Studio Centrnauchfilm (CNF)

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3278 documents,

Rhythms century. (1979)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection G 2/28/2014

Film starring skaters N. Bestemianova and Bukin A. and their coach T.A.Tarasova.

Figure skating | Sport

Travelling by car. (1984)

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Promotional, 1 part, Duration: 0:04:50 to collection G 2/28/2014

Advertising trailering.

The film was shot by order of the Central Council for tourism and excursions Council of trade unions.

Shown driving, historic sites, monuments of culture.

Automobile transport | Russian cities and regions | Towns and countries | Transportation | Sectors of the economy | Geography and Nature

Voronezh - Moments centuries. (1994)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection G 2/28/2014

The film tells the story of the city and three eminent personalities who have left a deep mark in its cultural, educational and creative activity.

Russian cities and regions | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Arzamasskiye years. (1984)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:37 to collection G 2/28/2014

Film about the fate of the Soviet writer Arkady Gaidar.

The writer's life is considered in direct connection with the story "School".

Literature | Literati | Biography | Culture and Arts | Persons of arts

Lunar path. (1968)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:10 to collection G 2/28/2014

A film about moon exploration by Soviet scientists in the period 1957-1967.

Dedicated to the decade of research.

Science | Space | Space programs

"Sunrise" in space. (1965)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:50:17 to collection G 2/28/2014

Фильм рассказывает о подготовке к полету в космос и самом полете экипажа космического корабля «Восход» в составе космонавтов В.М. Комарова, К.П. Феоктистова и Б.Б. Егорова.

Space | Conquest of Space | Heroes of Space | Biography

Meeting on the orbit. (1969)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:54:19 to collection G 2/28/2014

The film is about outstanding experiment of Soviet science and technology, when in flight "Soyuz -4" and "-5 Union" was the world's first space station, and the transition of two astronauts from one ship to another.

Conquest of Space | Space

Meeting with Mars. (1972)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:25 to collection G 2/28/2014

The film tells about the first-ever comprehensive study of Mars by automatic stations "Mars-2 and Mars-3".

Conquest of Space | Space programs | Space

"VEGA" flies to the past. (1984)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:24 to collection G 2/28/2014

The film is about the preparation for the launch of automatic interplanetary station "VEGA-1" space project "Venus - Halley's comet".

Space programs | International cooperation | Figures of science | Space | Biography | Science

Politburo. Pages of history. Issue -10. 1928-1930.. (1993)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00 to collection G 2/28/2014

The film is dedicated to the historical period after the XV Congress of the CPSU (b) to the XVI Congress, inclusive, during the establishment of a system of cruel, centrally planned economic management in the country.

Domestic policy | Policy