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Cosmonautics. Star Armor. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:23 to collection V4 9/6/2022

The first fitting of a promising spacesuit.

The NPP Zvezda creates and tests new models of flight suits "Sokol" and spacesuits "Orlan" for work in outer space.

Natalia Burtseva's story starred employees of NPP Zvezda: head of the design department of space technology Arthur Lee, tester Sergey Dvornikov, chief specialist of the test department Gennady Glazov.

Cosmonautics. Save the astronauts. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:04 to collection V4 9/6/2022

Baikonur, large-scale exercises to test the actions of rescuers in possible emergency situations during the launch of a manned spacecraft.

Natalia Burtseva's story, interview: Andrey Vorobyov, Vadim Samoilov, Alexey Lukyanov, Vyacheslav Rogozhnikov, doctors Dulat Samaladin Uly and Yerzhan Igembayev.

Cosmonautics. Artek, "The First Space". (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:18 to collection V4 9/6/2022

The history of the space Crimea is part of the history of Russian cosmonautics.

Once the first lunar rovers were tested here, the largest space antenna in the USSR was installed, unique astrophysical observatories were built.

In the children's center "Artek", formed on the basis of the legendary pioneer camp, the "First space" shift took place.

For two weeks, the guys invented satellites, drew space, launched rocket models.

The organizers of the shift set a goal to show children that space is not only astronauts, but also many other interesting professions.

Interview: cosmonauts Yuri Lonchakov and Sergey Ryazansky, shift manager of the "First Space" Olga Moroz.

Cosmonautics. Bacteria - energy in space. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:16 to collection V4 9/6/2022

The orbital part of the mission of the Russian scientific apparatus "Photon-M4" has been completed.

Despite some losses, scientists consider it a success.

The results of more than 20 experiments have been delivered to Earth.

The main goal of such expeditions is to develop life support systems for interplanetary flights.

Interview: Ravil Akhmetov, Vladimir Sychev, Head of the laboratory of the IMBP RAS Vyacheslav Ilyin.

Cosmonautics. Century of Chelomey. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:02 to collection V4 9/6/2022

According to experts, Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey created equipment with a margin for several decades ahead.

His inventions are still working for cosmonautics, and, most likely, the ideas of the brilliant scientist will help people while traveling to other planets.

The plot of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the academician.

Interview: Herbert Efremov, Sergey Khrushchev, military engineer Konstantin Filh, Arkady Burgansky, Devil Minasbekov, Dmitry Yuyukov, Alexander Volkov, Nikolai Testoyedov.

Cosmonautics. Meteor Takeoff. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:21 to collection V4 9/6/2022

The Meteor-M weather satellite is being prepared for launch at Baikonur, it will become the second device of the Russian hydrometeorological complex.

From the orbital altitude, Meteor-M No. 2 will compile and transmit weather forecasts to Earth.

The launch of the Soyuz launch vehicle with a satellite is scheduled for July 8, 2014.

The plot starred Alexander Vorontsov, Deputy Chief Designer of the VNIIEM Corporation, and Alexander Churkin, chief designer of the Meteor-3M space complex.

Cosmonautics. Elena Kosmicheskaya. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:01 to collection V4 9/6/2022

Elena Serova, the fourth female cosmonaut in Russian history, is preparing for her first flight as part of the crew of the Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft.

The plot of Natalia Burtseva starred cosmonauts Alexander Samokutyaev, Elena Serova, Mark Serov, Barry Wilmore, a tester of NPP Zvezda Vladimir Titov.

Cosmonautics. The woman overboard. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:14 to collection V4 9/6/2022

In July 1984, for the first time in the world, a woman made a spacewalk, it was Svetlana Savitskaya.

For her, this flight was already the second, but a flight of world significance, the prestige of the country was at stake.

Svetlana Savitskaya worked outside the station for almost 4 hours and together with Vladimir Dzhanibekov conducted an experiment on electron beam welding in outer space.

Fragments of interviews from different years: Svetlana Savitskaya, Peggy Whitson, Sunita Williams, Catherine Coleman, Alexander Samokutyaev, Elena Serova, Victor Ren.

Празднование 300-летия Дома Романовых в Москве. (1913)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:09 to collection G 9/5/2022

Члены Императорской семьи и чины Свиты проходят мимо Чудова монастыря в Московском Кремле во время торжеств по случаю 300-летия Дома Романовых 24 мая 1913 года.

Проходят члены Императорской фамилии и чины Свиты.

Проходит Император Николай II и его супруга Александра Федоровна, за ними идут придворные чины и Великие Князья.

Император Николай II и его супруга Александра Федоровна в сопровождении чинов Свиты проходят по территории Кремля, за ними идет матрос с цесаревичем Алексеем на руках и Великие Княжны.

Начала военного парада по случаю 300-летия Дома Романовых.

Подразделение Собственного Его Величества конвоя во время парада.

Офицеры в седлах во время объезда войск императором.


Развитие наземного и воздушного транспорта. (1933 - 1979)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:30 to collection G 9/5/2022

Первые советские троллейбусы ЛК-1 во время ходовых испытаний в Москве в ноябре 1933 года, токоприемные штанги троллейбуса (сверху).

Члены приемной комиссии в салоне троллейбуса.

Вид задней части троллейбуса, едущего параллельно трамвайной линии, токоприемные штанги троллейбуса (сверху).

Скоростной автомобиль с обтекаемыми стреловидными формами кузова едет по улицам города.

Вывод из ангара многоместного пассажирского самолета.

Новый реактивный самолет ВВС США на аэродроме.

Армейские вездеходы США во время испытаний на бездорожье в 1960-х годах.
