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Cosmonautics. ISS - inhabited island. (2015)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:25 to collection V4 10/24/2022

The plot for the 15th anniversary of the International Space Station.

The ISS is the largest object in orbit created by man.

Cosmonauts joke that the station is the first thing that aliens will see flying up to Earth.

The plot includes footage chronicles of various crews on board the ISS and fragments of interviews with memories of flights: Maxim Suraev, Sergey Krikalev, Elena Serova, Pavel Vinogradov, Chris Hadfield, Oleg Artemyev, Sergey Volkov, Sergey Ryazansky.

Life on an inhabited island in the ocean of space continues, according to the plan, the station will work for another 10 years.

Cosmonautics. Padalka, man-record. (2015)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:35 to collection V4 10/24/2022

A traditional celebration was held in Star City in honor of the return to Earth of the crew of the Soyuz TMA-16M spacecraft.

After the solemn meeting, Gennady Padalka, Andreas Mogensen and Aydin Aimbetov told at a press conference about their work on the ISS.

Gennady Padalka returned to Earth as the world record holder for total stay in orbit: 878 days or two and a half years of life.

During rehabilitation, the cosmonaut himself became the object of experiments, doctors studied the state of his body after a long stay in weightlessness.

The results of the research will become the basis for preparing astronauts for long-distance expeditions.

Cosmonautics. The parade of planets affects ozone. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:28 to collection V4 10/24/2022

The ozone layer is the natural filter of our planet to protect all living things from the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

According to the generally accepted theory, ozone holes that occur in the upper layers of the atmosphere are the result of man-made human activity, but there are other hypotheses related to celestial mechanics, for example, with various astronomical phenomena, such as a parade of planets.

However, today most scientists are sure that the depletion of the ozone layer is a seasonal and regular phenomenon, so there is nothing terrible about it yet.

The plot starred Vladimir Sivorotkin, researcher at the CAO Roshydromet Vera Sitnikova, Vyacheslav Khattatov, Grigory Kruchenitsky, researcher at the CAO Roshydromet Alexander Kuzmichev, chief designer for space complexes "Meteor" Alexander Churkin, Oleg Ugolnikov.

Cosmonautics. Planet of the Apes. (2015)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:20 to collection V4 10/24/2022

The Institute of Biomedical Problems has resumed a scientific research program with the participation of monkeys.

In our country, not only dogs were sent into space, but also primates, however, much later than it began to be done in the USA. The help of monkeys was needed when scientists began to think about long-term space expeditions.

Today, a team of 4 primates has been formed in IMBP, which is involved in various experiments.

Interview: Inessa Kozlovskaya, Natalia Miller, Ksenia Lebedeva-Georgievskaya.

Cosmonautics. Fitting of the ship "Federation". (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:43 to collection V4 10/24/2022

At RSC Energia, cosmonauts are mastering a new manned spacecraft, called the Federation.

Everything is new here: composite materials and thermal protection, a new hull shape that gives more room for maneuvering, special landing racks like landing gear, retractable control panels, touch screens and special pilot seats equipped with soft landing systems.

Three cosmonauts and the ship's designer Mark Serov are freely placed inside.

The "Federation" is much bigger than the "Union".

Depending on the tasks, the crew can include from 4 to 6 people.

The first manned launch of the new ship is planned in 2023.

Interview: test pilot Mark Serov, chief designer for the Angara launch vehicle Gennady Kleimenov, Chief Designer of the V.P. Barmin Research Institute of Launch Complexes Alexey Bogomolov, design engineer of the V.P. Barmin Research Institute of Stratov Complexes Arkady Doroshchuk, cosmonauts Peter Dubrov and Anna Kikina.

Cosmonautics. "Progress" for nanosatellites. (2015)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:08 to collection V4 10/24/2022

A new series of Progress cargo ships has acquired an unusual function: launching spacecraft.

Special launch containers will be installed on the new Progresses-MS, where mini-devices of the CubeSat standard will be located in an amount of up to 8 pieces.

The satellites will be put into orbit during the spacecraft's flight to the ISS.

Interview: Associate Professor of the Interuniversity Department of Space Research of SSAU Andrey Kramlikh, Deputy Head of the Project Department for cargo ships of RSC Energia Artem Pavlichenko.

Cosmonautics. Voronezh: motors for space. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:55 to collection V4 10/20/2022

The creation of a rocket engine is a special production that solves many problems: reliability, safety, efficiency.

Russian missile technologies are openly recognized as the best in the world.

The combustion chambers of engines that have no analogues are created at the Voronezh Mechanical Plant.

The technologies are unique, the whole procedure is almost completely automated.

The employees of the plant were filmed in the plot: chief technologist Sergey Yukhnevich, chief engineer Alexander Grebenshchikov, director Ivan Koptev.

Cosmonautics. Vostochny, the first launch campaign. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:59 to collection V4 10/20/2022

April 28, 2016 is a new milestone in the history of Russian cosmonautics.

From now on, our country has the first national civilian cosmodrome - Vostochny.

The fourth cosmodrome, from where the Soyuz launch vehicles will launch.

In the near future, the cosmodrome will not only ensure that the new launch pad is loaded with launches, but also build a second launch for the Angara launch vehicle, which will open the way for manned cosmonautics.

Interview: Rano Juraeva, Igor Komarov, Roman Romanenko, Viktor Sadovnichy, Ravil Akhmetov, Alexey Brewhenko, Andrey Okhlopkov.

Cosmonautics. Vostochny, start rehearsal. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:35 to collection V4 10/20/2022

Once the Amur region became famous, thanks to the construction of the BAM. Today, the Amur Region is again in the spotlight, as the country's space harbor is being created here.

A dress rehearsal of the future launch of the launch vehicle took place at the Vostochny, but without refueling.

After that, the rocket was returned to the assembly and testing building, where work continued on assembling the head part with the Lomonosov, Aist-2D and Kontakt-Nanosatellite spacecraft.

Based on the results of the tests, the State Commission will determine the final date of the first launch, which will be the main event of the anniversary Gagarin year.

The plot starred Alexander Kildishev, Deputy Chief Designer of the Motor Design Bureau, Dmitry Baranov, Anastasia Chichunova, Rashit Salikhov, Ravil Akhmetov, Andrey Okhlopkov, Igor Komarov, technical director at the launch complex of the V.P. Barmin Research Institute Dmitry Sizov, Rano Juraeva.

Cosmonautics. Vostochny, 10 days before the start. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:37 to collection V4 10/20/2022

Vostochny Cosmodrome celebrated Cosmonautics Day and the 55th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight together with space pioneers, Valentina Tereshkova and Alexey Leonov arrived at the Amur cosmodrome.

The legendary cosmonauts inspected the facilities of the new cosmodrome, paying special attention to the launch table and the mobile service tower, which has already become the hallmark of the Vostochny.

Interview: Alexey Leonov, Andrey Okhlopkov, Valentina Tereshkova, Igor Komarov, Rano Juraeva, Deputy Chief Designer of the Progress RCC Sergey Pivishev, specialist of the Progress RCC Yulia Shindina.

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