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Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1483

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News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:21:14 to collection F 4/27/2013

North Vietnam-Soviet MiG fighters participate in a combat operation.

South Vietnam-The arrival of Australian troops in Vietnam on the aircraft carrier "Sydney".

South Vietnam-Operation Manhattan.

South Vietnam - A Vietnamese film about the consequences of clashes with American troops.

South Vietnam-US artillery mistakenly directs fire at its marines.

Belgium-Demonstration of workers.

France-Steel workers ' demonstration in Saint-Nazaire.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1486

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News, 23 footages, Duration: 0:30:19 to collection F 4/27/2013

England, London - "March of Shame" because of the conflict in Vietnam.

France, Paris-A protest demonstration against the bombing of the US Air Force in North Vietnam.

North Vietnam - Hospital in Bac Tai.

North Vietnam-Destruction near Haiphong after an air raid by the US Air Force.

South Vietnam-Vietcong Leaflets.

South Vietnam-Viet Cong guerrillas destroy locomotives in a Saigon warehouse.

China-American planes shot down by the Chinese Air Force.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1487

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News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:14:15 to collection F 4/27/2013

Greece: Athens after a military coup.

Greece: Skirmish students with police during a demonstration against the government.

Greece: Skirmish students and the police after the dissolution of Parliament.

Greece, England: The normalization of the situation in Athens.

The demonstration in London against the military coup in Greece.

Greece: The story of the military seized power in Greece.

Greece: The story of a military coup in Greece.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1488

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:26:14 to collection F 4/27/2013

Spain, Madrid - Demonstration of students, fighting with the police.

Belgium, Brussels-Demonstrations for and against nuclear disarmament.

England-Test of a new fire extinguisher by an 80-year-old expert.

England-Celebration of the 403rd anniversary of Shakespeare's birth by representatives of 80 countries.

Italy, Sicily - The eruption of the Stromboli volcano for the first time since 1955.

Algeria-France is preparing to launch its fourth and fifth space satellites.

Algeria-The launch of a French scientific satellite from a base in the Sahara.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1490

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:12:32 to collection F 4/27/2013

Guinea: The bronze statue, Hotel in Conakry.

The festivities April 24: International Conference, organized by the World Council of Youth.

There Sekou Toure and his wife.

Egypt: Visit Podgorny (USSR) in the United Arab Republic.

Romania: N.Chaushesku I.G.Maurer and take in Bucharest deputy head of the Soviet government M.Lesechko.

Bulgaria: the 85th anniversary of Georgi Dimitrov.

France: Arriving at Orly airport, Prime Minister Kosygin of the USSR with her daughter, Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and other members of the Soviet delegation, meeting at the airport with KUvom de Murvillem and Burin des Rosiers, meeting at the Elysee Palace with General de Gaulle, lunch at the Palace.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1492

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News, 11 footages, Duration: 0:11:31 to collection F 4/27/2013

Europe: Women's soccer tournament.

The plot of Gibraltar.

USA: Exhibition of paintings by former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower at the Gallery of Modern Art in New York.

Dwight Eisenhower's wife is present.

Vatican: Catholic Mass of Pope Paul VI.

Italy: religious ceremony.

Vatican: The Cathedral of St.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1499

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News, 21 footages, Duration: 0:31:08 to collection F 4/27/2013

Turkey-The launch of a new ship from the slipways, Prime Minister S. Demirel and President D. Sunay speak.

Belgium-A demonstration in Brussels against US policy in Vietnam.

France-Missile system test.

England-Measures to prevent oil from entering beaches and resorts from a tanker.

Sicily-The end of the six-day march against the mafia in Palermo, Danilo Dolci.

USA - Testing of Lockheed field guns.

USA-Preparation of a new NASA observatory.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1500

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News, 20 footages, Duration: 0:31:19 to collection F 4/27/2013

South Vietnam: Shooting with the U.S. Air Force helicopter, the troops found a tunnel, where the Viet Cong hiding, troops advance through the jungle back down.

South Vietnam: The Australian reinforce hill in the VC.

South Viet Nam: Viet Cong bomb exploded in a densely populated area of ​​Saigon.

The victims of the explosion.

South Vietnam: The First Cavalry Division of the U.S. entices the Vietcong out of the caves.

South Vietnam: A team of the U.S. Army Parachute during Operation Junction City.

South Viet Nam: Supply of U.S. troops by air.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1508

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:08:29 to collection F 4/27/2013

Newsreel "Vietnam today."

Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1511

Title image

News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:08:28 to collection F 4/27/2013

Middle East.

Canada: President of the Federal Republic of Germany Liebke at the show in Montreal.

Germany: Meeting of the Protestant Church in Hanover.

President of the Federal Republic of Germany and Minister of Defense Liebke Schroeder at a rally under the slogan "Peace among us."

U.S. Surveyor-3 sends pictures from the moon.

Laboratory in Pasadena (California).

England: Installation of air purification, "Valiant" on nuclear submarines.
