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Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1512

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:11:26 to collection F 4/27/2013

GDR: Ball in Dresden, there is V. Ulbricht with his wife.

Hungary: Premiere of the film "War and Peace" in the Budapest cinema "Corwin" on a film of 70 mm.

Director S. Bondarchuk and actress L. Savelyeva at the premiere.

Japan: The Museum of the "Atomic Bomb", created by Maruka artists.

North Korea: A rally in Pyongyang for the withdrawal of US troops from South Korea.

Deputy chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly Kan Ryan Uk, etc .;

The dispersal of the demonstration in Seoul.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1514

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:13:10 to collection F 4/27/2013

France, Paris: A military parade on the occasion of the national holiday - Bastille Day - on the Champs Elysees. (Tanks AMX 3).

North Korea: The American plane drops bombs.

Fire extinguishing, debris analysis.

Defense artillery shoots down the US aircraft.

Captured American pilot.

Press conference.

UAR (Egypt): Minister of Culture E. Furtseva attends the ballet school in Cairo.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1516

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:42 to collection F 4/27/2013

USSR: The story of the death of Vladimir Lenin.

Personnel living in the country of Lenin in Gorki with Nadezhda Krupskaia.

Funeral issue of "Pravda" reported on the death of Lenin.

January 21, 1924 - snow-covered house in Gorki.

Funeral in Moscow: The Column Hall of the House of Unions, Voroshilov, Stalin, M.Kalinin at the tomb of Lenin.

The people at the funeral. S.Budenny and soldiers of the Red Army at the tomb.

The extension of the tomb in Red Square.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1517

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News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:10:23 to collection F 4/27/2013

Soviet Union: Party and government delegation of Bulgaria at the exhibition in the Tretyakov gallery in Moscow.

Germany: the Funeral in the Ruhr last representative of the dynasty Krupps - Alfred von Bohlen, head of the steel company.

USSR, Moscow: showing a new collection of Soviet designers at Gum.

USA: the Death of 34-year-old Hollywood actress Jayne Mansfield in a car accident.

Poland: Warsaw gallery, exhibition of works of Polish sculptor Alina Shaposhnikova, living in Paris, and her husband, graphic Novel Teslevich working for the magazine "Elle".

Germany: Memorial service at Villa hügel in Essen on the occasion of the death of Alfred Krupp von Bohlen.

Germany: the Story of the death of the first President of the Bundestag Paul Loeb; footage of performances by P. Loeb in September 1949 at a meeting in the Bundestag.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1519

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:01 to collection F 4/27/2013

Germany: The story of Alfred Krupp von Bohlen.

Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1521

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News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:10:25 to collection F 4/27/2013

Denmark: The story of the city of Copenhagen, the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the city.

Germany: The problem of unemployment and part-time.

East Germany: The first meeting of the newly elected People's Chamber.

Speech by Klaus Otto and Johannes Dieckmann.

Germany: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the tank regiment, stationed in


Germany: Wire fence in Saxony, which separates the two countries.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1527

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:25 to collection F 4/27/2013

Japan: Noise from aircraft naval base on the outskirts of Tokyo, the US, in the Akishima.

Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1528

Title image

News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:11:27 to collection F 4/27/2013

Sudan: Meeting of Ministers 30 the Arab countries in Khartoum.

Yugoslavia: Meeting of representatives of the socialist countries in Belgrade, to discuss economic cooperation with Arab countries.

Yugoslavia: the Return of the vessel Istra detachment of the Yugoslav people's Army, which was part of UN in the Sinai Peninsula, the transfer to Cyprus of the detachment of Indian troops.

A report from the UAR (Egypt).

Liquidation of consequences of war with Israel.

Emergency conference in Cairo.

The exchange of wounded prisoners of war on the banks of the Suez canal under the supervision of the United Nations by the courts of the red cross.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1532

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:29:11 to collection F 4/27/2013

Portugal - A story about Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Salazar.

Germany - Speech by German Chancellor Kiesinger at a rally on May 1 in West Berlin.

Germany - The arrival of US President Johnson at the funeral of K. Adenauer in Cologne.

Germany - Funeral of Chancellor K. Adenauer.

Norway and the North Sea - NATO Match Maker III Maneuvers.

Congo, Kinshasa - M. Tshombe was sentenced to death in absentia.

Congo, Kinshasa - Rally in honor of the sixth anniversary of the uprising in Angola.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1533

Title image

News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:20:54 to collection F 4/27/2013

USA - Production of electric cars.

USA - Herman the Hippopotamus on the coast of southern California.

Australia is a rare marsupial caught in Australia.

USA - Strike of radio and television workers.

Canada - American Quakers are shipping medicines and money across the Canadian border for North Vietnam.

USA, Detroit - Training of shopkeepers in shooting, in connection with the increased raids of robbers.

South Vietnam - Australian units are building a 10-mile-long barbed wire fence.
