Newsreels Soviet Ural Mountains

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727 documents,

Soviet Ural Mountains 1983 № 41

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:57 to collection G 6/2/2014

How to buy running shoes?


Problematic story about monetary clothing market and factory sportobuvi.

2. Glass.


Difficulties with the delivery of empty dishes.

3. Traces of barbarism.


The street was cut down a poplar.

Soviet Ural Mountains 1983 № 42

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:37 to collection G 6/2/2014


Soviet ".

Kurgan region.

It organized the first farm in the Urals.

2. True story.


The history of the city.

Soviet Ural Mountains 1983 № 46

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:35 to collection G 6/2/2014

Permian phones.

2. Association?

Flight. "


3. Career guidance.


4. Severouralsk mine.

Soviet Ural Mountains 1983 № 48

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:45 to collection G 6/2/2014

Drifting sweeps, feather grass sways in the wind.

Oil drilling rig.

Jury foreman drillers Gauskneht is a forest in the snow.

Brigadier talking with a member of the team.

Pipes and stockpiled near the rig.

Work crews drillers in the daytime and at night.

Relaxing team members are watching TV, playing chess.


Soviet Ural Mountains 1984 № 1

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:11 to collection G 6/2/2014

Sverdlovsk New Year.

Order Solikamsk.

On Yamburg field.

Report from the construction of the pipeline.

Soviet Ural Mountains 1984 № 2

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:47 to collection G 6/2/2014

Best blast furnace country.

Nizhny Tagil.

2. On the day of the December solstice.

Tyumen region.

Story about the fishermen Armizonskoe fish farm.

3. Perm Paper Mill.

4. Experimental rural village in Baltyme.


5. Izhevsk gunsmiths.

Soviet Ural Mountains 1984 № 3

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:04 to collection G 6/2/2014

Master drilling Agafonov.

Sverdlovsk region.

2. Watchmaker.


Portrait N.Klevakina.

3. Sculptor N.Kaneev.


4. N.Panovoy pies.


Soviet Ural Mountains 1984 № 6

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:58 to collection G 6/2/2014

Peace March.


2. Peace Foundation.


Said the chief of the urban management of the State Bank F.Balyukina.

3. New book writer M.Shusharina.


Soviet Ural Mountains 1984 № 8

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:50 to collection G 6/2/2014

The newspaper "Pravda" in mourning frame over the death of the Secretary General Yu Andropov.

Photo JV Andropov in the newspaper.

Advertise with mourning ribbons.

Hall of the Palace of Youth in Sverdlovsk, where they held a memorial meeting.

At the microphone - BN Yeltsin - first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee.

Speech on the podium NI Ryzhkov - Secretary of the CPSU (synchronously).

Listen to the Hall.


Soviet Ural Mountains 1984 № 15

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:30 to collection G 6/2/2014

USSR champion in acrobatics.


2. Olympic champion I.Malkov.


3. National champion in diving O.Blinova.


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