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Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3461

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News, 3 footages, Duration: 0:10:31 to collection F 6/18/2013

Stunt on motorcycles and cars.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3467

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:08 to collection F 6/18/2013

Switzerland - The plot of the former nomads Graubünden (ethnic minority), living in Bern.

Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3488

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:11:39 to collection F 6/18/2013

Romania - N.Chaushesku Benyaka on the airfield during a demonstration of German aircraft.

Czechoslovakia - XXVII CMEA session in Prague.

Poland - International conference of politicians and scientists from eight of the socialist countries on the role of the working class and workers' parties in the modern society.

GDR - Working meeting - the GDR and Poland activists in Magdeburg, to plant them.


GDR - Visit D.Biedicha.

Meeting with E.Honekkerom and V.Shtofom.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3489

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:08:30 to collection F 6/18/2013

Denmark, France-A meeting of NATO Foreign ministers in Copenhagen, talks between Kissinger and Le Duc Tho in Paris.

Germany-Meeting of representatives of the film distribution in Baden-Baden, awarding prizes.

France-24-hour auto racing at Le Mans, newsreel and race 1973.

England-Classic horse racing (derby) in Epsom.

West Berlin - A football match between the national teams of Germany and Brazil.

Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3492

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:09:16 to collection F 6/18/2013

Finland - Helsinki.

Israel - Visit Brandt.

England - BEAM.

Laser weapons.

Images from the sci-fi movie.

Australia - Demonstration of a new means of saving people in a fire - a wet cover.

(Europe) - The problem of urban transport - "Taxi Cab", escalators, etc.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3498

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:18 to collection F 6/18/2013

GDR - the discovery of X World Festival of Youth and Students in Berlin.

Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3505

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News, 21 footages, Duration: 0:27:13 to collection F 6/18/2013

England, London - Demonstration of a new type of British hovercraft.

England, Cornwall - Anti-tank missiles continue to be carried out from the sea to the southwest coast.

Switzerland, Geneva - The beginning of a new round of negotiations between representatives of the USSR and the United States on the limitation of strategic weapons.

France - Counting of votes after the first stage of the general election.

Gibraltar - Maneuvers of the British fleet, which began despite the protest of the Spanish government.

Egypt - Sadat's speech to journalists on the situation in the Middle East.

Israel - A demonstration for the press of new rocket boats of local production, chronicle 1969: the arrival in Israel of one of the rocket boats built in France.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3506

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News, 22 footages, Duration: 0:22:50 to collection F 6/18/2013

Brazil - Rio de Janeiro is preparing for carnival.

USA - Meeting of G. Meir with Acting US Secretary of State K. Rush.

USA - President Nixon opposes further devaluation of the dollar, currency exchange.

USA - Secretary of State Rogers demands the death sentence for the murderers of American diplomats in Sudan.

USA - Collapse of a 25-storey building under construction in the suburbs of Washington.

Belgium - Finance ministers of the "common market" countries are postponing final decisions on the currency crisis for a week.

Belgium - The foreign Ministers of the "common market" countries do not find a solution to the issue of trade policy towards the Mediterranean countries.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3508

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News, 21 footages, Duration: 0:26:17 to collection F 6/18/2013

Chile-The Mapuche Indians demand better living conditions, although they say that the Allende government is the best of all existing ones.

USA - The UN Security Council is discussing Lebanon's complaint about Israeli attacks.

USA-Speech by representatives of Egypt, Israel and Lebanon at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

Israel-The Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, Elazar, presents the first military awards of Israel.

Israel-Strengthening of security patrols on the Lebanese border.

Israel - A mass religious procession in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

Israel-Trial of Druze (Christian Arabs) on charges of espionage.


Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3510

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:28:32 to collection F 6/18/2013

USA-The end of the siege of Wounded Knee and the signing of an agreement with the Indians.

USA - New achievements in the fight against cancer.

USA-Ending the boycott of the meat trade in protest against high prices.

USA-Late winter storm and flooding in the states of Wisconsin and Louisiana.

Italy, Rome-The arrest of two people with hand grenades and pistols at the airport.

Different countries of Europe-Chronicle of 1938-1939: fascism in Europe, the Munich agreement, etc., to the negotiations between representatives of the FRG and the Czechoslovak Republic in Bonn in April 1973 on the normalization of relations between the two countries.

Greece and Cyprus-The Athenian Cypriots are celebrating the 18th anniversary of the EOKA uprising in Cyprus, bomb explosions continue in the cities of Cyprus.
