Studio Centrnauchfilm (CNF)

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3278 documents,

ZK SCH282.. (1989)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film was filming the following: type of premises in a building with bookshelves, where among books including Works Solzhenitsyn.

Photos Solzhenitsyn for different periods of his life.

Sculpture of a man, restraining bull on the gable of a building.

Different view and stucco reliefs with Soviet symbols on the pediment of the building (perhaps one of the pavilions at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR).

Worker cleans the roof of the pavilion unnecessary details.

View of the tunnel filled with water.

View of one of the buildings of Stalinist architecture with the NDP on the facade of "Praise our free Fatherland."


Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. The universe of the artist.. (1987)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:09:57 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film tells about the creative way the artist Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin.

People and stars.. (1979)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:46:04 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film tells about the huge impact on the life and consciousness of people of practical cosmonautics for 21 years of its existence; about the multi-purpose orbital station "Salyut-6"; a series of outstanding experiments conducted on board the station by the main expeditions (Romanenko Yu. V. - Grechko G. M.; Kovalenok V. V.-Ivanchenkov A. S.; Gubarev A. A.-Remek V.; Klimuk P. I.-Germashevsky M.; Bykovsky V. F.-Yen Z.); about how the future of mankind can be connected with cosmonautics

Conquest of Space | Space

Moscow spring.. (1983)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:30 to collection G 6/15/2014

Film about Moscow drinking water supply.

The film shows the waterways that feed the capital, water intake station, elimination of emergency water supply.

Tsiolkovsky's scientific heritage.. (1983)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:30 to collection G 6/15/2014

A film about the scientific heritage of Tsiolkovsky, was commissioned by the Museum of Cosmonautics.


The film includes newsreels, photographs, drawings, mathematical calculations, the texts of the technical descriptions, diary entries, animation illustrating scientific ideas and concepts learned.

One Tamm.. (1972)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:10:16 to collection G 6/15/2014

A film about the life and work of academician Tamm.

Physical Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences.

Photos - Tamm at a seminar at the table at the blackboard.

Interview Tamm (synchronously).

Memories of Tamm share corresponding member of USSR Academy of Sciences, Feinberg, VL Ginzburg and IM Frank, Rabinovich, Sakharov, Engelhardt, Danin, wife Tamm.

Newsreel: Tamm in the office; with his grandson.

Ceremony in Stockholm, diplomas and medals scientists Cerenkov  IE Tamm, IM Frank.

Tamm and Kurchatov; Tamm and Dirac; I. Tamm E and Bohr (photos).

Tamm in Alpine camp in camp, campfire.

The first international "Soyuz" - "Apollo.". (1975)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:25 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film is about the implementation of the Soviet-American space project "Soyuz - Apollo" spacecraft flight "Soyuz" and "Apollo" with a crew consisting of - A.A.Leonova, V.N.Kubasova, T.Stafforda, D.Sleytona, V.Branda.

The film features footage shot in space A.A.Leonovym, V.N.Kubasovym, T.Staffordom, D.Sleytonom, V.Brandom.

Space | Space programs

Tale of star house.. (1976)

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Documentary, 5 parts to collection G 6/15/2014

The film tells about the work of the orbital station "Salyut".

Shooting Space Station crews conducted "Salute".

Sorry Kara - Bogaz. . .. (1988)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:59 to collection G 6/15/2014

The Komsomol shock construction site for the construction of the city of Kara-Bogaz in the 30s.

The ecological disaster of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay in the late 80s.

Nature films | Geography and Nature

Russian missiles and we.. (1994)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:35 to collection G 6/15/2014

Фильм рассказывает о развитии ракетостроения и космонавтики в СССР, вкладе Королева С.П. в отечественное ракетостроение.

Space | Conquest of Space | Figures of science | Biography | Science