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Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5864

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:23:51 to collection F 6/8/2014

Japan - Visit to Japan of the Prime Minister of PNRM. P. Yaroshevich.

Taken: Landscapes of Japan.

Tea plantations.

The city of Tokyo.


City from the top point.

Meeting Yaroshevich.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5865

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Kenya, Nairobi - African University Sports Games.

Nigeria, Lagos – The first legal rally of the National Party of Nigeria.

Argentina, Buenos Aires - Participants of a mass peace rally are protesting against a possible military conflict between Chile and Argentina over the Beagle Islands.

Iran, Tehran - Interview with the Prime Minister of Iran Sh.

Bakhtiyar about the necessary measures to restore order in the public and industrial life of the country.

Rhodesia - A black university lecturer and a white landlord tell a reporter about how they managed to escape during a guerrilla attack on the outskirts of Salisbury.

Israel, West Bank of Jordan - Israeli Agriculture Minister Ariel Sharon visits a Jewish settlement on the bank of Jordan.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5866

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Argentina, Buenos Aires-A demonstration of the mothers of Argentines who went missing during the military coup of 1976.

France-Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini performs a prayer service; December 28.

Egypt, Cairo-A meeting of the ruling National Democratic Party, a discussion of the budget deficit of Egypt for 1979, Egyptian President A. Sadat and Egyptian Prime Minister M. Khalil are present at the meeting.

USA-Special report on the 49th state of the USA-Alaska, various areas of Alaska, Washington, newsreel 1922-1977.

Egypt, Cairo-President Sadat's speech to students about the progress of negotiations between Israel and Egypt.

USA, Lake Placid-Ski jumping.

South Korea, Seoul-Boxing, the match "Thailand - South Korea".


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5867

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Hong Kong, Philippines - Vietnamese refugees on ships and in temporary camps in Hong Kong and Manila.

Australia, Melbourne - The Australian Open Tennis Championship.

Argentina, Buenos Aires - Officials celebrate the New Year with a "paper storm" performance.

Turkey, Ankara - Prime Minister B. Ejevit's meeting with representatives of the military command to discuss the martial law in a number of regions of the country, Ejevit's press conference.

Jamaica is a meeting of the leaders of seven countries (Jamaica, Germany, Australia, Canada, Nigeria, Norway and Venezuela) leading a "North-South dialogue" on the assistance of developed northern countries to backward southern ones.

South Africa - Due to the reduction of Iranian oil exports, the South African government is forced to impose restrictions on fuel consumption, removed: traffic in the center of Johannesburg, newspaper headlines, car service stations, police check the speed of cars.

Chile, Santiago - Arrival of the papal envoy Cardinal Zamore, acting as a mediator between Argentina and Chile in the dispute over the Beagle Islands.


Foreign newsreels 1987 № 5868

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Japan-Eel breeding.

Ethiopia, Harer-Colonel M. H. Mariam is present at the parade of students of the Military Academy, Mariam's speech is that Somalia does not respond to Ethiopia's proposals to peacefully resolve the conflict between the countries.

Tanzania, Dar es Salaam-The arrival of the Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China on an official visit, the meeting of Li Hsiennien with the President of Tanzania Nyerere.

Lebanon-New Year's speech by President Sarkis to the diplomatic corps, in which he addresses the issue of the presence of Palestinians in Lebanon.

Ireland-Explosion on a French super tanker.

England, London - Strike of journalists and employees of the Times newspaper.

Venezuela, Caracas-President Perez delivers a New Year's message to the people in front of diplomats and politicians at the Presidential Palace.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5871

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

China, Beijing - Posters on the walls of houses; photos of a man beaten to death during a self-criticism campaign; people looking at posters.

West Berlin - Performance of circus artists from different countries: Oleg Popov (USSR), Romanian gymnasts, Swiss trainer.

Bangladesh - The beginning of the fishing season, fishermen go to sea, the first catches.

Iran, Tehran - Prime Minister Sh.

Bakhtiar speaks in Parliament, the Parliament gives him a vote of confidence.

Syria, Damascus - A conference of Syria and Iraq with the participation of representatives of the Palestine Liberation Organization on coordinating actions against the conclusion of a separate peace treaty on the Middle East between Israel and Egypt.

Lebanon, Syria - The streets of Beirut bombed during the resumption of fighting in the city, wounded in hospitals, the meeting of the Prime Minister of Lebanon with Syrian leaders in Damascus.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5879

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:09:10 to collection F 6/8/2014

Poland - 30 anniversary of the Unity Congress, to determine the path to socialism development in Poland - December 15, 1948 - Newsreels.

Congress Hall in Polytechnics.

On the podium - B. Bierut.

Italy - Port of Trieste.

Reporting in the city.

Poland - a nationwide women's judo tournament.

Poland - New Year's review of major projects PNRM.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5880

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

India - Plant electronics industry "Keltron Nagar."

Cuba - A visit to Cuba chairman of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council of the Republic of Saddam Hussein.

Taken: Formal meeting at the airport.

Talks with Fidel Castro.

Iraq - The first national conference on oil.

Speaker's oil minister.

Presentation of awards to employees of the oil industry.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5881

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Comecon - The plot of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the CMEA.

Taken: Moscow.

Signing the agreement on the establishment of the CMEA. Iron ore and oil from the USSR. Chemical Plant Hemley - in Czechoslovakia for the CMEA member countries - produces Cordoba fiber etc.

Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5882

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Italy, Rome - Crumbling monuments of architecture and sculpture, removed: Colosseum, pyramid of Gaius Cestius, Antoninus Column, etc.

PRC - The dazybao campaign in Beijing, filmed: people read posters on the Wall of Democracy, a soldier walks past posters, a peasant Chen Quo Dan hangs up his dazybao.

Iran, Tehran - Anti-Shah demonstrations.

Italy, Rome - The consequences of an attack by a group of "right-wing" extremists on a "left-wing" radio station.

India - Chairman of the State Council of the GDR Erich Honecker arrives on a visit, filmed: meeting at the airfield.

PRC - Meeting of Chairman Hua Guo Feng with former Foreign Minister of Kampuchea Sari, filmed: Chairman Hua meets Sari and other officials of Kampuchea, talks with Sari.

Italy, Rome - Demonstration against fascism and terrorism.
