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14959 documents,

Richard Nixon in Moscow. (1992)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:24 to collection V 2/20/2018

Fragment of Richard Nixon's visit to Moscow.

The former US president visits the vegetable market.

Finals of the press conference.

Reporting by Ilyas Bogatyrev, conversation with Stavropol Cossacks. (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:36:05 to collection V 2/20/2018

The woman answers journalists' questions about why she needs a grenade in her house.

An elderly Cossack with a child in his arms.

People gather at the table, a man cuts potatoes.

Men swear.

People at the table discuss collective farm problems, war and politics, drink vodka, have a snack, periodically continue to swear (there is abnormal vocabulary).

Ilyas Bogatyrev's reports from the border of Chechnya and Stavropol. (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:36:32 to collection V 2/20/2018

Chechens say goodbye to Ilyas Bogatyrev.

Undercode timecode.

The man talks about the Chechen Cossacks, about differences on religious grounds, about communication with otherworldly forces.

The Cossack invites people for breakfast.

The general talks about his unit and about the shelling.

Comments on the general situation in the mountains.

Discussion of the work of the police.


Stories of people about meetings with a UFO and a snowman. (1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:12:45 to collection V 2/20/2018

An article in the Izvestia newspaper of November 9, 1991: "What do extraterrestrials do at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant?" (Photo by Vladimir Savranov).

The opinion of people on the street about UFOs and aliens.

Screensaver of the telecast "UFO: an unannounced visit."

Fragments of interviews with people who allegedly saw UFOs and humanoids.

Personnel of amateur video: UFO over the city.

Y. Sechkin talks about filming his wedding in Sochi; Interrupt the frames of the recording, on which the luminous object is seen.

Selection of frames with unknown objects.


Broadcasting in the days of the Moscow putsch. (1991)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:26:40 to collection V 2/20/2018

Radio station of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

Undercode timecode.

The man tunes the equipment, turns to all radio amateurs on the air.

Undercode timecode.

The correspondent transmits the government message.

Statement of the creative team of "Radio of Russia", on air Alexander Kulikov and Mikhail Smirnov.

News bulletin.


Working materials for the program about the theater. (1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:35:31 to collection V 2/20/2018

Entrance to the "Mercury" store, people pass by.

Shop windows, view from the street.

Hall and showcases "Mercury".

Halls of shops, goods on shelves and in storefronts.

Clothing store.

Reconstructors in the form of dragoons.

Dragoon post at the exit from the store.


Working materials to the program "Jolly Fellows". (1988)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:54 to collection V 2/20/2018

Statistics departure of Russian citizens abroad.

Foreign tourists and locals about Russia.

Humorous video for the song "Apples in the snow."

Multiple takes recording comic forecasts.


Putch 1991. Filming on the streets of Moscow.. (1991)

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Footage, 7 footages, Duration: 0:32:54 to collection V 2/20/2018

Tanks ride in the stream of cars along the Garden Ring.

Pugo Boris speaking on the XXVIII. (1990)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:15 to collection V 2/20/2018

The Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

XXVIII Congress of the CPSU.

On the Pugo tribune, Boris answers the questions of the deputies.

Pugo Boris speaks about the age of members of the committee of the Party Control Committee under the CPSU Central Committee, the work of factions, revision commissions, and his work in the Communist Party of Latvia.

Problems of the release of prisoners in Chechnya. (1995 - 1997)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:21:46 to collection V 2/20/2018

Cars are driving up to a farmhouse.

The social worker leaves the car.

Panorama of a burned wooden house.

Social workers give handbags with food and things to an elderly woman who suffered from a fire.

An elderly woman, the mother of a soldier who was captured in Chechnya, in the courtyard of a burnt house.

Assistant Cossack ataman Pyotr Kosov is walking along Kislovodsk street.

Kosov examines the paintings for sale.
