Telecasts debriefing

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12 documents,

debriefing (2022 № 6 ) Sanctions or war

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:31:41 to collection V4 7/5/2023

Healthy competition takes on a different meaning today, especially in space.

It remains to be understood according to which scenario the world cosmonautics will develop, whether there is a place for cooperation in orbit or a direct confrontation is approaching, space will become another battlefield or a platform for the implementation of joint projects.

Will the Cold War happen again?

Will Russia be able to ensure parity and dominance in the current situation?

Invited experts answer difficult questions and discuss them with the moderator.

Cosmonaut Elena Serova, journalist Igor Marinin, radio host Dmitry Konanykhin are visiting Nikolay Marchenko.

debriefing (2022 № 7 ) UFO

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:38:27 to collection V4 7/5/2023

Are we alone in the universe?

Do alien civilizations exist, and if they do exist, why haven't they come into contact with us yet?

The presenter discusses these ever-topical issues with the guests of the program - scientists Nathan Eismont and Vitaly Melnikov and journalist Igor Prokopenko.

The search for extraterrestrial civilizations is not complete without earthly intrigues.

The participants of the discussion talk about SETI (Search for extraterrestrial intelligence) projects to search for extraterrestrial civilizations, Relict-1 (the first ever experiment to study relic radiation from the Soviet satellite Prognoz-9 in 1983-1984), modern projects Radioastron, Millimetron, Venus-D, about lunar programs, while affecting the opinions of famous world scientists.

Questions are also being raised about what science and pseudoscience are, how science helps us today in the search for other forms of life and another mind, what the lag in technology leads to when it comes to international cooperation or confrontation, what periods of existence are allowed for a highly developed civilization and whether there are ways to solve the energy crisis.

Additionally, myths about the so-called "clean" energy are debunked and a Chinese project for the construction and placement of power stations in outer space for the use of solar energy is being discussed.

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