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big space (2021 № 43 ) 27.11.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:44 to collection V4 1/25/2023

Successful launch of the Progress M-UM module ship with the Berth module.

Key parameters of the new module of the Russian segment of the ISS.

The original emblem of the Berth module.

Prospects of using the "Berth", interview by Rustam Adbulkhalikov.

Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle, specifics and advantages.

Pre-launch weekdays on Baikonur, the plot of the television department of the KC "Yuzhny" (Anna Samoylenko).


big space (2021 № 44 ) 04.12.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:25:58 to collection V4 1/25/2023

At the Cosmonautics and Aviation Center at VDNH, a Gagarin Award ceremony was held, a story by Anna Shentseva with the participation of Dmitry Rogozin, Mikhail Pervov and Yuri Borisov.

The crews of the 20th visiting expedition to the ISS are completing preparations for the flight.

Industry meeting "Photovoltaics-2021".

What is the life of NPP "Kvant", the plot of Vlad Mironov.

Interview: Head of the department of NPP "Kvant" Andrey Lebedev, Alexander Bloshenko, General Director of NPP "Kvant" Pavel Cherenkov.


big space (2021 № 33 ) 18.09.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:27:01 to collection V4 1/24/2023

Dmitry Rogozin visited the Automation NGO in Yekaterinburg, the plot of Yulia Deryabina.

Interview: Andrey Misyura, General Director of NPO Avtomatiki, Dmitry Rogozin, General Director of Roscosmos.

Baikonur, a new batch of OneWeb satellites has been launched into orbit, comments by Dmitry Rogozin.

Preparations are continuing for the launch of the Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft and the Berth module, the plot of Vlad Mironov.

Interview: Sergey Larin, Head of the Soyuz and Progress spacecraft tests.


Херсонес Таврический. (1975 - 1980)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:07:39 to collection G 1/23/2023

Панорамы и виды Херсонеса Таврического, раскопанные археологами фундаменты древних зданий.

Раскопанные фундаменты домов.

Остатки колоннады на морском берегу.

Морской пейзаж, панорама руин Херсонеса.

Панорама части древней площади Херсонеса, вымощенной плиткой, вид не отреставрированного здания Свято-Владимирского собора.

Панорама части здания Свято-Владимирского собора и руин Херсонеса.

Панорама части руин.


Сельскохозяйственная коммуна Эйн-Харод в Палестине. (1921 - 1925)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:56 to collection G 1/23/2023

Палатки, поставленные членами коммуны на голой земле, люди у палаток.

Идет мужчина с двумя детьми.

Грузовые повозки на стоянке.

Проезжает повозка, запряженная мулами, вид жилых палаток и хозяйственных строений.

Жатки на технической площадке.

Жители поселка приводят в порядок посевные агрегаты.

Гусеничные трактора и сельскохозяйственная техника под навесом.


big space (2021 № 34 ) 25.09.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:25:59 to collection V4 1/23/2023

The 7th All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Orbit of Youth".

A fragment of Dmitry Rogozin's speech.

The plot starred Vladimir Matveychuk, the finalist of the contest "Orbit of Youth-2021" Nikita Matasov, Sergey Kud-Sverchkov.


- Preparation of the ISS-66 expedition is being completed;

- Preparation of the launch pad and the Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft;


big space (2021 № 35 ) 02.10.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:25:59 to collection V4 1/23/2023

The successful docking of the Soyuz MS-18 spacecraft from the Rassvet module to the Nauka module was carried out on the ISS.


- Preparation for the launch of the ISS-66 crew;

- Preparation for the launch of the Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft.

Perm, NGO "Iskra", the story of Anna Shentseva.


big space (2021 № 36 ) 09.10.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:25:59 to collection V4 1/23/2023

The Challenge project: for the first time in the world, Russian cinematographers on the ISS.

Chronicle of October 5, 2021 - the day of the launch of the Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft.

Fragment of the press conference: Dmitry Rogozin, Konstantin Ernst.


- Tests of the Progress M S-18 transport ship;

- Integration of the Berth module into the Progress M-UM ship.


big space (2021 № 37 ) 16.10.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:19:38 to collection V4 1/23/2023

Vostochny News: On October 14, 2021, the 11th launch of the OneWeb program took place.

The construction of the launch complex for the Angara rocket continues on the East.

Interview: Sergey Kostarev, head of the department of the launch complex "Angara" Nikolai Teslya.

The installation of a vacuum installation in the technical complex continues on the East.

Interview: Deputy head of the technical complex Ruslan Gayfulin.


big space (2021 № 38 ) 23.10.2021

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:25:59 to collection V4 1/23/2023

Oleg Novitsky, Yulia Peresild and Klim Shipenko are undergoing rehabilitation at the Gagarin Central Medical Center.

The meeting of the world's first film crew on Earth, the plot of Ninel Bayanova.

Comments on: Konstantin Ernst, Vladimir Mashkov, Oleg Novitsky, Julia Peresild.

Baikonur, preparation for the launch of the Progress MS-18 cargo ship.

Oxygen and nitrogen station on Baikonur, the plot of Vlad Mironov.
