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Fragment of speech by A. I. Mikoyan at the solemn meeting on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the NKVD. (1937)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:47 to collection A 10/3/2016

Types the auditorium of the Bolshoi theatre during the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the NKVD on 20 December 1937.

Mikoyan A. I. goes to the podium and prepares to speak.

AI Mikoyan speaks from the podium with a presentation on the history of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD and the role of the NKVD in the fight against the Trotskyites and other anti-party groups (synchronously), people in the audience applauded Mikoyan.

Newsreel of the great Patriotic war. (1942 - 1944)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:22 to collection A 10/3/2016

On the front line flying Soviet aircraft.

General view of the field of battle, Soviet tanks and infantry are attacking, the soldiers on-the-go we jump from tanks.

The attacking Soviet infantry.

Tanks and infantry to overcome the German trenches.

Attack train station in Orel in 1943.

The inscription in German "eagle" on the wall of the broken station.

Soviet artillery firing at the enemy.


The working class of the Soviet Lithuania. (1948 - 1950)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:46 to collection A 10/3/2016

Turner plant "Metalas", Tarnowsky shows students of a vocational school in order to operate the machine, check the quality of their work, the student grind out the details.

The face of the student working on the machine.

Cernauskas with the student at the bench.

The old working quarters "Brazilke" in Kaunas until 1940, the types of rickety houses.

Children on the porch of the house.

Family worker in the room.

Students of a vocational school working with a file for plumbing.


Berlin.. (1954)

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Footage, 2 parts, Duration: 0:06:34 to collection A 10/2/2016

City of Berlin.

Streets, monuments.

Brandenburg Gate.

Building State Opera.

City Park.

Children at the fountain.

The boundaries of American and British sectors.

The shareholders of JSC "MMM". (1994)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:46 to collection G 10/2/2016

A square in Moscow filled with people.

It's raining.

A man is sitting in a tent.

Nearby, a man is lying on a cot under a canopy of film.

Announcement of a hunger strike by MMM shareholders.

Portrait of Mavrodi in a tent, citizens on hunger strike.

People are protesting because of the arrest of the head of JSC MMM Mavrodi.


Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2390

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:11:46 to collection F 9/30/2016

Bulgaria - the Day of September 9 in the town of Melnik.

Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5101

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:09:05 to collection F 9/30/2016

The visit of the delegation of France, headed by Giscard d'estaing in Saudi Arabia.



At the airport the plane lands "Concord".

King Khaled meets delegation of France.

The pipeline in Saudi Arabia.



The first Congress of people's deputies of the USSR. (1989)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:45 to collection A 9/30/2016

View of the lobby of the Kremlin Palace of congresses before the meeting of the 1st Congress of people's deputies in may 1989 (above).

The deputies talk to each other, the faces of the deputies, the deputies in the lobby.

Talking to women MPs.

Poet Gamzatov, R. G. gives interviews, face Gamzatov.

M. A. Esambaev talking with one of the deputies before the meeting of Congress.

The deputies in the lobby awaiting the commencement of the session of Congress.

MPs up the escalator to the meeting room.


The Sights Of Leningrad. (1970 - 1979)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:29 to collection A 9/30/2016

Fragments and General view of the monument to Empress Catherine the great in Ostrovsky square in Leningrad, the view of the building of the Leningrad theatre of Opera and ballet.

Kirov (Mariinsky).

Panorama of the colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral on Nevsky prospect.

View of part of one of the palaces.

The Sculpture Of Judith.

Visit of Anthony Eden to Moscow. (1935)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:26 to collection A 9/30/2016

I. V. Stalin in the Kremlin welcomes Eden A.

Eden shakes hands with Litvinov, M. M. and Molotov V. M.

Eden, Stalin, may im, Molotov, Litvinov during talks in the Kremlin on March 29-30, 1935, Eden and Stalin.

Eden, accompanied by the May is on the platform before departure from Moscow to Warsaw on March 31, 1935.