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Юный суворовец Сережа Алешков. (1944)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:15 to collection G 4/7/2023

Юный воспитанник Тульского суворовского училища, бывший воспитанник 142-го гвардейского стрелкового полка Сережа Алешков (Сергей Андреевич Алешков) во время занятий в классе делает поворот на право, подходит к доске, берет в руку мел, начинает писать мелом на доске.

Лица юных суворовцев во время занятия в классе.

Сережа Алешков пишет на доске предложение "Я живу в Туле", заканчивает писать, поворачивается лицом к классу.

Лицо Сережи Алешкова.

Ученицы старшего класса женской общеобразовательной за партами во время урока.

Roscosmos, archive. Preparation and launch of the Soyuz-2.1а" and the Soyuz MS-20 transport ship. (2021)

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Footage, 15 footages, Duration: 0:59:54 to collection V4 4/5/2023

Baikonur, Yuzhny Shopping center.

MIC (assembly and testing building), workshop, head fairing.

The Soyuz MS-20 ship is in the slipway.

Specialists at work.

Preparation for the rolling of the head fairing, the tilt of the Soyuz MS-20 spacecraft.

View of the workshop and the ship from above.

Specialists connect the wires.

Roscosmos, archive. Preparation and launch of the Progress M S-18 transport cargo ship. (2021)

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Footage, 6 footages, Duration: 0:22:52 to collection V4 4/5/2023

Baikonur, Yuzhny Shopping center.

MIC (assembly and testing building), workshop, installation of the Progress MS-18 spacecraft on the PHO (transition compartment).

Roscosmos, archive. Preparation and launch of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with OneWeb satellites. (2021)

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Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:08:32 to collection V4 4/3/2023

Materials for a news story.

Baikonur, Yuzhny Shopping Center, correspondent Anna Samoylenko records a report against the background of the launch complex with a rocket, talks about the upcoming launch of space satellites of the OneWeb series.

Unloading containers with satellites from the aircraft.

MIC (assembly and testing building), workshop, assembly of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle.

Site 112, finishing zone, combining 36 satellites into a cluster ("corn").

Installing the cluster on the Fregat upper stage.

Knurling of the head fairing.


Roscosmos, archive. The city is Peaceful. (2010 - 2022)

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Footage, 9 footages, Duration: 0:40:25 to collection V4 4/3/2023

The grand opening of the children's hospital after renovation.

Hospital in scaffolding, repair work outside and inside the building.

Fragments of an interview about the overhaul with the chief physician Vladimir Sharypov.

The opening ceremony was attended by Yuri Sergeev, Nikolai Bashlyaev, Yuri Volokhov.

Opening of the memorial plaque of pediatrician Valentina Prokopyevna Skalova.

People go inside the building.

Renovated premises, modern equipment and furniture, comments by the head of the reception department Svetlana Akulova.

Roscosmos, archive. Preparation and launch of the Progress M S-19 transport cargo ship. (2022)

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Footage, 6 footages, Duration: 0:22:14 to collection V4 4/3/2023

Baikonur, Yuzhny shopping Center, unloading blocks of the Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle, moving blocks around the workshop using a crane.

Встреча советских и американских войск на Эльбе. (1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:44 to collection G 3/31/2023

Советские и американские военные обнимают друг друга во время встречи на Эльбе.

Советский и американский офицеры в окружении солдат поздравляют друг друга.

Американский и советский танкисты пожимает друг другу руки.

Командир 69-й пехотной дивизии США генерал Рейндхардт Э. и командир 59-й гвардейской дивизии генерал-майор Русаков В.В. приветствуют друг друга, пожимая руки.

Советский офицер жмет руку американскому танкисту.

Советские у американские военные у тяжелого танка.

Военнослужащие люфтваффе, сдавшиеся в плен союзникам, проходят по улице города.


Roscosmos, archive. Node module "Berth". (2021)

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Footage, 8 footages, Duration: 0:28:32 to collection V4 3/31/2023

Baikonur, KC "Yuzhny, MIC (assembly and testing building).

Unpacking and unloading of the node module "Berth".

Moving the module around the shop using a crane.

Roscosmos, archive. General assembly "OneWeb". (2021)

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Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:09:30 to collection V4 3/31/2023

Baikonur, Yuzhny Shopping center.

MIC (assembly and test building), combat crew on the construction.

The head fairing of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle.

Moving the rocket stages using a crane.

General assembly of the rocket with the OneWeb satellite package.

Roscosmos, archive. Preparation and launch of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with OneWeb satellites. (2021)

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Footage, 5 footages, Duration: 0:14:47 to collection V4 3/31/2023

Baikonur, Yuzhny Shopping center.

MIC (assembly and testing building), workshop, combat crew on formation, the commander reads the assignment.

General assembly of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle.

Moving the rocket stages using a crane.

The step is lowered onto the installer.

The head fairing lies on the installer.

The fairing is lifted and moved around the shop by a crane.


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