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Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3145

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News, 18 footages, Duration: 0:32:45 to collection F 4/27/2013

USA - Remarks by President Johnson to the annual address to Congress and the American people (1968).

USA - President Johnson in the White House at the birthday party of his grandson.

USA - Nixon promised a "new dawn" for the U.S. if he is elected president (1968).

USA - President Johnson at the White House with his granddaughter.

USA - Sales of military toys in the store (drop in demand for military toys).

USA - Christmas illuminations and decorations in New York.

United States - The story of the education of young girls.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3146

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:34 to collection F 4/27/2013

Germany - XX Olympic Games in Munich

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3147

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:30 to collection F 4/27/2013

Germany - XX Olympic Games in Munich

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3151

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News, 14 footages, Duration: 0:21:26 to collection F 4/27/2013

Argentina - Suppression of student unrest in Tucuman.

Argentina - Student demonstration in Buenos Aires, dispersal of the demonstration, arrests.

Argentina - Relatives of political prisoners during a hunger strike to protest against the harsh conditions on a prison ship.

England, London - Thousands of people meet five dockers released from prison.

England - London dockers enthusiastically welcome the decision to hold a general strike, pickets, etc.

England - General strike of dockers (Southampton, Guernsey).

England - The strike of dockers leads to a shortage of vegetables and fruits, despite the delivery by plane.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3152

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News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:26:22 to collection F 4/27/2013

England (Northern Ireland) - the advance of the British soldiers in Belfast.

The largest shootout in 1972 in Belfast.

England (SEV.

Ireland) - clash of soldiers with Catholics in Londonderry.

England (SEV.

Ireland) - hundreds of Catholic families to flee their homes in Belfast, to force British soldiers to leave the area.

Iceland - Chess Fischer with a delay of 7 minutes to arrive at the first meeting with Spassky in Reykjavik.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3153

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News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:25:27 to collection F 4/27/2013

USA (United Nations) - The Security Council adopted a resolution calling on Israel to refrain from all military actions against Lebanon.

USA - McGovern says his supporters after winning the primary election in New York that he is confident in his candidacy for the presidency of the Democratic Party in Miami.

USA - Contenders for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party Senators McGovern and Humphrey expressed differing views on the way the release of American prisoners of war in the DRV.

USA - The first successful flight of a new fighter jet F-14 from the deck of an aircraft carrier.

Canada - The International Ice Patrol monitors the increasing number of North Atlantic icebergs.

Argentina - President Lanusse takes military parade in honor of the 150th anniversary of independence.

Peru - Folk Festival in the village of Ranchi in the Andes.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3154

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:28:37 to collection F 4/27/2013

India, Delhi - Indira Gandhi's return after meeting Bhutto in Shimla, Gandhi's supporters and opponents at the airfield.

Iraq, Baghdad - Meeting of finance ministers of Arab oil exporting countries.

South Vietnam - Saigon Marines and tanks are fighting to enter the province of Quangchi.

Australia, Sydney - Demonstration and rally in protest against the upcoming French nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean.

New Zealand, Auckland - A sailing yacht with an international crew goes to the area of the French nuclear tests in order to protest, an interview with the head of the Mitkalf movement.

New Zealand - Interview with Mitkalf, the head of the group of fighters against the French nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean.

Italy, Rome - Demonstration of a new metal detector for luggage at the airport.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3155

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News, 20 footages, Duration: 0:27:16 to collection F 4/27/2013

USA-the Consequences of tropical hurricane Agnes and the largest flooding in the history of the United States, the States of Pennsylvania and new York.

USA-a Man playing chess with a computer, interview with Dr.


US, UN-Emergency session of the Security Council, speeches by representatives of Lebanon and Israel.

US, UN-security Council Meeting, Lebanon's representative accuses Israel of using weapons.

Chile-Appointment of Ministers of the new Cabinet of President Allende in January 1972 (to the resignation of this Cabinet in June 1972).

Canada-Two of the world's largest fire-fighting bombers are battling wildfires in British Columbia.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3160

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:59 to collection F 4/27/2013

Germany - Munich Olympics (tragic incident).

Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3951

Title image

News, 21 footages, Duration: 0:28:43 to collection F 4/27/2013

England (Northern Ireland) - Ulster workers are returning to work after the end of a strike that ousted the Northern Ireland government.

USA - Senator Fulbright suffers a decisive defeat in the primary election for the Senate in Arkansas.

USA - experiments on obtaining a new type of nuclear energy from elements contained in sea water, using laser beams.

Syria - artillery fire continues in the Golan heights.

US - President Nixon announces on television the agreement on the separation of Israeli and Syrian troops.

Israel - Kissinger and Meir Meet with members of the Israeli Cabinet after reaching an agreement on the separation of Israeli and Syrian troops.

Israel - the leader of an opposition party criticizes the agreement with Syria on the separation of troops.
