Leningrad documentary film studio
(LSDF, Lendoc)

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3243 documents,

Panorama 1983 № 3

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:09 to collection G 11/1/2019

1. Vladimir.

About labor discipline at a chemical plant.

Meeting of the party Committee.

In the shop for the production of dacron film. "Analysis" of truants from the transport shop at a meeting of the Council for the Prevention of offenses.

2. Vladimir.

Plant "Avtopribor", Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR G. Zhukov.

Workshop for the production of turn switches and pressure sensors for cars.


Panorama 1984 № 1

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00 to collection G 11/1/2019

1. The city of Tutaev yesterday and today (formerly Romanovo-Borisoglebsk).

2. Vladimir region, the collective farm "Rodina".

Doyar N. Davydov and his family.

3. Vladimir.

Association "Technique", turner Z.Hodonin.

4. Yaroslavl.

The therapist L. Romashova and the teacher of the Medical Institute M. Makarov, they are 25 years ago in the music school (film library).

Soviet Karelia 1965 № 7

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:01 to collection G 11/1/2019

1. Petrozavodsk.

Night city.

2. Karelia.

Geologists mine mica.

3. The experimental farm of Vilga.

Field work.

4. Shuisko-Vidensky forestry enterprise.


Panorama 1986 № 24

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:18 to collection G 11/1/2019

1. Murom.

Diesel locomotive plant.

The day of the assessment of quality.

2. Kostroma.

GRES, repair work, night streets of the city.

3. Kostroma.

The plant "Red may day", mechanic, Hero of Socialist Labor V. Silantyev.


Panorama 1982 № 3

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:03 to collection G 11/1/2019

1. Photos - working days of the country.

2. Murom.

Diesel locomotive plant, plant museum, film library of 1957.

3. Kirov.

Workers of the leather and shoe factory V. and A. Starikov, filmoteka 1957.

4. Ivanovo.

At the worsted mill, Master I.Pelevin in 1963 and today.


Our region 1962 № 25

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:52 to collection G 11/1/2019

The issue is dedicated to the agricultural workers of the Smolensk region.

1. The first meeting of the regional Committee on agriculture.

2. The kolkhoz "Soviet Russia", processing and preparing the fields for spring sowing.

3. The farm "Talashkino", workshop mechanics.

4. Kolkhoz "Red dawn", the achievements of breeders.

5. The farm "Lonica", training of agronomists working at the milking plant "Tree".

6. The farm "Kopinsky", the expansion of the poultry farm.

7. The farm "Lonnica", breeding waterfowl.

Our region 1962 № 27

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:49 to collection G 11/1/2019

1. Gus Crystal plant named after Dzerzhinsky, automated glass production.

2. Novgorod oblast, farm "Kommunar", preparing for spring planting.

3. Yaroslavl oblast, a mobile dental office.

4. V. G. Zykin and his library of old books.

5. Apartment-Museum of M. V. Frunze in Ivanovo.

6. Smolensk drama theatre, play "Grenada Moya".

7. Racing in Kaliningrad.

Our region 1963 № 21

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection G 11/1/2019

1. Pskov, the house-Museum of V. I. Lenin.

2. Murmansk trawl fleet, the trawler RT-26 "Bang", captain A. I. Maklakov.

3. Vologda mechanical factory, team A. B. Kotov.

4. Kalininskaya oblast, SEL imeni Kirova, training of machine operators.

5. Kaliningrad oblast, agricultural aviation to help the growers.

6. Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill, the production of materials for decoration.

7. Yaroslavl, the Department of resettlement and recruitment of workers.

8. Smolensk, a meeting with workers of culture.

9. Kalinin factory of art products, wooden toys and Souvenirs.

10. Smolensk interregional wholesale fair.

11. Kirov, the final winter skating competitions.

Our region 1962 № 19

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:55 to collection G 11/1/2019

1. Delegates XIV Congress of the Komsomol and their accomplishments.

2. Kaluga drama theatre, play "Meet the stars".

3. Novgorod, events to mark 150 years since the birth of A. I. Herzen.

4. Komi ASSR, the exploration of mineral resources.

5. Vladimir region, Likino quarry, dolomite mining.

6. Tver oblast, bezhetskiy plant, production of flax machines.

7. Smolensk regional art exhibition.

8. Murmansk oblast, Kirovsk, competitions on the ski slalom.

Panorama 1982 № 2

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:40 to collection G 11/1/2019

1. At the Novovyatskaya poultry farm.

2. Yaroslavl.

Research Institute of Monomers for Synthetic Rubber, a new synthetic material for printing plates.

3. Ivanovo.

Institute of Chemistry of Non-aqueous Solutions, director Professor G. Krestov.

4. Kirov. 90-year-old resident of the city S. Shmyrin.

5. Vocal and instrumental ensemble "A plus B".

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