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The development of public education in the South Caucasus. (1930 - 1932)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:23 to collection B 6/27/2016

View of the building of the Georgian Church.

Crucifixion in the hands of the priest-scribes.

Knees-school students spiritual children.

Children are baptized, the priest explains the subject.

Punished pupil kneeling with his arms raised, his face an apprentice.

Crucifixion in the hands of a priest, the priest continues the explanation, the disciples baptized.

The person punished disciple, the priest teaches the boy the right to be baptized, the children are baptized, punished student kneeling.


From the history of the Small Theatre. (1924 - 1943)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:34 to collection B 6/27/2016

People on Sverdlov Square in Moscow during celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the Maly Theatre in October 1924, is a military brass band, followed by the moving demonstration of Artists.

The participants of the solemn meeting at the theater.

Pass demonstrators with greetings Maly Theatre.

Participants of the meeting listened to the speakers.

The podium AV Lunacharsky, people listen to him, applauding.

Speaker Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, the panorama of the rally.

Supports the head of the Maly Theater Ugine AI, bows after the performance, participants in the meeting applauded him.


Red Army in the Byelorussian SSR. (1929 - 1941)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:53 to collection B 6/27/2016

Number Red Army "Signal" from the newspaper in 1929.

In the village street passing the farm carts with bread for the Red Army.

The slogan on the wall of the house with a call for the Red Army bread.

Those women, riding on the carts with grain.

Passing farmers in the cart.

The soldiers and the inhabitants of one of the Belarusian villages dance in a circle.

KE Voroshilov, Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin watching the aircraft flying over Red Square in 1934.


Ceremonies in Nazi Germany. (1933 - 1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:16:37 to collection B 6/27/2016

Police push people off the roadway in Berlin during the passage of Hitler A.

People on the sidewalks greet Hitler's car, the police push back the crowd, Hitler gets out of the car.

Hitler and Goebbels I. on the balcony before the start of the Nazi rally.

People run under the balcony on which Hitler stands, a view of part of the square under the balcony (above).

Participants of one of the Nazi rallies greet Hitler.

Hitler and his entourage greet the women and girls, and Hitler talks to them.

The participants of the rally greet Hitler standing on the balcony, Hitler responds to the greetings.


Newsreel Soviet Union. (1929)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:12 to collection G 6/27/2016

General view of the central part of the village of Little Malyshevka Kinel Samara region and district party meeting at the building of the village council (top).

General view of the meeting devoted to the party "cleansing."

Chairperson of the Party committee, the slogan on the wall of the house.

Poor peasant Kornyakov respond to committee members' questions, the person Kornyakova.

Members of the commission are folded documents in a private matter Kornyakova, commission member hand, impose a positive resolution.

Farmer Moskvitin respond to committee members' questions.

Participants of the meeting served the note to the presidium, Face Moskvitinova.


On the plane on the USSR. (1935)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:05 to collection G 6/27/2016

The plane of the US Embassy in Moscow at the airport before departure, the passenger-place US Ambassador to the USSR W. Bullitt Bullitt person.

White airplane pilot in the cockpit before the flight.

Rotating propellers of the aircraft.

Bullitt and White look out of the plane.

The plane was taxiing for takeoff.

Flying the aircraft.

Representatives of the USSR Civil Aviation met an American plane at the airport in Kharkiv.


Cultural ties of the USSR and the United States. (1958)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:28 to collection G 6/27/2016

Delegation of US education leaders during a visit to Peterhof.

General view of the fountains of the cascade.

American delegates coming to the building of the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers.

Pioneers in the classroom in circles.

Pioneers of American visitors are greeted with applause, members of the delegation among the pioneers.

One of the pioneers speaks English greeting (synchronously), all applauded.

Members of the US delegation during the reception of the Minister of Education of the RSFSR EI Afanassenko Face Afanassenko American delegates to listen to him, sitting at the table.


Stalin speech fragments at the First All-Union Conference Stakhanovists. (1935)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:08:56 to collection G 6/27/2016

IV Stalin standing on the podium in the Kremlin during the meeting of the First All-Union Stakhanovite November 17, 1935, drinking a glass of water.

Stalin speaks from the podium (synchronous), back on the podium sit VY Chubar, Kosior SV Andreev AA, MI Kalinin, Stalin, listening to the headphones.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3076

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:10:57 to collection F 6/27/2016

Japan - The resignation of Prime Minister Eisaku Sato.

Foreign newsreels 1964 № 919

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:11:12 to collection F 6/27/2016

France: opening of the street to them.


Germany: Strike of employees of radio and television.

1800 year old mummy.

USA. Demonstrations in Birmingham.

USA. Racial demonstrations in Atlanta.

USA. Clashes with the ku Klux Klan in Atlanta.
