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Foreign newsreels 1960 № 416

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News, 3 footages, Duration: 0:03:34 to collection F 4/25/2014

Autumn Concert Season in Warsaw.

Touring violinist Ida Haendel.

Speech by Emil Gilels in Warsaw (Poland).

Records with David Oistrakh in Berlin.

Deputy Culture Minister Hans Pisher takes David Oistrakh indoors State Radio Committee for recording on the record sonatas for violin by Johann Bach.

Foreign newsreels 1964 № 946

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:16:35 to collection F 4/25/2014

Poland sees off on his last journey A.Zavadskogo.


Foreign newsreels 1962 № 650

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:02:41 to collection F 4/25/2014

Saturn is preparing for the delivery man to the moon.

The funeral of the victims of a demonstration against the OAS in Paris 02/13/62.

Fidel Castro in the Soviet Union. (1964)

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Footage, 5 parts, Duration: 0:29:18 to collection A 4/23/2014

Fidel Castro and their attendants visiting farmers near Moscow, a fisherman ice fishing, skating on threes during a visit to stud and shoot at the shooting range, hunting in Zavidovo, dinner in the woods after a hunt.

Among the Soviet leaders - Nikita Khrushchev, Anastas Mikoyan, NV Podgorny, Kosygin and others

Farewell to the people of MA Suslov.. (1982)

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Footage, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:28 to collection A 4/23/2014

General view of the Hall of Columns House of Unions in Moscow.

Coffin with the body of a member of the Politburo, Secretary of the CPSU MA Suslov.

In the coffin members of the governmental commission on organization of the funeral: Andrei Gromyko, V. Grishin, A. Ya Pel'she, Konstantin Chernenko, AP Kirilenko, BN Ponomarev, IV Kapitonov , MV Zimyanin and others.

Before the coffin pass Soviet people.

In honor guard standing figures of the Communist Party and Soviet Government: Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, Gorbachev, DA Kunayev, NA Tikhonov, DF Ustinov and others.

Members of the Politburo express condolences to relatives of MA Suslov.

Heads of diplomatic missions of foreign countries to be forgiven MA Suslov.


The First World War. (1914 - 1918)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:11:37 to collection B 4/17/2014

Chronicle of the First World War: Serbia, column Austro-Hungarian soldiers, cavalrymen, horses pulled uphill guns, soldiers are wounded, are soldiers with the wagon train.

Lord Kitchener visited the Western Front, awards soldiers.

Military action, explosions, soldiers running across the field, firing guns, load a gun.

Huge numbers of people lie and sit on the street.

German generals, General Hindenburg map with marked Koenigsberg.

Column of soldiers.

A crowd of soldiers heading upstairs (filmed from behind).


I. Stalin. (1922 - 1934)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:32 to collection B 4/15/2014

Parade to the fifth anniversary of the October Revolution on Red Square.

Stalin on the podium.

XII Congress of the Party in 1923.

Stalin smiling.

Stalin and Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

XIII Congress of the Party in 1924.

Stalin's speech, applauding the hall.


Closure of the XVI Congress of the CPSU (b). (1930)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:40 to collection B 4/15/2014

On Cathedral Square are Molotov and Stalin with delegates XVI Congress.

Molotov, Stalin, Kaganovich, Voroshilov photographed with congress delegates.

Educational program in the Armenian SSR. (1931 - 1932)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:25 to collection B 4/15/2014

Newsreel beginning of XX century:


Lesson in church school: children on their knees, cross themselves and pray.

The old teacher with a crucifix in his hand, teaches children to be baptized.

Children kiss the crucifix.

Punished boy kneeling with hands raised.

A woman holding a child out of the house.


Postwar life of the USSR. (1945 - 1949)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:44 to collection B 4/15/2014

Temperance meeting.

The orchestra.

A column of adolescents.

Are the people with banners: "Against drinking fathers" and so on.

Crowded with people, are men.

Adolescents face.

Smash a bottle of vodka with red star on a pole.
