Leningrad documentary film studio
(LSDF, Lendoc)

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3243 documents,

Leningrad chronicles 1983 № 4

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:21 to collection G 10/24/2016

60 years of the Baltic Shipping Company: history, everyday life, film library.

The head of the BMP V.I.Kharchenko.

Ships at sea, transport for the gas pipeline.

Leningrad chronicles 1983 № 31

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11 to collection G 10/24/2016

1. Tauride Palace, the meeting of propagandists., 2. Baltiysky Zavod.

The construction of the atomic icebreaker "Russia"., 3. The meeting of war veterans at Gatchina, the site of the heroism of the crew of the Z. Kolobanova., 4. The drivers of the road of life, an 18-car brigade., 5. Triplets family Mikhailov., 6. Coaching hockey team Izhorets.

Leningrad chronicles 1984 № 31

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:01 to collection G 10/24/2016

1. Presentation of the banner of the Leningrad region., 2. Everyday life of the Kalinin vegetable farm., 3. American preacher Dr.

Billy Graham in Leningrad., 4. The plot of the anniversary shot in the Peter and Paul Fortress., 5. Marathon on the line of defense of Leningrad.

Leningrad chronicles 1984 № 32

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:01 to collection G 10/24/2016

1. CCM im.

Lenin, the day of the young worker., 2. House of political education, a meeting of propagandists., 3. The study of the purity of lake Ladoga., 4. Preparation of a monolith for the monument to the 40th anniversary of the Victory., 5. "Children's story" the Pine forest.

Students visiting the border guards on the frontier them.


Students in the obstacle course.

Leningrad chronicles 1968 № 17

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:21 to collection G 10/24/2016

1. Festival of Belarusian poetry in Leningrad., 2. Metal plant, turbine Assembly., 3. Service warriors-border guards of the North-Western border., 4. Friendship day Leningrad - Turku., 5. State farm "Red October", greenhouses, chemical laboratory., 6. The opening of the children's pool "Dolphin"., 7. Weekdays Higher naval school.


Leningrad chronicles 1968 № 1

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:17 to collection G 10/24/2016

1. Nevsky machine-building factory of Lenin's watch., 2. The solemn meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the KGB, 50., 3. Routine combine offset printing., 4. Agricultural Institute, Department engines., 5. Wife Pimenova - made porcelain flowers., 6. The first all-Russian festival of schools of music., 7. Speech Ballet on ice.

Leningrad chronicles 1968 № 31

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:14 to collection G 10/24/2016

1. Komsomolskaya square.

The opening of the monument to the heroic Komsomol of Leningrad., 2. Kirov plant, the Komsomol organization awarded the order of red banner of Labor., 3. Concert hall, a solemn plenary session dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol, the awarding of the red banner for permanent storage., 4. Decorated with a Nevsky, a carnival procession, fireworks.

Leningrad chronicles 1984 № 4

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:15 to collection G 10/24/2016

1. Everyday life of the Leningrad ceramic factory., 2. "Roads of the Arctic" Winter navigation in the Arctic, the Northern Sea Route., 3. Meeting of war veterans, 72nd radio battalion., 4. New club "Nevsky Walruses".

1. "Decisions of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU - to life!"

The building of the ceramic products factory.

Workshops of the plant.

Plant director L.P.Levzenko (synchronously).

Factory products;

2. "Roads of the Arctic".


Leningrad chronicles 1984 № 8

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection G 10/24/2016

1. Tauride Palace, regional party conference., 2. Shipbuilding Plant named after

Zhdanova, automation of production., 3. Everyday life of the Petrovsky State Printing Plant., 4. The plot about the people's teacher of the USSR T.I.Goncharova.

1. The building of the Tauride Palace.

Delegates of the regional conference during the break

ртийной конференции

Leningrad chronicles 1984 № 29

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:53 to collection G 10/24/2016

Heroes of the five-year plan., 1. Director of the State land Plant "Petrovsky" M.S.Novikov., 2. Hero of Socialist Labor E.P.Karavaeva, factory.

Volodarsky., 3. A.N.Migalkin, commander of the IL-86 liner.