Leningrad documentary film studio
(LSDF, Lendoc)

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3243 documents,

Leningrad chronicles 1968 № 12

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:17 to collection G 9/16/2016

1. Visit to Leningrad N. In.

Podgorny., 2. BKZ "October": the regional asset of the party., 3. The order of the October Revolution, the cruiser "Aurora"., 4. Theatre. S. M. Kirov was awarded the order of Lenin Leningrad Military district.

Leningrad chronicles 1978 № 17

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:48 to collection G 9/16/2016

1. The feast of the book., 2. Smolny, party activity. 3. "High award" Presentation of the Banner of the Leningrad region. G.V.Romanov, Chairman of the Leningrad Executive Committee A.Shibalov. 4. Celebration of Victory Day on May 9 in Leningrad.

1. The holiday of the book.

Books by L.I. Brezhnego "Malaya Zemlya" and "Vozrozhdenie".

A meeting of activists of party, trade union, Soviet and Komsomol workers dedicated to L. Brezhnev's book "Renaissance".

On the podium - G.V. Romanov.

Presentations by the conference participants.

2. Presentation of the Red Banner of the Leningrad region at a meeting of the active rural workers of the region.


Leningrad chronicles 1984 № 19 This is Victory Day.

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:14 to collection G 9/16/2016

The issue is dedicated to the celebration of the 39th anniversary of the Victory in Leningrad.

Victory Day | Holidays | Social life

Leningrad chronicles 1984 № 7

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:34 to collection G 9/16/2016

The stories of the heroes of the five year plan., 1. Association

Sverdlov, borer N. With.

Lebedev., 2. Gatchina.

Institute of nuclear physics.

Konstantinov, physicist A. A. Vorobyov., 3. BDT, the anniversary of G. A. Tovstonogov.

A fragment from the play "Death of Tarelkin" (V. Ivchenko).

LGITMiK, course students G. Tovstonogov about their teachers.

Leningrad chronicles 1979 № 32

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:16 to collection G 9/16/2016

Special issue: Week Dresden to Leningrad., Meeting the German delegation at the station.

Smolny, Leningrad attractions.

Association "Electric Power". G. Romanov.

The exhibition "the Dresden district in the year of the 30th anniversary of the GDR."

The Palace of pioneers.

Leningrad chronicles 1963 № 34

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:14 to collection G 9/16/2016

1. Tauride Palace. 16-I city conference of the Komsomol., 2. Nevsky machine-building plant.

Lenin - chemists, installation of compressor and blower., 3. The State Farm "Krasnaya Baltika", Gatchina.

A bulldozer at the site of the new field, vegetable, and grain silos; a lecture., 4. Leningrad water.

Laboratory for the purification of drinking water., 5. Plant "Electroapparat" burner Bulanenkov., 6. Berg - academician, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, greetings., 7. The delegates of Cuba on the ship "Maria Ulyanov" was brought to Leningrad "Postal bag Cuban-Soviet brotherhood.", 8. The Lod Freed the besieged child, an orphan, now a Turner of the Kirov factory and a student of the musical school.


Music exam in school., 9. Russian Museum.

Exhibition of applied art: radios, clothing, the work of bone carvers, Dymkovo toys, glass, porcelain.

Leningrad chronicles 1966 № 31

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:07 to collection G 9/16/2016

1. Typography.

Volodarskogo, weekdays., 2. Metal factory, model tests of bucket turbine., 3. Achievements of scientists of the Pulkovsky Observatory.

The devices record signals on the tape.

Leading designer Ryzhikov along with a technician is viewing the recording on the tape., 4. NII (Scientific research Institute) lake and river management, fish farming in ponds., 5. The construction of new houses.

Crane operator at tower crane.

Settlers at the new house on the street.

Tukhachevsky., 6. All-Union Institute of plant cultivation, experiments., 7. New models of the factory "Bolshevik.", 8. The rehearsal of the Opera Holminov "Optimistic tragedy".

Leningrad chronicles 1989 № 7

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:20 to collection G 9/16/2016

"Leningrad - Antwerp", A Kind Of Antwerp.

Hugo Benoit on the farm.

Institute of translators and interpreters in Antwerp.


A meeting of the burgomaster of Antwerp in the Leningrad airport. V. Khodyrev., pnrm. from the top: Leningrad.

Victory Plaza.

Nevskiy Prospekt.


Leningrad chronicles 1968 № 24

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:16:28 to collection G 9/16/2016

1. Metal plant. 22nd Congress of the CPSU, the meeting devoted to the events in Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovakia)., 2. The sovkhoz "Detskoselsky", a meeting dedicated to the events in Czechoslovakia., 3. Research Institute "Mekhanobr", a meeting dedicated to the events in Czechoslovakia., 4. "Electric power" rally on the events in Czechoslovakia.

Leningrad chronicles 1967 № 31 50 unfading years.

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02 to collection G 9/16/2016

The issue is dedicated to the history of Leningrad in the 50 years since the October Revolution, and to the achievements of the working people of Leningrad.

Russian cities and regions | Anniversaries | History | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Social life