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Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1641

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News, 18 footages, Duration: 0:25:09 to collection F 4/16/2020


Vietnam-ceremony secondary entry Nguyen Van Tneu for president.

Present Humphrey and others


Vietnam-The giant helicopter of the U.S. Army - "flying crane"-lift helicopter in the air is different marching hospital, etc.

South Vietnam, the American part is fighting for Hill 875. Interview with an American soldier.

South Vietnam, "Veterans" United States Air Force aircraft "Skayreyder" in action.


Foreign newsreels 1960 № 171

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:07:35 to collection F 4/13/2020

Foreign newsreels 1969 № 1899

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News, 12 footages, Duration: 0:18:53 to collection F 4/10/2020

Turkey - Automotive marathon London - Sydney.

Pakistan - Car marathon London - Sydney.

India - Car marathon London - Sydney.

West Berlin - the anti-Nazi demonstration in connection with the acquittal of a former judge of the Nazi.

Italy - Student demonstration in Rome.

Students and the police.

England - a New Anglo-French missile, "Martel" with the television device for the detection of the object.


Foreign newsreels 1968 № 1793

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News, 20 footages, Duration: 0:28:47 to collection F 4/8/2020

South Vietnam - Actions sapper part of the US army (defuse the bomb, mine, etc.)

South Vietnam - U.S. troops and helicopters start large-scale offensive in the a shau valley.

South Vietnam - Operation of the troops of the United States "Delaware" in the a shau valley.

South Vietnam - a New operation of the U.S. army to prevent a large scale attack patriots (the Saigon area)

South Vietnam - Battles in Saigon.

Civilians killed during a us helicopter firing.



Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2781

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News, 15 footages, Duration: 0:20:39 to collection F 4/8/2020

Syria and Lebanon - a Referendum on creating a Federation of Egypt, Lebanon and Syria.

Egypt and Libya - Declaring the results of the referendum in Cairo.

Parade in Tripoli.

South Africa - "non-white" employees of the two largest banks equal wages to whites.

Malgoska Republic (Madagascar) - Congress opposition parties called for severance of relations with South Africa.

South Vietnam - students Clash-Buddhists with the police during the funeral of a young Buddhist, who died in a military training camp.

Japan - the Consequences of the Typhoon "Trix" and the resulting landslides and flooding in southern Japan.


Foreign newsreels 1976 № 4772

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News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:27:13 to collection F 4/8/2020

Japan - Japanese Communists rally.

There is the French Communist Party leader Georges Marchais.

Kawasaki, April 8, 1976

Yugoslavia - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat arrives to Yugoslavia to negotiate with President Tito.

Bryony, April 8.

Japan - Press conference of the French Communist Party General Secretary, J. March.

J. March criticizes anti-Soviet policy of China.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4308

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News, 18 footages, Duration: 0:23:11 to collection F 4/7/2020

Zambia - Meeting at the airport in Lusaka, the Rhodesian African leader Joshua Nkomo.

Lebanon - Meeting of Parliament.

Prime Minister Solh resigns.

Beirut, may 15.

Italy - Arrive in Rome, the delegations of Greece and Turkey to establish contacts between the two countries.

Cyprus - the Meeting of the Committee on establishment of a joint Greek-Turkish Central government in Cyprus.

Nicosia, may 12, 1975


Materials on the film "the Berlin conference". (1945)

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Footage, 5 parts, Duration: 0:43:13 to collection A 4/6/2020

Гостиная во дворце Цецилиенхоф в дни проведения Потсдамской конференции.

Молотов В.М. госсекретарь США Бирнс Д., Трумэн Г., Сталин И.В. стоят на ступенях дворца Цецилиенхоф.

Лица Трумэна, Сталина, Бирнса и Молотова (панорама).

Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3515

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News, 20 footages, Duration: 0:26:36 to collection F 4/6/2020

USA Parade in new York on Valentine's day.

Patrick (Irish holiday).

USA - the Collision of two jet aircraft "Phantom" in the air, shot by the filmmaker.

USA - Police frees hostages, whom the robbers held the Bank during the robbery. (New York).

India - meeting of representatives of the United States rush and Sisko with Indira Gandhi etc.

Anti-American demonstration in new Delhi.

Japan - the Closure of the exchange exchange to Tokyo for a week in connection with the global currency crisis.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3970

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News, 15 footages, Duration: 0:23:33 to collection F 4/6/2020

Cyprus - the Problem of refugees in the British base in Dhekelia.

Cyprus - the end of the siege of Famagusta.

Cyprus - the Capture of Famagusta by Turkish troops.

Cyprus - Negotiations Vice-President of Yugoslavia Minich with Clerides.

USA (United Nations) - the UN Security Council again calls for cease-fire in Cyprus.

USA (United Nations) - the UN Security Council supported the request of Guinea-Bissau on techniques to UN members.

Democratic Republic of Congo - the Arrival of President Nyerere of Tanzania in Brazzaville.
