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14961 documents,

Icebreaker "Captain Belousov". (1947)

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Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:19:17 to collection G 8/20/2015

Члены экипажа ледокола "Капитан Белоусов" на борту катера.

Ледокол "Капитан Белоусов" на рейде порта Тикси.

Суда у грузовых причалов, панорама части берега.

Члены экипажа ледокола на борту катера, ледокол на рейде Тикси.

Ледокол выходит в море, моряки на борту катера, идущего к берегу.

Моряки идут по улице поселка.

Вывеска над входом в Управление морского арктического порта Тикси.


Освоение Северного морского пути. (1932)

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Footage, 4 footages, Duration: 0:35:24 to collection G 8/20/2015

Участники Чукотской летной экспедиции разбивают лед ломами у борта затертого льдами судна.

Пробивание пути во льду (сверху).

Участники экспедиции на льдине.

Подъем запасной лопасти гребного винта с палубы с помощью крана и лебедок.

Спуск лопасти за борт для замены.

Штурман определяет координаты судна.

Виды праздничной демонстрации за Полярным кругом.


Soviet aviation. (1962 - 1969)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:12:29 to collection A 7/31/2015

Airship in the sky.


Planting a tree.

The plane "Tu" at the airport.

Military climb the ladder into the plane.

The pilot at the controls of the aircraft.

The aircraft in the sky.


Foreign newsreels 1962 № 729

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:10:41 to collection F 7/29/2015

Foreign newsreels 1959 № 231

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:08:30 to collection F 7/28/2015

Celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Polish People's Republic (Poland).

The country's leadership headed by V.Gomulkoy for the holiday table.

Holiday at the stadium.

Foreign newsreels 1960 № 119

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:10:33 to collection F 7/28/2015

Press conference of Khrushchev in France.

Nikita Khrushchev said the signing of a peace treaty with the German Democratic Republic, on the nuclear tests conducted by France on negotiations with General de Gaulle on Algeria, the signing of the Soviet-French agreement on cooperation on the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Foreign newsreels 1960 № 356

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:01 to collection F 7/28/2015

The wedding ceremony of King Baudouin of Belgium with the bottom Fabiola Aragon 15 December 1960.

Foreign newsreels 1960 № 291

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:07:59 to collection F 7/28/2015

The funeral in France.

Foreign newsreels 1959 № 247

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:09:04 to collection F 7/27/2015

4th Congress of Trade Unions in Warsaw.

Speak first secretary of the Polish United Workers' V.Gomulka.

Foreign newsreels 1960 № 94

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:02:43 to collection F 7/27/2015

The meeting in Buenos Aires, First Deputy Chairman of USSR Council of Ministers Alexei Kosygin.

Kosygin and members of the Soviet delegation descend on the plane.