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Roscosmos, archive. Rogozin, NCC inspection. (2022)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:05 to collection V4 6/14/2023

Dmitry Rogozin visited the site of the National Space Center (NCC) and checked the progress of construction.

Roscosmos, archive. Laying flowers at the Kremlin wall. (2022)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:26 to collection V4 6/14/2023

115 years since the birth of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Dmitry Rogozin and his colleagues laid flowers at the grave of S.P. Korolev at the Kremlin Wall.

The main topics of Rogozin's interview are: outstanding Soviet scientists, the development of manned cosmonautics, the revival of the Luna project, work with foreign colleagues on the study of Mars, modern design scientists, the number of planned launches in 2022, security measures at Baikonur.

Roscosmos, archive. Korolev`s Readings at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. (2022)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:48:09 to collection V4 6/14/2023

Dmitry Rogozin congratulated the audience on Tatiana's Day and held a presentation on the results of the launch campaign of 2021 and further plans for the development of cosmonautics.

The main topics of the report:

Plans for testing missiles of the Angara and Amur series.

Completion of the construction of the Russian segment of the ISS, sending the modules "Science" and "Berth" to the ISS, prospects for research activities.

Work on the draft design of the new Russian orbital service station (ROSS).

Scientific experiments on the ISS for the period 2022-2025.


Roscosmos, archive. Working materials for the story about the ExoMars project. (2022)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:09 to collection V4 6/14/2023

Rocket launch.

The scientist talks about the device of the main analytical sensor of the research device.

Laboratory work.

Devices for the ExoMars project.

Lavochkin NGO Museum, exhibits.

Rogozin communicates with foreign guests at the exhibition.

Roscosmos department at the exhibition, exhibits (various instruments, a model of the landing platform of the ExoMars-2022 mission).


Roscosmos, archive. Dmitry Rogozin's interview on international cooperation. (2022)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:14:02 to collection V4 6/14/2023

Dmitry Rogozin's interview about various aspects of international space cooperation, about US sanctions against Russia and the economic consequences of this step for all participants in space projects, about the role of space in international politics, about import substitution in the field of microelectronics and other components of spacecraft.

Roscosmos, archive. Dmitry Rogozin in Samara. (2022)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:04:48 to collection V4 6/14/2023

Dmitry Rogozin visited Progress RCC JSC, during a meeting with journalists he spoke about the RD-171MV liquid rocket engine, the Soyuz-5 launch vehicle, the development of the Soyuz-6 launch vehicle with the RD-180 engine.

Putsch. (1993)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 1:12:11 to collection R 5/22/2023

Rutskoi runs down the corridor of the White House.

Along the corridor passes R.Hasbulatov.

Rutskoi R.Hasbulatov and give an interview, "RIA Novosti" on the situation in the country during the constitutional and political crisis.

Protesters on the streets of Moscow.

Military vehicles drives.

Soldiers who have sided with the protesters.

Sung by a man in the Conference Room of the White House.


Заказ Советской Россией паровозов в Швеции. (1920)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:47 to collection G 5/15/2023

Вид оной из улиц Стокгольма.

Вход в отель "Континенталь".

Прохожие на улице.

Панорама площади со стоящими на ней автомобилями (сверху).

Виды здания вокзала зимой.

Фотографии шведских паровозов, заказанных Советской Россией.

Фотография паровоза № 1500.


Экскурсия школьников в Политехническом музее. (1977 - 1983)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:38 to collection G 5/12/2023

Лица первоклассников, рассматривающих макет железнодорожного вагона в витрине в одном из залов Политехнического музея.

Экскурсия школьников заходит в один из залов музея, останавливаются перед действующим макетов химического предприятия, экскурсовод начинает рассказ.

Лица детей, слушающих экскурсовода (панорама).

Праздничные богослужения в Русской православной церкви. (1985 - 1989)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:59 to collection G 5/5/2023

Прихожане на территории монастыря во время перезахоронения мощей одного из святых Русской православной церкви, вид части монастырской площади.

Лик Спасителя на иконе.

Прихожане в храме во время торжественной службы по случаю перезахоронения мощей, внутренний вид храма.

Лица женщин с горящими свечами в руках во время панихиды, осеняющих себя крестным знамением.

Лицо священнослужителя, совершающего помазание освященным елеем, кисточка с елеем у руке священнослужителя.

Нанесение кисточкой освященного елея на лица и руки прихожанок.

Лик Спасителя на иконе.


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