Newsreels Tonwoche

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Tonwoche 1942 № 542

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:57 to collection G 4/15/2016


Celebration of the 8th anniversary of the coming to power of the phalanx.

Torchlight procession in the night.

The grand ceremony at the Escorial.

Prime Minister Serrano Sunier at the grave of Primo de Rivera, lays flowers at the slab.

Arrival of Caudillo Franco for the ceremony in the Basilica of the Escorial, he is inside the basilica.

The parade of troops in front of Franco.


Tonwoche 1944 № 665

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:37 to collection G 4/15/2016

Eastern front.

Division ROA (Russian Liberation Army) on vacation.

The morale of the volunteers is reflected in the new songs, created by them.

The choir sings a new soldier fighting song.

Among the officers sitting at a concert General Vlasov.

May 1 - holiday of spring and labor, was solemnly celebrated in the Kovno (Kaunas).

Nazi flags over buildings, there is a military band on the street.


Tonwoche 1942 № 541

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:13 to collection G 4/15/2016

French plane carrying members of the expedition led by Admiral the Balaton (?) On board sent to Algeria.

The map shows the route in the Sahara Desert through Oran, Colomb, Behar, Gao, Timbuktu.

Types of terrain with the aircraft.

For aircraft landed fleeing locals, it is a detachment of Bedouin horsemen with spears.

Admiral bypasses the operation of the French colonial troops.

French group arrived (probably Vichy officials) inspecting the construction of roads in the Sahara.

The colonial troops with the help of the local population are building roads and bridges.


Tonwoche 1943 № 595

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:23:25 to collection G 4/15/2016

Visit of the Spanish Minister of the Ares Party to Berlin.

The minister goes to the pantheon, the residents greet him.

Laying a wreath in the pantheon at Unter den Linden.

The solemn passage of the soldiers of the honor guard past Ares.

The Bulgarian Minister of War, Lieutenant-General Mikhov, who is on a tour of Germany, visits Hitler at his headquarters.

Officers greet Mikhov, he talks with General Field Marshal Keitel.

Hitler comes out, shakes hands with the Bulgarian minister, the Fuhrer is introduced to the Bulgarian generals.


Tonwoche 1943 № 614

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:45 to collection G 4/15/2016

Occupied Ukraine.

Godfather course in Odessa, are priests, two nuns are an icon of the Virgin.

The crowd crosses.

Romanian soldiers are standing with the national flag.

The priest holds prayers in the square on the occasion of the "liberation" of the city, close-ups of the faces of children and old people.

The cross on the background of the Romanian flag.

In the Bavarian town in the mountains are trained horses for the troops of the front supply.


Tonwoche 1943 № 619

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:13:45 to collection G 4/15/2016

A group of Russian workers from the regions liberated from Bolshevism made a trip to Germany to get acquainted with the country.

At the end of the trip, the workers attended a reception with Reichsleiter Dr.

Ley in the building of the German Workers ' Front in Berlin.

Ley spoke to the Russian workers at a formal reception and in an informal setting over lunch.

Many thousands of Russian agricultural workers work in Germany in large peasant farms.

Workers are engaged in the repair of equipment.

Plowing on a tractor, men harrowing the field on oxen.


Tonwoche 1943 № 617

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:02 to collection G 4/15/2016

Eastern Front.

Volunteers who have distinguished themselves in battle are awarded medals for bravery, established by the Fuhrer.

The German general in front of the line of volunteers reads out the list of recipients.

Locals watch the ceremony.

The traditional "Ensign's Day"is held in Stockholm.

Young Swedes in sailor suits in the ranks.

The ceremony is attended by 75-year-old King Gustav V of Sweden and members of the royal family.


Tonwoche 1944 № 650

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:13:50 to collection G 4/15/2016

Japanese Ambassador Hiraka visits the Duce's headquarters.

He goes around the guard of honor, greets the generals, Mussolini.

At the same time, Mussolini receives the German ambassador, Dr.

Rahn, who has arrived to present his credentials.

Ran leaves the headquarters, goes around the formation, says goodbye at the car.

The generals of the German Army, Navy and Air Force gather at the Fuhrer's headquarters for a meeting.

General Field Marshal von Manstein talks with General Kluge.


Tonwoche 1942 № 555

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:11 to collection G 4/15/2016

In connection with the efforts of the Anglo-American threat Portugal strengthens the protection of the colonies.

After Lisbon marching troops sent to Mozambique, residents welcomed them.

In the port of troops being loaded onto the ship.

The boat departs from the pier, mourners waving their hands.

Celebrating May 1 in Riga.

Portrait of Hitler.

Are the young workers.


Tonwoche 1941 № 519

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:01 to collection G 4/14/2016

Protectorate of Bohemia, Moravia.

Here comes the construction of a huge bridge, view of the construction site in the woods.

The construction was attended by representatives of European corporations involved in the supply and installation works.

Overview of the bridge from the ground.

Ready bridge.

Processing corn crop at a factory in Argentina.

Man shoveling corn shovel.


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