Leningrad documentary film studio
(LSDF, Lendoc)

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3243 documents,

Leningrad chronicles 1962 № 27

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02 to collection G 9/17/2019

1. The delegation of India and Sardar Hukam Singh in Leningrad.

2. Innovator of the Kirov factory Ivan Davidovich Leonov.

3. School of Communist labor experience.

4. Harvest in the kolkhoz imeni Zhdanova and in the sovkhoz imeni tel'mana.

5. The return of a fishing trawler in Leningrad.

6. Hungarian industrial exhibition in the House of scientific-technical propaganda.

7. Leningrad Conservatory 100 years.

Leningrad chronicles 1969 № 27

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02 to collection G 9/17/2019

1. According to Lenin places.

2. Party organizer shop.

3. The rows of the report.

4. Topical.

5. The city and its problems.

Comrade taxi.

6. The circus half a century.

Leningrad chronicles 1979 № 27

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection G 9/17/2019

1. Enrico Berlinguer in Leningrad.

2. The meeting of employees of vocational training in the Tauride Palace.

3. The first plasma torch at the Izhora plant.

4. Harvesting potatoes at the farm "Luban".

5. National guard Association "Svetlana".

6. September 1 in the school № 345.

Leningrad chronicles 1989 № 22

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:10 to collection G 9/17/2019

The main theme of the issue - the visit to the USSR bloodline Epanchina, Baron Eduard Alexandrovich von Falz-FEIN, a philanthropist, who for many years engaged in the return of the lost treasure of Russian culture.

Also in the issue looks at the course of filming the documentary series "Cops" for American television, the first issue of training school managers at Leningrad state University, the international Symposium pulmonologists and French technology of growing vegetables in the farm named after Telman.

Leningrad chronicles 1978 № 22

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11 to collection G 9/17/2019

1. 21st working conference of the Baltic sea States, Norway and Iceland.

2. Soviet Komsomol sent to Havana on the 11th world festival of youth and students.

3. Forage in the Gatchina district.

4. Leningrad metal factory and the Union Elektrokeramika early fulfill orders for Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.

5. The town of Pushkin, the restoration of the Catherine Palace.

6. Georgy Grechko in Leningrad.

Leningrad chronicles 1961 № 32 Special issue on the days of the XXII Congress of the CPSU

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:58 to collection G 9/17/2019

1. Leningrad delegates at the XXII Congress of the CPSU in Moscow.

2. Report on the stay in Leningrad of the delegations of North Korea, Germany, China and Mongolia.

3. Printing house named Evgeny Sokolov releases a new edition of the CPSU program.

Leningrad chronicles 1989 № 24

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:42 to collection G 9/17/2019

10th session of the Leningrad city Council September 11, 1989, the attitude of the deputies and the public to public policy and to the actions of Boris Yeltsin.

At issue were comments by a correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda" V. F. Gerasimov and Deputy N. In.


Leningrad chronicles 1986 № 24

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:20 to collection G 9/17/2019

1. Automation at the Ordzhonikidze Baltic Plant.

2. Cardiologist Vladimir Andreevich Almazov.

3. Pollution of Lake Ladoga.

4. Architect Alexander Alexandrovich Kedrinsky, restoration of garden and park ensembles.

5. 1st USSR Judo Championship.

Leningrad chronicles 1963 № 14

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02 to collection G 9/17/2019

1. The Admiralty plant, a new tanker giant Havana.

2. The Izhora plant, automatic tube rolling mill.

3. The farm "Slantsy", spring field work.

4. The collective farm "Memory of Lenin", the planting of early potatoes.

5. Exhibition dedicated to the blockade in the Leningrad branch of Union of artists of the USSR.

6. Piskarevsky, the Victory Day.

7. The Leningrad television for 25 years.

8. Restoration work in Petrodvorets.

9. 5-th Leningrad Day Songs.

Leningrad chronicles 1984 № 26

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:56 to collection G 9/17/2019

1. The day of the Navy of the USSR.

2. Intensification-90.

3. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the great Victory.

4. Collects them friendship.

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