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18th Congress of the CPSU(b). (1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:56 to collection A 9/30/2016

Delegates to the 18th Congress of the CPSU(b) in the courtroom.

A. I. Mikoyan, V. M. Molotov, K. E. Voroshilov, IV Stalin in the Presidium of the Congress.

Military buglers on the balcony of the signal.

The delegates in the hall applauded, Molotov, Voroshilov, Stalin, applauding, standing at the podium.

Military Academy of the General staff of the red army Cossack infantry units of the red army, who came to welcome the Congress, stand in line in the courtroom.

Sailors standing in the aisle of the hall, the audience views.

Lieutenant Chernopyatko I. D. says from the podium welcome speech to the delegates, the delegates in the hall, Voroshilov and Stalin in the Presidium listening to his speech, applauding.


The Soviet leadership at a gala event. (1948 - 1949)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:12:01 to collection A 9/30/2016

IV Stalin, VM Molotov, Shvernik N. M. Voznesensky N.. on the podium of the mausoleum during the may day demonstration.

Suslov M. A., shkiryatov MF on the mausoleum.

Vasilevsky, A. M., Bulganin N. A. Stalin, Molotov, Beria L. P., GM Malenkov, AI Mikoyan, LM Kaganovich welcome the troops from the podium of the mausoleum during the may day parade.

Vasilevsky made a speech from the rostrum of the mausoleum, on the podium stand Bulganin, Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, Mikoyan, Kaganovich, Shvernik, Stalin, Voznesensky.

Stalin, Beria, Malenkov, Mikoyan, Kaganovich, welcomed the participants of the may day demonstration from the rostrum of the mausoleum.

Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, Stalin, Kaganovich, Shvernik on the mausoleum, Beria looks up.

Kaganovich, Suslov greet members of the Politburo of the CPSU(b) in the courtyard of the Kremlin before the may day demonstrations.


Moscow in the days of the funeral of Stalin. (1953)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:55 to collection A 9/30/2016

I. V. Stalin in a coffin in the hall of columns.

The hands of Stalin the person and Stalin.

The orchestra plays.

The artist draws Stalin in a coffin, making the death mask of Stalin.

The military are mourning wreath.

A panorama of a queue to a newspaper kiosk on a Moscow street.

People stand in lines to newspaper kiosks on the streets of Moscow.


The celebration of the 23 anniversary of the October revolution in the Baltic republics. (1940)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:07:53 to collection A 9/30/2016

Red flags and portraits of V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin at the administrative buildings of Riga.

The layout of the tank before the demonstration.

A ship in the Harbor of the port of Riga, colored boxes with the number "23" on Board.

Red army 24th territorial corps of the red army passing in trucks at the square during a military parade in Riga in honor of the 23 anniversary of the October revolution, the command from the podium welcomed the troops.

Rides heavy artillery, the command of the district welcomed the troops.

By area, passing tank column, aircraft in the sky.

The people on the stands.


The election campaign in the Latvian SSR. (1940)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:18 to collection A 9/30/2016

Panorama of the meeting in one of the shops Riga Bicycle factory, dedicated to the preparations for the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, working men and women listen to the speaker speaker.

Working Stakhanovite M. Braude speaks from the podium with a proposal to call other companies on the socialist competition, the face Braude.

Workers voted for the proposal Braude.

General view of the clubhouse of the Riga tobacco factory.

People come to the club.

Interior view of the reading room club, people read books and Newspapers.

Girl reading a newspaper.


Visit B. N. Yeltsin in the Caucasus. (1991)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:52 to collection A 9/30/2016

Bn Yeltsin. speaking from the podium.

The panorama of the rally in the square in Vladikavkaz in March 1991.

People walk to the meeting through a police cordon, behind it is the platform Yeltsin and his entourage.

Panorama of the meeting, Yeltsin from the podium welcomed the demonstrators.

Yeltsin on the podium of the opening rally.

Participants of the rally holding the banner with the slogan in support of Yeltsin, the faces of the protesters.

Yeltsin on the podium, stands one of the leaders of North Ossetia, the view of the meeting.


In the capital of Soviet Latvia. (1940)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:15 to collection A 9/30/2016

View of one of the squares of Riga and adjacent streets (top), the streets go cars, trams and people crossing the street.

View of the building of the State theatre in Riga.

View of the monument to the Latvian playwright and poet J. Rainis, the inscription on the pedestal of the monument in Latvian.

The types of the Riga streets, tram rides, bus, people walking on the sidewalks.

The song and dance ensemble of the red army stands on a square of Riga, the audience listening to the song, applauding, the spectators.

Speech by the dance group of the ensemble, the military in the audience General view of the stage, the audience applauded.

70 years of Privolzhsky military district. (1988)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:14 to collection A 9/30/2016

General view of the main building of the Ulyanovsk Higher military tank school.

Those cadets standing in formation.

Sculpture M. A. Ulyanova with Volodya Ulyanov.

The face of the student reading the text of the military oath, the faces of war veterans.

Military parade in Ulyanovsk.

Monument to V. I. Lenin in Ulyanovsk.

Newsreel of 1918-1923 years: a General view of the Moscow Kremlin.


Vilnius after the accession of the Lithuanian army. (1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:22 to collection A 9/30/2016

A General view of one of the streets of Vilnius, people are Queuing for bread.

The owner of the bakery talking with standing in the queue of people, a panorama of the queue.

People come out of the doors of the bakery with loaves of bread in his hand, a panorama of a queue, view the queue at a nearby store.

Panorama of the streets, people stand in line the whole length of the sidewalk.

The distribution of the men soup from the field kitchen in the town square, people crowding at the field kitchen.

Soldiers-the cook pours soup in served him capacity.

People stand in line for soup, panorama and view of the square filled with people.


Historical places of Vilnius. (1950 - 1951)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:14 to collection A 9/30/2016

The types of Central districts of Vilnius (above).

Types of streets of Vilnius.

Fragment of a statue of the city founder, Duke Gediminas.

General view of the Gediminas tower.

View of one of the oldest streets in the city, the arch over the street.

Views of historic buildings of Vilnius, built in different historical periods.

General view of St.
