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Cosmonautics. The Truth about Salyut-7. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:59 to collection V4 12/16/2022

The release of the feature film "Salyut-7" caused a new surge of interest in cosmonautics.

The Salyut-7 station was sent into orbit in 1982, when only the USSR had experience in building such structures and working with them.

In the winter of 1985, the temporarily uninhabited Salyut stopped responding to commands from Earth.

Despite the high risks, it was decided to still try to approach the station, but this required joining forces with the military and working out the rapprochement scheme in more detail.

Since the station could not react, in fact, it was necessary to dock with an absolutely uncontrollable object, no one had ever done anything like this in space before.

Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Viktor Savinykh went to Salyut-7 in the summer, repaired it for three months, by September the station came to life again and began receiving crews.

It was another victory of the Soviet space heroes.


Cosmonautics. Space: we hear you!. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:19 to collection V4 12/16/2022

A communication session with the ISS was held at the MCC, the cosmonauts talked with the students of the RSUH.

Sergey Ryazansky and Alexander Misurkin talked about their work and constant training on board the ISS, answered questions from future journalists, and told about the space traditions of celebrating the new year.

Cosmonautics. Like in the Universe. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:06 to collection V4 12/16/2022

On November 3, 1957, Sputnik-2 was launched into space - the first "biological" satellite of the Earth, its passenger was a dog Laika, a simple mongrel, about which the whole world was talking the next day.

Scientists Oleg Gazenko, Yuri Silaev, Igor Ushakov, Inesa Kozlovskaya, Natalia Koroleva tell about the experiment from the moment of selecting the first candidates for the flight to the launch of the cosmonaut dog into orbit.

Cosmonautics. Altairs at the start". (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:41 to collection V4 12/16/2022

Preparations for the launch of the Soyuz MS-06 manned spacecraft are being completed at the Baikonur cosmodrome, the launch is scheduled for the night of September 13, 2017. It is symbolic that Altair, the brightest star of the constellation of the Eagle, whose name has become the crew's call sign, will shine in the sky just these days.

Cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin, Mark Vande Hai, Joseph Akaba starred in the story of Natalia Burtseva.

Cosmonautics. Vostochny is gaining strength. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:22 to collection V4 12/16/2022

February 1, 2018 Soyuz-2 launch vehicle.1a" put into Earth orbit the Russian remote sensing spacecraft "Canopus" and 9 foreign satellites.

Two more launches are planned for 2018, the Vostochny cosmodrome starts operating normally.

Comments on: Igor Komarov, Rano Juraeva.

Cosmonautics. Virtual space. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:41 to collection V4 12/16/2022

The augmented reality system, or virtual space, is being introduced into the cosmonaut training process.

This system may be in demand when preparing a person for long-distance space flights.

Together with the IBMP of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MSU has created systems for studying human capabilities in extreme situations.

Vasily Latonov, a graduate student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, Viktor Thistolokhov, an assistant at the Department of Applied Mechanics and Control, Alexander Smoleevsky, a participant in the Mars-500 experiment, Professor Vadim Gushchin, Pavel Sukhachev, an engineer at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, talk about developments in the field of virtual reality technologies.

XIX Всесоюзная конференция КПСС. (1988)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:04 to collection G 12/16/2022

Первый секретарь ЦК Коммунистической партии Киргизии Масалиев А.М. выступает с трибуны на заседании 19-й Всесоюзной конференции КПСС в Кремлевском дворце съездов, говорит о роли КПСС в руководстве страной, цитирует Устав КПСС (синхронно).

Делегаты конференции аплодируют Масалиеву.

Делегат от Карельской партийной организации Ельцин Б.Н. выступает с трибуны на заседании конференции, говорит о необходимости начала перестройки в партии, об отсутствии контроля народных масс за деятельностью КПСС (синхронно), сзади в президиуме сидят Рыжков Н.И., Лукьянов А.И.

Панорама части митинга на улице Горького в Москве в дни работы 19-й Всесоюзной конференции КПСС.

Люди на улице спорят друг с другом по вопросам дальнейшего развития страны, о понятии капитализма и социализма, цитируют В.И. Ленина (синхронно).

Лицо одного из участников митинга.

Оператор ведет видеосъемку.


Памятники Древнего Египта. (1924 - 1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:17 to collection G 12/15/2022

Статуи фараона Аменхотепа III и его жены в музее в Каире.

Вид одной из статуй.

Статуя у фонтана перед здание одного из музеев Египта.

Египетские письмена, вырезанные на камне.

Панорама колоннады храма в Луксоре.

Виды египетских пирамид.

Фигурки строителей пирамиды, вырезанные на стене.


Неопознанные летающие объекты (НЛО). (1974 - 1978)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:52 to collection G 12/15/2022

Фотографии неопознанных летающих объектов (НЛО), сделанных 4 февраля 1978 года в Японии.

НЛО на фоне пальм 25 апреля 1974 года на Гавайях (стоп-кадр, наезд).

Неопознанные летающие объекты различной формы.

Фотографии объектов в форме "летающих тарелок".

Фотография американского астронавта.

Неопознанный объект, приземлившийся на вершине скалы.

Фотография НЛО, летящего над автомобильной дорогой (наезд с укрупнением).


Foreign newsreels 1959 № 7

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News, 1 part to collection F 12/13/2022

GDR: The 83rd anniversary of Wilhelm Pieck.

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