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Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3958

Title image

News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:26:45 to collection F 4/5/2020

Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2723

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News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:27:53 to collection F 4/5/2020

Peru - the Third year of the agrarian reform - a Report from Trujillo.

Peru - a Military parade in Lima in honor of the 150th anniversary of independence.

England (Northern Ireland) - New unrest in London after two people were killed by the soldiers.

England (Northern Ireland) - New unrest in Belfast and Londonderry.

Preparations for the celebration of the anniversary of the victory of Protestants over Catholics in 1609.

England (Northern Ireland) - Riots in Belfast.

England (Northern Ireland) - Riots in Belfast.


Newsreel of Nazi Germany. (1933 - 1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:14:38 to collection G 4/5/2020

Goebbels bypasses the formation of soldiers of the Hitler youth, the face of one of the boys.

Hitler during the last exit from the bunker in April 1945 congratulates Gard distinguished storm troopers, the Hitler youth, patted them on the shoulders.

Hitler talks with the admirals during the meeting at GHQ.

The face of a soldier of the SS division.

The attack is with a personal standard of Hitler.

Stormtroopers with standard.

SS officers with his hand in a Nazi salute during a parade.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5646

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News, 1 part to collection F 4/3/2020

Cambodia - Arrival of President Nicolae Ceausescu paid an official visit to Cambodia.

Phnom Penh

EEC (Belgium) - Prime Minister Manmohan Desai meets with President of the European Economic Commission Jenkins.


Israel (Jerusalem) - Celebrating the 11th anniversary of the entry of Israel in East Jerusalem.

Zaire - Arrival of Moroccan troops to help protect Shaba rebels from Katanga.



Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3713

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News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:29:57 to collection F 4/3/2020

USA-A large fire at a chemical plant in New Jersey.

Greece-General Angelis, the elected vice-president of the Junita regime, hands over command of the army to General Zagorianalos.

Chile - Demonstration of women in support of President Allende.

The Minister of Transport, who resigned.

Israel-Hijacked by terrorists Lebanese passenger plane at the airport.

Egypt, Syria, Israel, Kuwait-The war in the Middle East (October 1973).

Egypt-Egyptian soldiers on the east bank of the Suez Canal before the first ceasefire.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5816

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News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:31:02 to collection F 4/3/2020

Europe, Russia - Special report: 60 years since the end of the First world war.

Newsreel 1915-1978 years.

USA - Prime Minister of Israel Menachem begin, and U.S. Secretary of state Cyrus Vance to discuss the agreement on the Middle East.

New York.

Venezuela Refugees from Nicaragua speak about the atrocities of the troops of the national guard of the dictator Somoza.


UN Security Council opens debate on Namibia.


Foreign newsreels 1966 № 1388

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News, 20 footages, Duration: 0:23:52 to collection F 4/2/2020

Manila Conference on Vietnam.

China: The "Red Guards" at the Great Wall of China.

North Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City in conjunction defense.

USA: Water-jet cutter for use in swamps tested U.S. military engineers.

England: Interview Foreign Secretary D.Brauna after his return from Moscow to London.

France: Soviet escort ship "Assertive" with goodwill visit to Toulon.

France: Clash of the trade unions with the police in Paris.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4400

Title image

News, 21 footages, Duration: 0:30:21 to collection F 4/2/2020

India - destroyed homes, ruined crops - the result of flooding.

UN - Statement by the Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim to the UN.

UN. - Arrival in Cairo UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim meeting with A. Sadat.

His speech in Cairo.

England - Nuclear reactor for use in clinical therapy of cancer.

Italy - The election of a new leader of the Christian Democratic Party.

Tanzania - Arrival in Dar es Salaam Stolen in Central Africa of white students.


The atrocities of the Hitlerites in the occupied territories. (1941 - 1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:46 to collection G 4/2/2020

German soldiers searched the children returning in the Warsaw ghetto, confiscated they found vegetables and products.

Police ghetto taking children and teenagers in cars for shipment to concentration camps.

Jews give birth to a special prison.

Sign a special prison in Warsaw for the detention of Jews in German and Polish.

The Jewish prisoners in jail

The face of one of the emaciated prisoners.

Comrades take the prisoner under the arms and lift from the floor to the bench.


Blitzkrieg 1941. (1941)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:08 to collection G 4/2/2020

Passing a column of German motorcyclists.

The item type of an artillery battery of the Wehrmacht, leading to the fire.

German motorcyclists during a stop on the road.

Broken Soviet howitzer on the road, next to burns crawler tractor.

Past the burning truck passing motorcyclists.

The two girls greeted the soldiers of the Wehrmacht with flowers.

A German convoy moves through the streets of the captured city.
