Telecasts Peak hour

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Peak hour (1997) 01/08/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:23:14 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is a candidate for governor of the Tyumen region Sergey Atroshenko.

Five-year Gaidar reforms, discussion of the results.

What happens to the economy of the country.

Characteristics of business and bureaucratic arbitrariness in Russia.

The opinion on the reforms as a whole.

The state of the economy of the Tyumen region.

Clarification of the position of the bank "Tyumen Credit".


Peak hour (1997) 10/07/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:10 to collection V2 2/20/2018

First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Vladimir Petrov speaks about the work of representatives of the Ministry of Finance with various factions In the State Duma before the adoption of the budget, on the attitude of each faction to various budget articles, on changes in the draft budget, on incomes and expenditures In the budget, about the payment of external debts and new loans, the reform of the social system, defense spending, the legislative mechanism for regulating the budget, and new sources of income.

Peak hour (1997) 08/07/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:11 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Mikhail Lapshin, Chairman of the Agrarian Party of Russia.

Land and the right of peasants to private property.

The problems of peasants in modern economic and social conditions.

The state of agriculture in Russia.

Purchase and sale of land, leasing and collateral (examples from the experience of foreign farms).

Export-import of grain and other agricultural products.

Why the adoption of the Land Code has stalled.


Peak hour (1997) 05/07/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:13 to collection V2 2/20/2018

Bodukhin Mikhail talks about his work as an endoscopist, removing foreign bodies from the human body, talking about objects extracted during surgery and typical patients.

Peak hour (1997) 04/07/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:11 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is skier Elena Vialbe.

Achievements at the World Championships in Trondheim.

Results of Russian and world competitions.

A fragment of the competition: the World Cup final, Elena Välbe and Stefania Belmondo finish in the race for 10 km.

EVValbe assesses his work on the track.

Gold medal at a distance of 5 km.

Doping scandals.


Peak hour (1997) 10/06/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:00 to collection V2 2/20/2018

Guests of the program - Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo, cabaret-duet "Academy".

From the history of appeals to the people and winged phrases.

The program "Good morning, country!"

Touring stories as signs of time.

Humor in life and in programs.

Stories from the life of the Russian remote places.

Hasten to do good.

Peak hour (1997) 08/06/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:24:09 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is banker Sergei Dubinin.

The topic of the conversation is the denomination of the Russian ruble.

The need for denomination, its role in the country's economy and citizens' lives, and the stability of the ruble as a convertible currency are discussed.

Peak hour (1997) 05/06/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:44 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is the economic editor of the newspaper "Izvestia" Mikhail Berger.

A conversation about the pros and cons of the economic aspects of the possible unification of Russia and Belarus.

Problems of the unification of large and small peoples (culture, finance, political influence).

The current economic situation in Russia.

Ways to combat the budget deficit.

Comparison of the financial and economic policy of Anatoly Chubais and Yegor Gaidar.

Answers on questions.

Peak hour (1997) 03/06/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:19:22 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is journalist Otto Latsis.

A conversation about the conversion of Boris Yeltsin to the government.

General political situation in the country.

The economic situation of Russians.

The review of problems of the budget, taxes, corruption.

Answers to the questions of spectators.

Peak hour (1997) 02/06/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:16 to collection V2 2/20/2018

Program with the participation of Mark Weinberg, who died on February 3, 1997.

Introductory speech of the presenter.

Andrei Razbash presents the guest.

MVVaynberg tells about coming to the profession.

The first meeting with Mikhail Mil.

Soviet and Russian helicopters in the countries of the world.


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