Studio Roscosmos

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space environment (2021 № 335 ) 07.07.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:41 to collection V4 8/17/2022

The astrophysical Observatory "Spektr-RG" was awarded the Marcel Grossman Prize, comment by Sergey Sazonov.

Sweden, the first successful high-altitude tests of the parachute system of the ExoMars-2022 mission, comment by Alexey Ivanov.

Tests of the onboard equipment of the command and measurement system for the Luna-25 automatic interplanetary station have begun at the RKS.

One line:


space environment (2021 № 340 ) 11.08.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:58 to collection V4 8/17/2022

The module "Science" changes life on the ISS.

Scientific experiments of the IMBP RAS.

Comment by Alexander Bloshenko.

ICI RAS is preparing a new pulsar orientation and navigation system for testing, says Vadim Arefyev.

The Berth node module has been delivered to Baikonur.


space environment (2021 № 324 ) 07.04.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:58 to collection V4 8/17/2022

Baikonur, the Soyuz-2 launch vehicle.1a" taken to the start.

The Spectrum-RG Orbital Observatory is conducting the third sky survey.

On the night side of Venus: bursts of ozone and variability of sulfur dioxide.

Chronograph: April 4 - 120th anniversary of the birth of M.V. Khrunichev.


space environment (2021 № 333 ) 23.06.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:58 to collection V4 8/17/2022


Petersburg, the international Conference on Space Exploration "GLEX-2021".

Comments on: Dmitry Loskutov, General Director of Glavkosmos, Zhang Yuan, General Representative of the National Space Administration of the People's Republic of China.

Moscow, the Sphere program at the 14th Navigation Forum.

Comments on: Professor Yuri Urlichich, employee of the Center for Additive Technologies of MAI Dmitry Akbashev.


space environment (2021 № 330 ) 19.05.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:58 to collection V4 8/17/2022

The film "Challenge", the state commission has completed the selection of candidates for participation in the flight.

The company "Space Adventures" has announced the start of preparations for the flight of two space tourists from Japan.

Dangerous approaches of satellites in space, expert comment.

Vostochny, preparation for the launch of OneWeb communications satellites.


space environment (2021 № 323 ) 31.03.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:58 to collection V4 8/17/2022

Baikonur, preparation for the flight of the main and backup crews of the Soyuz MS-18 spacecraft.

Experiment "Sketch" to simulate a flight to the Moon on the ship "Eaglet".

Satellites of the Arctic-M grouping, space weather forecast.

Dmitry Rogozin's working meeting with the UAE delegation.


space environment (2021 № 331 ) 26.05.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:58 to collection V4 8/17/2022

The results of the work of Roscosmos in 2018-2021.

The composition of the Russian ISS crews until 2023

Vostochny, the OneWeb satellite launch plan.

General Director of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin at the 9th international technology conference "Startup Village".


space environment (2021 № 337 ) 21.07.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:16:17 to collection V4 8/17/2022

The Russian multipurpose laboratory module "Science" has been launched into near-Earth orbit, Dmitry Rogozin comments.

Roscosmos at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2021, report by Sergey Tyurin.

Interview: Deputy Denis Kravchenko;

Head of the sector of JSC "RKS" Alexander Zaitsev, Chief Specialist of the department of JSC "RKS" Igor Barsukov;

General Designer of JSC "CENKI" Alexey Bogomolov;

General Director of JSC "NPP "Zvezda" Sergey Pozdnyakov;


space environment (2021 № 334 ) 30.06.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:53 to collection V4 8/17/2022

Baikonur, the successful launch of the Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket with the Progress MS-17 transport cargo ship.

Vostochny, preparation for the launch of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with the Fregat upper stage and 36 OneWeb spacecraft.

Baikonur, the final stage of pre-launch preparation of the multipurpose laboratory module "Science".

A test for the conquerors of orbits: training in a sign language chamber.


space environment (2021 № 327 ) 28.04.2021

Title image

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:58 to collection V4 8/17/2022

Vostochny, successful launch of 36 OneWeb communications satellites into orbit.

The Baiterek project and the Soyuz-5 launch vehicle, plans and prospects.

Interview: Bagdat Musin, Dmitry Rogozin.

Russian National Station: uniqueness and novelty.

Interview: Chief designer of the scientific and energy module Alexey Budeev, Alexander Bloshenko.


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