Newsreels Our region

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Our region 1963 № 37

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:06:31 to collection G 10/18/2019

No early release.

1. Kalininskaya region, state farm "Luch Svobody", the products of the farm.

2. Vorkuta, housing.

3. Highway "Moscow - Gorky" after reconstruction.

4. Great Ustupski factory "Northern niello".

5. Summer in Kolomenskom summer camp.

Our region 1963 № 51

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:09 to collection G 10/18/2019

1. Vologda oblast, the results of the autumn harvest.

2. Vologda production management, collective farm "Rodina".

3. The award of the Vologda oblast Red Banner.

4. The achievements of the milkmaids of the Vologda region.

5. Sukhonsky milk factory.

6. Vologda production management, poultry farming in the state farm "Iskra".

7. State farm "Red star", the mechanized pig farm shop.

8. Gryazovetskoe production management, kolkhoz Zavet, forage.

9. The collective farm "Krasnoe Znamya", flax.

Our region 1964 № 17

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08 to collection G 10/18/2019

1. Kalinin plant artificial fibers, foremost production.

2. Vladimir agricultural College, courses for employees of state and collective farms.

3. Novgorod region, city Hill, the construction of the bridge over the river Lovat.

4. Kaliningrad oblast, state farm ushakovskiy, spring work.

5. Kirov, all-Union Institute of furs, development of commercial agriculture.

6. Pskov, Amateur art Studio at a recreation center of builders, exhibition of works.

7. The Kirov figure skating.

Our region 1964 № 4

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:54 to collection G 10/18/2019

1. Vladimir Sovnarkhoz, the overfulfillment of the annual plan (Vladimir tractor plant, Vladimir electromotor plant, Alexandrovsky plant, Karabanovskiy the cotton plant, the Murom factory of refrigeration equipment).

2. The meeting in Ivanovo in honor of the early implementation of the plan.

3. Ivanovskiy Zavod boring machines, commissioning of the second stage of the foundry.

4. Trust "Novgorodian", Pesky the timber industry, the results of the loggers.

5. Bryansk technological Institute, classes with the rural agriculturists.

6. Smolensky house of scientific and technical information and propaganda, a workshop for designers (with the participation of Slava Zaitsev).

Our region 1963 № 18

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:14 to collection G 10/18/2019

1. Novoyaroslavskaya refinery, young professionals

2. Associate Professor of the Kostroma agricultural Institute Claudia V. Petrova, theory and practice of agriculture.

3. Bryansk oblast, socialist competition greenhouses.

4. Smolensk, lake Divo, competitions on ice fishing.

5. Novgorod oblast, a village Colpy, the story of Peter Nikitin.

5. Spring festival in Murmansk.

6. Kirov, figure skating, winners of the Hope Velle and Alexander Treshchev.

Our region 1977 № 30

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:17 to collection G 10/16/2019

1. Public discussion (the new Constitution of the USSR).

2. Ivanovo worsted mill, advanced production.

3. Novgorod plant named after Lenin Komsomol, the products with the quality mark.

4. Navigation in the Komi Republic, rafting.

5. The Vologda vocational school № 28, educational television center, theoretical and practical classes.

6. Great Luke, artist and architect Amir farukshin.

Our region 1963 № 49

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:53 to collection G 10/16/2019

1. The farm Kalinin, Guba branch harvesting potatoes (no sound).

2. Manufacture of fluorescent lamps (without sound).

3. Ibw of Sciences of the USSR, laboratory studies, fish study (partly without sound).

4. Topical (farm "Rechitsa" in Bryansk region, the Yaroslavl laboratory of the Institute of lacquers and paints, Muromsky Zavod imeni Ordzhonikidze, Ivanovo plant of trade equipment).

5. Art exhibition in Smolensk.

Our region 1967 № 46 The white continent

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:20 to collection G 10/16/2019

Special issue devoted to the work of researchers in Antarctica.

The shooting took place on research stations "Molodezhnaya", "Lazarev", "peace"; also in the preparation of the magazine used Amateur footage of the expedition participants.

Scientific expeditions | Geography and Nature | Science

Our region 1981 № 4 Towards the XXVI Congress of the CPSU

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:17 to collection G 10/15/2019

1. Delegates XXVI Congress of the CPSU: welder Kaliningrad plant "Stroydormash" Natalia evdokimovna Bushueva, Director Shumyachsky high school Vasily Fedorovich Aleshin, Brigadier Kaliningrad Assembly management trust "Sevzapelektromontazh" Vladimir Borisovich Drozdov.

2. Novgorod Association "Complex", industrial robot manipulators.

3. Smolensk refrigerator plant, a new model of "Smolensk-2" and "Smolensk-6".

4. Exhibition of ancient books and icons in the Novgorod Kremlin.

Our region 1969 № 48

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:18 to collection G 10/15/2019

1. Foremost Komsomol construction projects of the Komi ASSR, meeting in Moscow.

2. Days of culture of the GDR in Smolensk.

3. Vladimir region, Likino quarry, mining dolomite.

4. Kaliningrad oblast, the city of Light, Baltic fish cannery, a new automatic line.

5. Kaliningrad amber factory, a production and a new way of amber processing.

6. What begins Motherland...

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