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SKJ fragment No. 64. (1940)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:19 to collection G 7/10/2023

1. Leningrad.

Electrosila plant: subscription to the loan of the III five-year plan.

2. Moscow.

Reconstruction: ul.

Gorky before and after reconstruction: house explosion; Okhotny Ryad corner; traffic, including a two-story trolleybus.

3. Moscow.

All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.


Local Council elections 22.02. (1953)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:45 to collection G 7/10/2023

The city of Moscow.

Voters walk through the streets to the polling stations.

At polling stations No. 14 (in a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment), No. 5 (in the Government House), No. 26 (Krasnopresnensky district), No. 1 (in the Kremlin), vote: People's Artists of the USSR G. S. Ulanova, M. I. Zharov, aircraft designer A. I. Mikoyan; M. A. Suslov, S. M. Budyonny, N. A. Bulganin, A.M. Vasilevsky, N. G. Kuznetsov, N. S. Khrushchev, O. Y. Schmidt, U. Y. Yusupov, I. F. Shkiryatov, I. F. Tevosyan; G. M. Malenkov, L. P. Beria, L. M. Kaganovich, A. I. Mikoyan

Highway Patrol (2000) issue from 25.05-26.05

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:49 to collection V3 7/8/2023

A fire in an evicted building on B.Lubyanka Street.

Clouds of smoke and flames on the roof of the building.

Fireman (synchronously).

Fire extinguishing.

The accident on Bolotnaya Street.

Subsidence of the foundation of the house.

Cracks on the facade of the building.


The appeal of Roscosmos employees to colleagues and the media in connection with a Special Military Operation (SMO). (2022)

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Footage, 7 footages, Duration: 0:24:10 to collection V4 7/7/2023

Speech by Dmitry Rogozin and other employees of Roscosmos at a meeting at the Khrunichev State Scientific Research Center, an appeal to colleagues and media representatives in connection with MSO.

Герои Хасана. (1938)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:46 to collection G 7/7/2023

Панорама палаточного лагеря одного из подразделений Красной армии на склоне высоты Заозерная, после окончания боев в районе озера Хасан.

Красноармейцы у полевых кухонь.

Красноармейцы сидят у палаток, исполняют песню под баян.

Вид части палаточного лагеря.

Красноармеец играет на баяне.

Красноармейцы во время отдыха у палаток.

Красноармеец начищает сапоги.


Германия перед началом Первой мировой войны. (1914)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:06 to collection G 7/7/2023

Члены германской императорской семьи садятся в экипаж.

Мужчины в военной форме и штатском сидят за столиками летнего кафе, пьют вино.

Мужчины беседуют, сидя за столиком на террасе дома.

Ветераны германской армии с женами.

Генерал Пауль фон Гинденбург выходит из здания.

Гинденбург, стоя у автомобиля, разговаривает с шофером, садится в автомобиль.

Мобилизованные резервисты, получившие снаряжение и обмундирование, строем идут по дороге.


СССР на рубеже 1920-1930-х годов. (1929 - 1933)

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Footage, 6 footages, Duration: 0:10:16 to collection G 7/7/2023

Вид одного из корпусов Орловского завода сельскохозяйственных машин, ломовые извозчики на санях везут сельскохозяйственный инвентарь, предназначенный для отправки в колхозы.

Вид санного обоза с сельскохозяйственным инвентарем для колхозов, направляющегося на железнодорожную станцию.

Выгрузка плугов с саней у пакгауза.

Установка плугов на площадку перед погрузкой в вагоны.

Новые плуги на площадке перед погрузкой.

Погрузка плугов в вагон.

Командир 1-й Запорожской Червоной кавалерийской дивизии Демичев М.А. верхом на коне рядом со знаменосцем в день празднования 10-летия дивизии в Проскурове в ноябре 1929 года.

debriefing (2022 № 8 ) How remote sensing satellites help the Ministry of Emergency Situations

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:37:29 to collection V4 7/6/2023

In recent years, due to the increase in the number of extreme meteorological phenomena potentially related to climate change and the impact of natural disasters on the environment, more and more attention has been paid to the operational use of satellite data of remote sensing of the Earth (remote sensing).

This allows you to see a more complete picture of what is happening and better navigate in emergency situations, including using geographic information systems (GIS).

The issue is dedicated to remote sensing of the Earth in crisis and emergency situations.

The guests of the program are Alexander Rebri, Sergey Kalugin and Elena Natarova.

debriefing (2022 № 9 ) Focus on diversification

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:32:45 to collection V4 7/6/2023

Diversification in Roscosmos is an increase in the share of civilian production without prejudice to the fulfillment of the state defense order.

The main areas of Roscosmos to consider the production of civilian products are the fuel and energy complex (the hydraulic fracturing fleet project to intensify the operation of oil and gas wells), infrastructure for housing and communal services (disposal of household waste using plasma torches, hydrogen production, desalination and water purification), medical products and urban transport (trams and other electric transport).

The results of space activities are actively used in the remote sensing system, in navigation and communication; integrated services make it possible to solve tasks more efficiently.

This and many other things are told by the guests of the program - Vitaly Shevtsov, Mikhail Kirechko, Vitaly Serikov.

debriefing (2022 № 10 ) Pluto

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:43:40 to collection V4 7/6/2023

On August 24, 2006, by the decision of the 26th Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Pluto was classified as a dwarf planet.

The meeting adopted the rules according to which the objects of the Solar System are officially defined as planets.

Criteria: rotation in orbit around the Star; due to its gravitational attraction, the celestial body must form a spherical shape; the absence of other objects in orbit, except for natural satellites.

It is because of the latter point that Pluto is no longer considered a planet, since its orbit is full of a variety of objects, including asteroids.

The mass of a dwarf planet is a small percentage of the mass of all moving bodies.

Today, only five celestial bodies fall under the term "dwarf planet": Eris, Haumea, Makemake and the former asteroid Ceres, and Pluto is the largest of them.

But not everyone agrees with this decision.
