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Prayer at Calvary. (1915)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:02 to collection A 6/27/2016

General view of the place of execution on the Red Square, the priests serve as a prayer, people stand around the Execution Ground.

Panorama of the Red Square, St.

Basil's Cathedral on to GUM building during prayer.

Organization of collective farms in the USSR. (1930 - 1939)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:17:57 to collection A 6/27/2016

Collection of applications to join the collective farm.

Farmers at the gathering are discussing the creation of a collective farm, farmers face.

Farmers listen to a resolution on the benefits for the collective farms, the text of the decision.

People with red flag gather at the village meeting.

An elderly farmer pays the livestock to the farm, peasant face.

Farmers give receipts for submission to the rules of the collective farm, the text of one of the receipts.

Farmers apply for membership in the farm before spring field work, the text of one of the statements.


New works by Soviet artists. (1947)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:36 to collection A 6/27/2016

Meeting of the Commission for selection of paintings for the All-Union art exhibition in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Artists SV Gerasimov, Johanson BV, AM Gerasimov, sculptor VI Mukhina

The process of secret voting on the selection of paintings.

Visitors to the exhibition examine the paintings of the artist AA Plastov "Hay Harvest" and "Harvest", fragments of paintings.

Portrait of Nina Morozova guerrillas on the wall of the exhibition hall.

Pictures of "the liberated lands," "Girlfriends," a portrait of VM Molotov in the exhibition halls.

Visitors will have a painting depicting one of their meetings, the Tehran conference with the participation of Stalin, a general view of the picture and its fragments.

Newsreel of Russia and the USSR. (1913 - 1928)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:14:33 to collection G 6/27/2016

View of the Red Square and the GUM winter, fire truck rides, the operator is a movie camera on a tripod.

On Red Square are the officials of the Moscow City Government.

Arriving by train at the festively decorated train station.

Loading equestrian monument to the ship.

Installation of the monument without a top on a pedestal.

Monument to Alexander III in Moscow in scaffolding in front of the demolition of the summer of 1918.

Work chisel hits a detail of the monument.


Soviet Air Force during World War II. (1941 - 1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:30 to collection A 6/27/2016

Asterisks in the number of enemy planes downed on board Kozhedub fighter IN The aircraft in the sky.

German anti-aircraft gunners firing at the aircraft.

View of the railway bridge, the German air defense observation post near the bridge.

Flies Soviet bomber, calculations of the German anti-aircraft guns are firing.

The explosions on the ground, broken the German anti-aircraft gun.

Soviet pilot climbs out of the plane after returning from a mission.

Rewarding distinguished pilots in 1941.


International Chronicle. (1939)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:06:43 to collection A 6/27/2016

View of one of the streets of Helsinki during the Russo-Finnish War.

A woman walks past the boarded up storefront.

Passing trams.

Marching unit of the French Foreign Legion in North Africa.

There is a military band.

On the gun carriage carry the coffin with the general body.

The procession moves through the streets of Algeria.


Newsreel Nazi Germany. (1934)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:06:58 to collection A 6/27/2016

A. Hitler made a speech, members of the youth organization of the construction of the Third Reich of Hitler listened, standing in line, with shovels in their hands.

Hitler continues to serve, keep the stormtroopers on the shoulder with a swastika flags.

Marching members of the youth organization of the building.

Nazi flags fluttering during a night rally.

One of the officers CA speech, protesters standing with burning torches in their hands.

Those stormtroopers.

grandstand view of acting speaker went on to say, from the flames rising smoke, waving Nazi flags.


Churches and monasteries of England. (1930 - 1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:59 to collection A 6/27/2016

View of one of the English cathedrals of Gothic architecture.

Students of church educational institutions run classes.

Those people praying in the church.

Singing church choir.

The priest gave a sermon.

Interior views of the English medieval cathedrals.

Kind shelves with old church books.


On the streets of Paris. (1935 - 1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:30 to collection A 6/27/2016

View of one of the Paris area at night, passing cars on the area.

People in one of the shopping centers of Paris.

Children and parents are at the window with children's toys, the girl's face.

Model railroad on display.

Storefronts with mechanical dolls.

Children walk past shop windows, consider a toy.

Toy crane and mechanical dolls, people in marts with dolls.


Polar expedition Sedova G.YA. (1912 - 1914)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:18 to collection A 6/27/2016

People gathered in the port of Arkhangelsk for a polar expedition wires GY Sedov Sedov on the deck of the schooner "St.

Fock" goodbye to the mourners, the wife of Sedov.

Sedov speech.

schooner team welcomes Sedov at the end of the speech.

View of the deck of the schooner at sea.

View of the camp expedition Sedova in the New Earth.

The expedition members are engaged in daily affairs, seeing home sick crew of the schooner.
