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Спуск на воду эскадренного миноносца "Вобан". (1930)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:46 to collection G 9/5/2022

Вид части палубы эскадренного миноносца "Вобан" перед спуском на воду 1 февраля 1930 года в Дюнкерке (сверху).

Дочь командира миноносца перед церемонией разбития бутылки о борт корабля.

Рабочие выбивают опоры.

Разбитие бутылки с шампанским о борт "Вобана".

Вид части палубы миноносца во время спуска на воду (сверху), матросы машут головными уборами.

Миноносец сходит со стапелей на воду.

Движение миноносца задним ходом.

Советская металлургия. (1975 - 1985)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:18:39 to collection G 9/2/2022

Оператор управления оборудование по выплавке за рычагами пульта.

Лицо оператора, наблюдающего за работой оборудования.

Загрузка кокса в доменную печь, рабочий с лопатой.

Рабочие-металлурги беседуют во время перерыва, курят, лицо одного из металлургов.

Металлурги обсуждают производственный вопрос в ходе работы.

Лица металлургов во время обсуждения текущего производственного вопроса.

Металлурги во время работы.


Cosmonautics. The spaceport on the Zee. (2013)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:47 to collection V4 9/2/2022

The construction of Russia's future space harbor in the Amur Region is in full swing.

The equipment works around the clock simultaneously at several sites.

The launch complex, command post, residential buildings of the new microdistrict are already taking on real outlines.

The first launch of the launch vehicle is planned for 2015.

The plot starred Deputy head of production Sergey Kulikov, Deputy head of FSUE GUSS "Dalspetsstroy" Pavel Buyanovsky, acting head of FSUE "Spetsstroytechnologiya" Sergey Makarov, cosmonaut Roman Romanenko.

Cosmonautics. Moon race: the second round. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:40 to collection V4 9/2/2022

The moon is again under the close attention of earthlings.

After a long break, the Russian lunar program is becoming a reality.

Not only research with the help of lunar rovers is seriously considered, but also the creation of a lunar base for long-term expeditions.

In the story of Alexander Efremov, the chief designer in the direction of "Lunar programs" of the S.A. Lavochkin NPO Vladimir Dolgopolov, academician Lev Zeleny, deputy head of the assembly shop of the S.A. Lavochkin NPO Vladimir Rostov, Professor Vyacheslav Dovgan were filmed.

Cosmonautics. Weightless women. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:36 to collection V4 9/2/2022

Natalia Burtseva's report on the life and work of women in space.

The plot starred cosmonauts Elena Serova, Alexander Samokutyaev, Mikhail Tyurin, Sunita Williams, as well as the leading designer of the Centaur-Science enterprise Svetlana Kryutchenko and the general director of the enterprise Alexander Yarov.

Cosmonautics. Olympic Space. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:33 to collection V4 9/2/2022

A week before the opening of the XXII Winter Olympics in Sochi.

The history of the construction of the Olympic sports complex and monitoring of work from space.

Olympic torch relay on the ISS.

Going into outer space with the Olympic torch.

Interview: cosmonauts Sergey Ryazansky, Fyodor Yurchikhin, Sergey Krikalev, Oleg Kotov, Acting Head of the Scientific Center for Operational Monitoring of the Earth Andrey Shokol.

Cosmonautics. From "Tatiana" to "Lomonosov". (2013)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:13:44 to collection V4 9/2/2022

Work on space at Moscow State University began in 1957, when scientists were trying to find out the nature of the processes taking place in near space.

It was Soviet satellites with university instruments that confirmed the theory of the existence of the inner and outer radiation belts of the Earth, for this work scientists were awarded the Lenin Prize.

In total, students and teachers of Moscow State University have developed about 400 instruments for spacecraft and stations.

Today, MSU is the only university in Russia and one of the few in the world that develops its own spacecraft.

This is a promising vector of development of the oldest university in the country, in which the emphasis is on astronautics and astrophysics.

In the spring of 2014, a new MSU spacecraft named after the founder of the university will go into orbit.

Mikhailo Lomonosov will become the third representative of the space flotilla of the main university of the country after two mini-satellites "Tatiana" and "Tatiana-2".


Cosmonautics. Born by lightning. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:14 to collection V4 9/2/2022

Until recently, it was believed that all the beauty and horror of thunderstorms were over our heads.

However, stormy passions rage not only under the clouds, but also above them, lightning shoots up into space.

A scientific conference was held at the Institute of Space Research on the results of the work of the Chibis satellite, which was sent into space to study high-altitude lightning.

When a satellite flies over a thunderstorm front, it captures the radiation of waves of various lengths.

Scientists believe that there is a benefit in atmospheric electricity discharges.

According to one version, it was thanks to this powerful source of energy that the first life appeared on Earth.

The plot starred Professor Stanislav Klimov, Professor Sergey Svertilov, cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov, leading researcher at the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute Vladimir Sysoev.

Cosmonautics. Through the thorns to the stars. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:48 to collection V4 9/2/2022

Test cosmonaut Mukhtar Aimakhanov and his dream.

Interview: Mukhtar Aimakhanov, Sergey Krikalev, Alexander Solovyov.

Cosmonautics. Sochi from space. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:22 to collection V4 9/2/2022

Not only cosmonauts know what our planet looks like from space, but also the staff of the Scientific Center for Operational Monitoring of the Earth, which was created to combine all the achievements of remote sensing of the Earth.

The center's antennas receive information from remote sensing spacecraft.

From the images, you can observe how cities change over time, look for forest fires or illegal logging, predict weather, yield and even earthquakes.

The plot starred employees of the NC OMZ: Deputy Chief Alexander Semerikov and Anatoly Goncharov, leading specialist Sergey Bryantsev, forecaster Lyudmila Filonova, chief specialists Oleg Andrianov and Alexey Fedotov.