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debriefing (2022 № 11 ) Hydrogen-powered rockets. The time has come

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:31:57 to collection V4 7/6/2023

In 2022, Roscosmos and Rosatom signed an agreement on the supply of hydrogen for the Vostochny cosmodrome, where a space rocket complex for Angara family rockets is being created.

The agreement includes the Angara-A5 with the third hydrogen stage and with the KVTC hydrogen upper stage.

China and India are currently using hydrogen-oxygen-powered rockets in the world, and after a 10-year break, the United States is preparing to launch a superheavy rocket using the same fuel.

Whether Russia should return to this idea, what difficulties are expected, what needs to be done to overcome them so that the use of hydrogen in rocket technology becomes profitable for the entire Russian industry - these and other issues of Russia's return to the use of hydrogen fuel are discussed in the next issue of the program.

The guests of the program are Miron Borgulev, Dmitry Pena, Andrey Ionin and scientific journalist Alexander Baulin.

debriefing (2022 № 12 ) Popular science tourism

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:22:07 to collection V4 7/6/2023

A popular science tourism program for young people is being launched in Russia, it is aimed at popularizing science in an accessible and interesting format.

Traveling to regions where there are unique scientific and technological projects can be combined with other types of tourism, for example, recreational and cultural and educational.

The routes are designed in such a way that travelers get acquainted with the history of the region and try themselves as scientists.

Roscosmos Media decided to follow the route of the traveler Gennady Nikolaevich Gudov, who discovered the space addresses of the resort city of Kislovodsk, and also visited the Caucasian Mountain Observatory, where he met young astronomers, students of Moscow State University.

Together with Gennady Nikolaevich, the head of the Summer Space School, Tatyana Miteva, is in the studio, she told about the Cosmopiligrim project, with whom you can visit Roscosmos enterprises in Moscow and throughout Russia.

MSU students Polina Budnikova, Ivan Gerasimov, Alexander Sulbayev and Lyudmila Lachina, chief curator of the Museum of the History of Cosmonautics of Kislovodsk, are also visiting the program.

The program uses an excerpt of an interview with Nikolai Shatsky to correspondent Yulia Deryabina.

debriefing (2022 № 13 ) Asteroid threat

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:36:20 to collection V4 7/6/2023

The theme of the issue is asteroids and the danger they pose to humanity.

Where do asteroids come from?

By what means can they be detected?

What to do when an asteroid has already been spotted, is it possible to change the trajectory of its flight and turn away from the Earth?

Which asteroids are considered potentially dangerous?

How do they threaten humanity and how can catastrophes be avoided as a result of their fall?

The guests of the program discuss asteroids, features of their movement, examples of falls in different parts of our planet and existential risks (events that can destroy our civilization, including the asteroid threat).


Delegation of Armenian workers at a reception in the Kremlin. (1936)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:47 to collection G 7/5/2023

I. V. Stalin, V. M. Molotov, K. E. Voroshilov, A. I. Mikoyan receive a delegation of the Yerevan Cannery in the Kremlin.

Развитие советской атомной энергетики. (1953 - 1959)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:11 to collection A 7/5/2023

Фрагменты американского плаката конца 1940-х годов с лицом солдата и обозначением оккупированной Москвы.

Глаза советского ученого-ядерщика во время испытаний.

Громкоговоритель для оповещения на стене.

Сборка атомного реактора Обнинской АЭС в 1953-1954 годах, фотопортрет руководителя атомных работ академика И.В. Курчатова.

Вставка стержней в детали реактора, чередуется с портретом Курчатова.

Вид части собранного реактора.

Процесс сборки реактора.


debriefing (2022 № 2 ) Dangerous Orbit ROSS

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Telecast, 2 parts, Duration: 0:34:01 to collection V4 7/5/2023

The ISS project is coming to an end.

Unlike the ISS, the Russian ROSS orbital service station will become not inhabited, but visited.

Most likely, a crew of 2-4 people will arrive 1-2 times a year for a couple of months to maintain equipment and monitor particularly complex processes.

The rest of the time, the tasks will be performed by automation.

The shortening of the stay of astronauts is due not only to the development of technology, but also to a more dangerous orbit.

Dmitry Rogozin clarified that the national station will operate in orbit with an inclination of 96-98 degrees (the inclination of the ISS is 51.6).

This will allow you to fly practically from pole to pole and observe any point of the Earth, including Russia, whereas the ISS route covers only 20% of the country's territory.


debriefing (2022 № 3 ) Will there be launches from the Sea Launch?

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:32:56 to collection V4 7/5/2023

The marine cosmodrome has many advantages: the efficiency of launching vehicles due to their location on the equator, relatively low cost of operation, compactness, mobility and much more.

What prevents them from being implemented?

Work on the creation of the "Sea Launch" has been underway since the 1990s.

To date, the cosmodrome is under the management of the company "S7 Space", but the current owner has frozen the project.

The General Director of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, proposed to transfer the floating cosmodrome to the state for further restoration.

Active "yesterday" and problematic "today".

What will happen tomorrow?


debriefing (2022 № 4 ) How Russia Responds to Space sanctions

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:27:54 to collection V4 7/5/2023

Yuri Nikolaevich Koptev has been included in the US sanctions lists.

He was the initiator of the international projects Mir-Shuttle, ISS and many others.

How will the Russian cosmos respond to such "gratitude" from the partners?

Experts recall how the ISS project began and why this cooperation was beneficial primarily to the American side.

The guests of the program discuss potential projects that will replace the ISS, in particular, the ROSS national orbital station, analyze the history of American sanctions that were applied to Russian cosmonautics at different times, and ways to overcome them, predict the further development of the Russian rocket and space industry under sanctions.

Journalist Igor Marinin and historian Natalia Selyukina, who directs scientific, educational and public programs of the Historical Memory Foundation, are visiting the presenter Nikolay Marchenko.

debriefing (2022 № 5 ) We are going to deep space

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:37:42 to collection V4 7/5/2023

On July 3, 2022, the Sirius-21 space experiment was completed at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Oleg Blinov, Victoria Kirichenko, William Brown, Ashley Kowalski and Saleh Omar Al Ameri spent 240 days in conditions simulating a lunar mission: flight, docking with the orbital station, lunar landing, work on the surface of a natural satellite and return to Earth.

This issue discusses the prospects and results of the project, medical safety during interplanetary missions, preparation for flights, the answer to the question why humanity should conquer deep space, and much more.

Visiting the program is Professor Elena Fomina, Executive Director of the SIRIUS International Isolation Project Sergey Ponomarev, futurologist Evgeny Kuznetsov; the commander of the Sirius-21 crew Oleg Blinov is in direct communication.

debriefing (2022 № 6 ) Sanctions or war

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:31:41 to collection V4 7/5/2023

Healthy competition takes on a different meaning today, especially in space.

It remains to be understood according to which scenario the world cosmonautics will develop, whether there is a place for cooperation in orbit or a direct confrontation is approaching, space will become another battlefield or a platform for the implementation of joint projects.

Will the Cold War happen again?

Will Russia be able to ensure parity and dominance in the current situation?

Invited experts answer difficult questions and discuss them with the moderator.

Cosmonaut Elena Serova, journalist Igor Marinin, radio host Dmitry Konanykhin are visiting Nikolay Marchenko.