Leningrad documentary film studio
(LSDF, Lendoc)

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3243 documents,

Panorama 1981 № 8

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:21 to collection G 12/16/2017

1. Kirov.

DOSAAF Sports Club.

Cadets are preparing for skydiving.


2. Vladimir.

The Avtopribor plant.

Working at the bench graduate from a vocational school Prunasin.


Panorama 1984 № 4

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:56 to collection G 12/16/2017

1. Vladimir.

Artist V. Smirnov at a construction site, factory, in the workshop.

Smirnov's works at the exhibition.

2. Vichuga.

Spinning and weaving factory, winners of the Vinogradov movement, photos of the Vinogradov sisters in the museum.

3. Kirov region.

At the Omutninsky Metallurgical Plant, foreman V. Ivanov.


Soviet Karelia 1971 № 1

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:12 to collection G 12/16/2017

1. New semi-automatic wood sorting line.

2. About the Larchenko working dynasty in the Petrozavodsk locomotive depot.

3. On the work of scientific institutes of the Karelian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

4. About the station of young technicians in the village of Nadvoitsy.

5. About the Honored Master of Sports in shooting V.Constantinovo

Soviet Karelia 1973 № 12

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection G 12/16/2017

1. Test pressing of the defibrator at the plant "Tyazhbummash".

2. Awarding of the best employees of the Petrozavodsk mica factory.

3. Meeting of workers and rural correspondents in the House of Political Education.

4. About the working correspondent, the driver of the timber industry V. Sobolev.

5. Exhibition of artists of the Neubrandenburg district in Petrozavodsk.

6. The order on the roads is monitored by a helicopter.

7. Rest at the camp site "Kosolma".

Soviet Karelia 1970 № 11

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:12 to collection G 12/16/2017

1. The work of repair and maintenance base in Pindosam.

2. Construction of an automated berth in Perguba.

3. About the Karelian artist G. A. Strong.

4. The advance team of the Kondopozhsky Pulp and Paper Mill.

5. Demonstration on November 7 in Petrozavodsk.

6. Writers of Karelia visiting Leningrad.

Soviet Karelia 1971 № 3

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection G 12/16/2017

1. Meeting of young leaders of production in Leningrad.

2. About the tasks facing the staff of the plant "Tyazhbummash" in the light of the directives of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU.

3. Construction of the southern industrial zone of Petrozavodsk .

4. Secretary of the Party Bureau of the Petrozavodsk knitting factory about the tasks facing the team.

5. M. N. Vlasova-Candidate of Historical Sciences, delegate of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU.

6. About the first female pilot of the Republic of Karelia M. Savelyeva.

Soviet Karelia 1977 № 10

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:18 to collection G 12/16/2017

1. Meeting at the Petrozavodskmash plant, dedicated to the discussion of the new Constitution.

2. Launch of the first domestic paper-making machine at the Kondopozhsky Pulp and Paper Mill.

3. International Friendship Watch at the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill.

4. About Kondopoga vocational School.

5. About amateur artists from Petrozavodsk.

Soviet Karelia 1975 № 2

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection G 12/16/2017

1. Meeting of the party, Soviet, trade union, Komsomol and economic assets of the KASSR.

2. The story of how the Komsomol members of the Petrozavodsk machine-tool plant decided to fulfill an additional norm for the Hero of the Soviet Union N. Rigachin, who died in 1945.

3.! 9th Republican exhibition of artists of Karelia.

4. About the projectionist G. P. Ananin, who shows films in the most remote corners of Karelia.

5. About the final of the RSFSR Championship in cross-country skiing.

Soviet Karelia 1972 № 11

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:09 to collection G 12/16/2017

1. Celebration of November 7 in Petrozavodsk.

2. "Cooking" Friendship " in honor of the 50th formation of the USSR at the Kondopozhsky Pulp and Paper Mill.

3. About the team of fitters-assemblers of the Petrozavodsk plant "Tyazhbummash".

4. About the Kondopoga stone processing plant, which provides the whole country with facing stone.

5. Celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the Finnish Drama Theater.

Soviet Karelia 1975 № 5

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:57 to collection G 12/16/2017


People on the streets of Petrozavodsk.

Flags on the streets.

Solemn meeting dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Victory.

Presidium of the meeting.

The meeting is opened by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Karelian ASSR P. S. Prokkonen.

A banner is brought into the hall.
