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Preparation for construction of car plant in Nizhny Novgorod. (1929)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:58 to collection G 4/24/2015

General view of the snow-covered field near Nizhny Novgorod.

Surveyors take measurements on the ground for the organization of the construction site.

On the railway line is part of construction materials.

Workers are unloading building material.

Unloading bricks to the train platform.

People are the bricks and put them in stacks.

Stacks of bricks unloaded.


The trial of the "Federal Office" Mensheviks. (1931)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:36 to collection G 4/24/2015

View of part of the building houses the Hall of Columns unions.

The building drives a car comes out of it members of the court.

Defendants are under escort through the back door.

People take place in the hall.

Spectators on the balconies Hall of Columns.

General view of the courtroom (top).

Representatives of the Soviet press.


American tractors in the USSR. (1926)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:54 to collection G 4/24/2015

Workers and engineers factory "Red Putilovets" cost about unloaded tractors "Fordson".

Rally to mark the arrival of tractors.

Workers and engineers inspect sent tractors.

Workers unload wooden containers with spare parts with wooden rails and ropes.

Engineers inspect sent tractor plows.

General view of the plow.

Engineer explains plow assembly technology.


8 Congress of the RCP (b). (1919)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:51 to collection G 4/24/2015

General view of the presidium of the congress and conference room.

LB Kamenev Skvortsov-Stepanov and II discussing, sitting at the top table.

Falconers GY at the presidium table.

NI Bukharin and Kamenev at the presidium table.

Bukharin, Kamenev, Skvortsov-Stepanov at the presidium table.

Kamenev lights a cigarette, sitting next to Zinoviev GE

Congress delegates in the meeting room.


15 Congress of the CPSU (b). (1927)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:08 to collection G 4/24/2015

People are standing in front of the boiler of a steam locomotive with the number "1927".

There is a freight train.

Loading the ship in port.

Crane lowers the bags into the hold of a cargo steamer.

Plowing tractor plow.

Tractors in the field.

Interior view of the factory floor.


AA Zhdanov Kirovsk. (1935 - 1937)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:09 to collection G 4/24/2015

House in a working village apatite plant.

Plaque with the inscription about staying in this house SM Kirov in 1930.

General view of the house, the panorama of the Kirovsk.

Zhdanov, accompanied by NKVD out of the dining room, welcomed the audience of people passes to the car.

Zhdanov, sitting in the car, shaking hands with people.

Zhdanov talk with the workers of apatite plant.

Zhdanov smokes a cigarette, listening to people, answers questions.


The Red Army maneuvers in the summer. (1930 - 1935)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:12 to collection G 4/24/2015

Infantry units moving through the forest.

Horse scout sent on patrol.

The cavalry is moving along the road.

Armored cars are sent to investigate.

Calculation of machine gun position changes.

The infantry moves across the field dashes.

Red Army soldier watches the purpose, is preparing to shoot.


The funeral of the victims of civil war. (1919)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:05 to collection G 4/24/2015

The funeral procession stands on the street, people are holding banners with slogans worth hearse pulls up truck in mourning attire.

The procession moves along the streets of the city, going a hearse, followed by people carry the coffins of those killed in the Red Army and the cordon are policemen.

The procession stops in the hands of people mourning banners.

Go union representatives musicians and theater workers.

To the process of approaching trucks in mourning attire.

The procession is turning at an intersection, go executives armed sailors.

The procession moves through the streets of the city.


Celebrations in Latvia. (1940)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:01 to collection G 4/24/2015

People in the square in Moscow in anticipation of People's Deputies of the Saeima of Latvia.

People are holding banners and portraits of the Politburo of the CPSU (b).

The women applauded.

People's faces.

The deputies of the People's Saeima out after the meeting of the 7th session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR with bouquets of flowers in their hands, and sit in the car.

Drive off the vehicle, deputies are responsible for greeting the assembled people.

Deputies traveling in an open car, the military salutes.


Stay General de Gaulle in Moscow. (1944)

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Footage, 9 footages, Duration: 0:03:45 to collection A 4/20/2015

Meeting of General de Gaulle at the station, among the mourners: Molotov.