Tank battles on the Steppe and Central fronts.

Shells and burning vehicles.


The Berlin (Potsdam) conference (Fragment d/f "the Berlin conference"). (1945)

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Footage, 17 footages, Duration: 0:02:58 to collection A 3/29/2020

Вид части дворца Цецилиенгоф в Потсдаме, где проходила последняя встреча лидеров Антигитлеровской коалиции в июле-августе 1945 года.

Вид лужайки, клумбы в виде пятиконечной звезды и здания резиденции (сверху).

Цветы на клумбе.

The great Patriotic war. (1941 - 1945)

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Footage, 5 footages, Duration: 0:41:09 to collection G 3/27/2020

View of the Peter and Paul fortress in December 1941.

The sentry on the embankment near the cruiser "Aurora".

People on the streets of besieged Leningrad.

The woman pulls a box on a rope in the snow.

Selling Newspapers at a kiosk.

The people draw their water from the hole.

A man is behind a log for the fire.


Newsreel of the great Patriotic war. (1941 - 1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:48 to collection G 12/23/2019

The soldiers of the Moscow division of the national militia make Hiking March during maneuvers, it takes a brass band.

Divisions division on the March.

The soldiers of the Leningrad people's militia in the ranks.

The division of the red army on the March during the counter-offensive at Moscow in late 1941 - early 1942.

View of front road.

Unloading evacuees and s the siege of Leningrad women and children of sanitary cars.

The soldier puts the girl to the cart.


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