Telecasts Peak hour

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Peak hour (1996) 06/20/1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:12 to collection V2 2/20/2018

Director of the Institute of World History Alexander Chubaryan speaks about the opening of archives and the discovery of new documents on the history of the Great Patriotic War,  On the problem of determining the exact number of losses in the war, about new publications on the history of war and newly discovered documents on this subject, about the version of "preventive War ", the country's insufficient readiness for war, Stalin, a study of the problem of collaborationism, irresponsible publications about the war in a number Publications, the need to establish legal norms for the declassification and use of archival documents, the conflict in Chechnya.

Peak hour (1996) 02/20/1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:27 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is cardiac surgeon Leo Bockeria.

Statistics of cardiac pathologies.

Development of specialized medical care in Russia and abroad.

Filming in the Bakslev Center for Cardiology: cardiological operations in adults and children.

Statistics of operations in Russia and the United States, a comparison.

Technical and financial opportunities.

Commerce in medicine.


Peak hour (1996) 02/20/1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:46 to collection V2 2/20/2018

Bokeria Leo talks about the statistics of cardiovascular diseases in Russia, the factors that affect the country's death rates from heart and vascular diseases, and cardiovascular surgery in Russia and the United States.

Bokeria Leo answers questions from the audience.

Peak hour (1996) 11.19.1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:24:00 to collection V2 2/20/2018

A guest of the program is a lawyer Yevgeny Myslovsky.

A conversation about the definition of the concept of "mafia" and of organized crime as a socio-political phenomenon.

The financial and economic reasons for contract killings.

Comments on the explosion at the Kotlyakovskoye cemetery on November 10, 1996.

Causes of low crime detection and general trends in the breakdown of the law enforcement system.

Commercial and political benefits of crimes.

Penetration of criminal elements into government bodies.


Peak hour (1996) 09/19/1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:23:32 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is actor and director Lev Durov.

The premiere of the performance at the Malaya Bronnaya Theater.

Memories of working with Anatoly Efros.

Change of roles in the play "Marriage" (1975).

Lev Durov - "People's Bandit of the Republic."

Unsuccessful trip abroad, the history of communication with the visiting committee.

About people in general and about zhlobstve in particular.


Peak hour (1996) 08/19/1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:37 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The singer and composer Leonid Agutin speaks about music, his creative activity, recent musical collections, themes in his work, the relationship Creativity and commerce in art, ways of acquiring connections in show business, the popularity of the artist, the problem of "live sound" during performances, the prospects of domestic pop music and show business.

Peak hour (1996) 03/19/1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:25 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is stuntman Alexander Inshakov.

A conversation about the work on the film "The Crusader" (1995, directed by MI Tumanishvili, AIInshakov).

Excerpts from the film with comments by AIInshakov on the performed tricks.

Earnings of stuntmen in Russia and abroad.

AIInshakov in foreign media.

Rolling fate of the "Crusader".

"Fights without rules" in Russia, the first open world championship.


Peak hour (1996) 02/19/1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:22:32 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is the head of VGTRK Eduard Sagalayev.

Conversation about the appointment of E.M.Sagalayev as the head of the 2nd TV channel.

Professional and political reasons for the change of leadership.

Interests and priorities of state television.

The role of television in the political life of the country.

Creation and success of the TV-6 channel.

Prospects for applying international experience in the further development of Russian television.


Peak hour (1996) 12/18/1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:57 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Colonel-General of the State Security Marcus Wolf.

Intelligence in movies and in life, myths and reality.

The combination of success and failure is exemplified by the case of Gunther Guillaume.

The reasons for the return from Russia to their homeland.


The role of politics in current trials against former GDR scouts.

How did M.Volf find himself in the service of intelligence?


Peak hour (1996) 11/18/1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:41 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is the ballerina Ilze Liepa.

Commerce in ballet.

Memorial evening of Maris Liepa at the Bolshoi Theater.

Russian classical ballet, traditions and modernity.

Memories of the beginning of stage activities.

Connection of generations and continuity in the theater.

Work with Nadezhda Pavlova and Nikolai Tsiskaridze.


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